+3,936|6652|so randum
XP owned, dont hate.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

it did. i refused to use vista and only upgraded from xp to 7.
+3,936|6652|so randum

and i only got w7 (a few months ago) because games started being unsupported on XP. for any notebook thing i'd still install XP
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Zee Ruskie
+295|6927|Moscow, Russia
XP still owns on machines supporting it and for applications that run on it. if not for lack of support there would have been no reason whatsoever to switch to vista or seven.

Last edited by Shahter (2012-02-19 05:19:24)

if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5940|Catherine Black
aside from, you know, 7 being better in every single aspect
+3,936|6652|so randum
except for requiring much more memory ergo, i would put it on a notebook nps
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
Intel to postpone mass shipments of Ivy Bridge processorshttps://i.imgur.com/577gR.gif
Monica Chen, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES [Thursday 16 February 2012]

Intel recently notified its partners about plans to postpone mass shipments of its upcoming Ivy Bridge processors. Despite that the company will still announce the new products and ship a small volume of the processors in early April, mass shipments are not expected to occur until after June, according to sources from notebook players.

Because most first-tier notebook vendors are having trouble digesting their Sandy Bridge notebook inventories due to the weak global economy, while Intel is also troubled by its Sandy Bridge processor inventory, the CPU giant plans to delay mass shipments of the new processors to minimize the impact, the sources noted.

With Intel changing its launch schedule, notebook vendors have all started adjusting their projects for new Ivy Bridge models; however, the notebook vendors still believe the PC replacement trend is unlikely to start until after September, when Microsoft launches Windows 8, and the first three quarters of 2012 will still be a dark period for the notebook industry.

However, Intel's decision to slow down its Ivy Bridge processor launch will benefit USB 3.0 chipmakers such as Renesas, ASMedia and Etron allowing them to earn an extra quarter of sales, according to sources from the chipmakers. The sources pointed out that the share of third-party USB 3.0 chipmakers in the notebook market was originally expected to drop to only around 20% in 2012, but with Intel's delay, their share is expected to climb back to 50%

الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic

FatherTed wrote:

except for requiring much more memory ergo, i would put it on a notebook nps
Windows 7 has much better memory management than Vista did and doesn't overload the computer. When you don't have a lot of RAM (but come on, if you don't have at least 2-4GB of RAM nowadays, you're an idiot), then Windows 7 is still quick. I had a friend who had one of the first EEE PCs with Win7 on it and it ran just fine on the normal HDD that was in there.

XP is an utter bucket of shit with shitty driver support. Anyone that hasn't made the switch to Win7 by now is an idiot (unless you're forced to use it for whatever technical reasons). I hated XP with a passion.
+3,936|6652|so randum
i wasn't talking about vista
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5940|Catherine Black

FatherTed wrote:

except for requiring much more memory ergo, i would put it on a notebook nps
nah not if you turn off aero and all the unnecessary stuff
Zee Ruskie
+295|6927|Moscow, Russia
XP was the best operating system produced my microsoft so far. is had everything "new" systems have and consumed less resources. the only reason to switch from it is lack of support. anybody who tells you vista or seven or anything else microsoft-made is better is an idiot who knows nothing about what an operating system is supposed to be.
if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
+3,936|6652|so randum

Finray wrote:

FatherTed wrote:

except for requiring much more memory ergo, i would put it on a notebook nps
nah not if you turn off aero and all the unnecessary stuff
then you end up with something not much better than XP, which still takes more ram, and takes more HDD space


i would put it on a notebook
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6889|Oxferd Ohire
xp was a bitch to get internet on

Shahter wrote:

XP was the best operating system produced my microsoft so far. is had everything "new" systems have and consumed less resources. the only reason to switch from it is lack of support. anybody who tells you vista or seven or anything else microsoft-made is better is an idiot who knows nothing about what an operating system is supposed to be.
Yes, because user friendliness, security and reliability have absolutely nothing to do with what an operating system should be. Tool.

One last thing, since this is something that a lot of people here really fail to grasp: Windows 7 (and Vista) uses RAM in a very different way than XP does. While XP doesn't put things into RAM very much, Windows 7 (and Vista) make much more efficient use of your RAM. Using RAM as a cache is what it was designed to do and XP never really took advantage of the speed that RAM offers versus a normal HDD. If you'll pay attention to how Windows 7 uses your RAM, you'll notice that when you're working, it's using RAM very dynamically whereas XP does not do any of this.

This the same kind of technology that you find in SSDs. The basic hardware on all SSDs is the same but what is key is the controller that handles the SSD's memory. Here is where you truly see the benefits of software design in relation to speed. Truly efficient and smart algorithms. It's the same thing with Windows 7. It's the same thing with Google. Why do you think that Google is so damned good at predicting what you need? The algorithms.

Instead of clinging to technology that is over a decade old and is so clearly obsolete, you might actually study the benefits that newer technology brings. Yes, XP is leaner and has a much smaller footprint than Windows 7 does. That's fine and ten years ago, that was important. Nowadays, however, HDD space and RAM is dirt cheap. OK, HDD space last fall wasn't that cheap, but that's Mother Nature doing her thing by wiping out hard drive production capacity. Look at what prices were before the tsunami - you could have 2TB for under €70 for crying out loud! I got 16GB of RAM for €62 just back in the fall. Hardware is cheaper than it ever was!

If you honestly think XP is the best OS, fine. I'm sure you're also still watching movies on Betamax or Laser Disc and listening to your music on tape or even 8-tracks...

Last edited by CapnNismo (2012-02-19 13:31:45)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6753|132 and Bush

Xbone Stormsurgezz
Zee Ruskie
+295|6927|Moscow, Russia

CapnNismo wrote:

Shahter wrote:

XP was the best operating system produced my microsoft so far. is had everything "new" systems have and consumed less resources. the only reason to switch from it is lack of support. anybody who tells you vista or seven or anything else microsoft-made is better is an idiot who knows nothing about what an operating system is supposed to be.
Yes, because user friendliness, security and reliability have absolutely nothing to do with what an operating system should be. Tool.
"user friendliness" is subjective. personally, i find post-xp ui's ugly and completely devoid of improvement over their predecessors.
security? give me a break. if uac and "improved" windows firewall is security them i'm bill gates on a white camel.
reliability? pffft. xp installation on my brother's machine is 7 years old, it went through two hardware migrations (amd-intel-back to amd) and it's still rock solid and lightning fast. and with firewall and anti-virus off it only occupies about 70mb of memory.
security and reliability my ass. tool yourself and go teach you mom how to make sandwiches or something.

<here be enormous EDIT-thing about memory and other bullshit>
mega-fetch, uber-fetch, superduper-fetch and whatever else they have in there comes at a price - reduced lifespan of your hdd or ssd, and i'd take that over a fraction of a second improvement it gives me in application loading time any day, thank you very much. plus, with ssd drives getting cheaper and more available all this "pre-loading" crap has already become redundant.

anyway, operating system is not there to assume control over your machine - it's there to give you control over it. xp was the closest to be the best of both worlds among microsoft os'es, hands down. and if you so happen to prefer an os for housewives you should have gone for mac anyway.

Last edited by Shahter (2012-02-19 22:09:40)

if you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.
Work and study @ Technical Uni

New drivers for NVIDIA. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvi … river.html

Lots of updates, highly recommend installing them asap.
3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5120|Dundee, Scotland.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
ditto. Saw the update notification in my tray before I went to a concert and then finally updated when I came home.
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5120|Dundee, Scotland.
yeah i got the email at work tonight
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6627|Foothills of S. Carolina

GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:

New drivers for NVIDIA. http://www.nvidia.com/object/win7-winvi … river.html

Lots of updates, highly recommend installing them asap.
Hoping they fixed, or at the very least mitigated, the kernel crash issue.
Un Moderador

CC-Marley wrote:

I need a new Dell monitor. Replacing my S2309W. I was thinking of a U2312HM. Any ideas on it?
It's rather unfortunate that you aren't in the EU or UK, because I would personally never pay the extravagant prices that Dell asks for its Ultrasharps (which would be the next logical upgrade from a TN Film/PVA/etc). Hazro make some incredible screens (I have a 27 inch H-IPS, LED backlit 10bit monitor from them) and are a fraction of the price. I could never justify the 27 inch or 30 inch from Dell because their prices did not match performance. The only reason they could add such a premium price onto it was because of the "Ultrasharp" brand. But in reality the Dell Ultrasharps have more issues than pro's. I'd personally look into getting an HP panel.


TFT Central should be your holy grail for all monitor information. There is no better site on the net to talk about monitors, and the guy that reviews them is constantly active on the forums to answer any questions. I myself asked and he recommended me the Hazro... I couldn't be happier with my purchase.
Un Moderador

Oh yeah, and techies, I need to pick your brain on something:

I've had this for a while, and it's been happening across operating systems (I run 10.6.7, 10.7.2 and Windows 7) and I cannot for the life of me figure out what is causing it.

Basically, every now and then, out of the blue, without any apparent reason, my computer shuts down and restarts. There is no warning, no freeze, no nada. It just shuts down, then restarts as if nothing happened.

Now it's not a GFX problem as I switch between GFX'es when switching from W7 to OSX. It's not a hard drive issue as I run different hard drives for the operating systems (and disable the others so that W7 doesn't fuck up my OSX installations). It's also not a RAM issue because I did a memtest when I got them and I've checked all system logs.

Basically I have no clue what's causing it. I  assume it's the PSU/Mobo/CPU combo, but that's incredibly strange as they're all rock solid pieces of equipment and this didn't happen when I first set up my PC.

Specs are as follows:

i7 920
Asus P6T (normal edition)
8800GTS 640Mb (for OSX) / ATi HD 6990
Corsair AX750 Professional Series PSU
Samsung 830 Series 256GB SSD
2 x 500GB SATAII hard drives (one samsung, one WD)

Any ideas? I'm wary of starting to debug everything because it's all perfectly set up now, but if it continues to happen then I might just have to.

You are physically swapping the GPU's?
Un Moderador

Ilocano wrote:

You are physically swapping the GPU's?
Unfortunately yes. I know it's not a good thing to be doing, but that shouldn't be affecting anything as both systems are set up to run the selected GPU.

I can't run the HD6990 on OSX because neither the 6970 or 6990 are supported by OSX and they will never be. So I have to swap out the 8800GTS for the 6990 when I'm switching to W7. Mind you, this is becoming much rarer as I'm using my desktop as a tool to work rather than a gaming station (which is what W7 is there for).

And no, I cannot have both GPU's in the case because it is far too fucking small. That's my next port of call - new case.

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