Yeah, all I'm seeing is people saying it sucked on Twitter and TV
Bad plot is bad plot.
Art work looks like the stuff on the front of Discworld novels.
Will try and see it when I get back to english speaking countries
Will try and see it when I get back to english speaking countries

John Carter flop to cost Walt Disney $200m
From what I've heard tell the film itself isn't bad. Not great but not awful. Yet the marketing just made me (and the rest of the planet) think "meh". The $100 million they spent marketting this film was not money well spent. Stupid.
I think it's more to do with the film's marketing and image. All you see in the trailers is some guy and some green things in the desert fighting and yelling with no context whatsoever, and whoever decided it was a good idea to call a Sci-Fi action epic set on Mars "John" needs to get fired instantly. "John Carter" sounds like a character drama starring Tom Hanks or something, not an action sci-fi film. They should have named it after the first book: "A Princess of Mars". That would at least tell audiences that there is a princess and it's set on Mars. Or hell, the name of the last book "John Carter of Mars". Anything is better than John Carter on it's own.Ilocano wrote:
Bad plot is bad plot.
From what I've heard tell the film itself isn't bad. Not great but not awful. Yet the marketing just made me (and the rest of the planet) think "meh". The $100 million they spent marketting this film was not money well spent. Stupid.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2012-03-21 02:05:38)
The entertainment industry in general seems to like to blame everyone but themselves for their "misfortune"...but it's gross miscalculations like this movie that make it hard to feel sympathy.
For all the reasons mentioned, this movie just didn't seem that appealing. To anyone apparently. How $250 million was greenlighted on it, who knows, but I think they deserve to lose a bunch on a blunder like that.
Trying to focus on putting out quality, over quantity...I get that. But money spent does not a quality product make.
Anyone who's seen this movie...did you get the impression that the same story couldn't have been told without being one of the most expensive movies of all time?
For all the reasons mentioned, this movie just didn't seem that appealing. To anyone apparently. How $250 million was greenlighted on it, who knows, but I think they deserve to lose a bunch on a blunder like that.
Trying to focus on putting out quality, over quantity...I get that. But money spent does not a quality product make.
Anyone who's seen this movie...did you get the impression that the same story couldn't have been told without being one of the most expensive movies of all time?

Well since the director directed Finding Nemo and Wall-E, I assume Disney reckoned they'd left the money in very good hands.
it's a generic terrible failed blockbuster. 2/5.
Definitely could have. I was not impressed by it even once.-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:
Anyone who's seen this movie...did you get the impression that the same story couldn't have been told without being one of the most expensive movies of all time?
Last edited by DUnlimited (2012-03-21 02:34:26)
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
The main actor in this seemed to be doing a bad christian-bale-in-the-dark-knight impersonation.
Bad movie was bad. Although the terrible acting did at least provide some humour. Every time he half-growled some cheesy line we couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Bad movie was bad. Although the terrible acting did at least provide some humour. Every time he half-growled some cheesy line we couldn't help but burst out laughing.
Check out "Princess of Mars" on Netflix.
i went with pretty high expectations and the movie met none...well except for some humor here and there....
not worth the hype.. at all IMO
not worth the hype.. at all IMO
Last edited by lxcpikiman (2012-03-21 15:05:55)
but i liked itLittle BaBy JESUS wrote:
The main actor in this seemed to be doing a bad christian-bale-in-the-dark-knight impersonation.
Bad movie was bad. Although the terrible acting did at least provide some humour. Every time he half-growled some cheesy line we couldn't help but burst out laughing.
the gf and i enjoyed it but there was only like 4 other people in the cinema at 6pm on a thursday (shopping) night =/
the movie can be done a lot better but the lead could've done better... they should've explained the back story more and why the fuck the magic people are trying to fuck shit up. they don't explain dick lol, just more like "hur dur heres some mysterious magic bad guys."
From the trailer it looked like a weird mishmash of Avatar, Star Wars and Conan - Wasn't interested/10
Fuck Israel
What hype?!lxcpikiman wrote:
i went with pretty high expectations and the movie met none...well except for some humor here and there....
not worth the hype.. at all IMO

Cybargs wrote:
sad thing is john carter series pretty much was the first sci fi.

Fuck Israel
They did a pretty good job.
Of murdering it.
Of murdering it.
the book of genesis was first
Tu Stultus Es


Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
His name is Giorgio Tsoukalos.
Also a real world fact. God damn I'm on a roll.