Shocking wrote:
If you're getting into olympic lifts you need coaching, if you don't have any and try complex movements such as the snatch & powercleans you will end up hurting yourself. These are all about technique.
I was thinking of getting the UvA olympic lift course. Only costs 70 euros, and I'm not planning on going to UvA in september so no point in waiting for that price to go down to the student one for me
problem of gym-space still remains though, if it really manages to interest me on a higher level than just some lifting fun, i might invest some money into it and get a mat (wouldnt want to wreck my floor), most likely outdoors (fucking ceiling)
If its all too much of a hassle logistically and financially, i might just drop the whole idea.
On a unrelated side note: Where do you guys buy gym equipment? The store i bought my current stuff at is fine and all, but they don't have some of the things i'm still looking for and maybe the one's some of you use are cheaper (which is always a nice extra)