no, I grew up in southern california. Out of curiosity, isnt the pacific northwest the whitest part of the nation?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
You must not've grown up in the pacific northwest.GunSlinger OIF II wrote:
you must have had a really bad childhood judging by the sentiment of most of your posts. my friend, your America is not the same America that I have experienced.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
He will be remembered by Democratic presidential hopefuls as a way to get more votes. Besides which, if it weren't for a Democratic president, none of the things he accomplished would've mattered.
To public school students: get ready for another long enjoyable month of black history. To the white ones: never forget how horrible and evil your people are. Teachers will keep pounding it into your head until it becomes a part of your being.

happy bday
Let freedom ring:
Xbone Stormsurgezz
RIP - He's an inspirational guy. Wish there was more people like him and Bobby Kennedy alive today.
on the 15th obv but celebrated today.
happy birthday dr king
happy birthday dr king
Why did you have to bump this with lowing lurking?
inb4racism I guess.
inb4racism I guess.

inb4lowingaccusesyouofjumpingtoaccusinghimofracismthenisracistbutclaimshesvictimised.Doctor Strangelove wrote:
Why did you have to bump this with lowing lurking?
inb4racism I guess.
I'd type my pc specs out all fancy again but teh mods would remove it. Again.
nah lowing has previously posted mlk was a bit of a fraud, cheated on his missus and plagiarised his phd thesis & i have a dream speech.
dont think it was anything racist though.
dont think it was anything racist though.
Last edited by m3thod (2011-01-17 18:55:01)
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
that day again
Yeah but he plagiarised his thesis so everything else he did is invalid.
Plus he's black, I mean c'mon.
Plus he's black, I mean c'mon.
Fuck Israel
Yeah, being murdered for being a peace activist and everything. I mean, c'mon man, it's the rich white man here who is being oppressed, through political correctness and taxes.Dilbert_X wrote:
Yeah but he plagiarised his thesis so everything else he did is invalid.
Plus he's black, I mean c'mon.
Yeah, being murdered for being a peace activist and everything. I mean, c'mon man, it's the rich white man here who is being oppressed, through political correctness and taxes.Dilbert_X wrote:
Yeah but he plagiarised his thesis so everything else he did is invalid.
Plus he's black, I mean c'mon.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
Punish the succesful to help criminals - that was MLKs dream.
Fuck Israel
Don't forget the heterosexual males who are now discriminated against because only two gay men can marry in certain states, but not two straight guys.DUnlimited wrote:
Yeah, being murdered for being a peace activist and everything. I mean, c'mon man, it's the rich white man here who is being oppressed, through political correctness and taxes.Dilbert_X wrote:
Yeah but he plagiarised his thesis so everything else he did is invalid.
Plus he's black, I mean c'mon.
He cheated on his wife. What a piece of shit. /lowing
It's that day again. Happy Birthday MLK Jr.
Nonviolent protest doesn't work without there being at least some threat of violence behind it. Gandhi and the Indian protest were the last stop right before another full Sepoy rebellion that in the post WW2 cold war climate, Britain would not be able to stop. MLK's protest were the last stop before racial warfare in a U.S. still struggling to prevent the expansion of the USSR.
I'm not downplaying what either man has done. I'm just saying that when trying to get political change on the level both of those guys worked towards then widespread political violence and terror has to be at least a possibility.
I'm not downplaying what either man has done. I'm just saying that when trying to get political change on the level both of those guys worked towards then widespread political violence and terror has to be at least a possibility.
I had a discussion with one of my Professors about the extent to which MLK helped accomplish civil rights for minorities in the United States. It was more of an argument as he was yelling at me and labeling me a racist. All throughout the semester he was asserting the US was "the land of the free, home of the brave" and kept reiterating similar rhetoric. One of the examples he used was the civil rights movement being a pinnacle of US exceptionalism. I said that civil rights laws were passed under the guise of "liberty and equality for all," and the real pressure was from the Soviets and fear of more countries turning Communist he went off.Macbeth wrote:
Nonviolent protest doesn't work without there being at least some threat of violence behind it. Gandhi and the Indian protest were the last stop right before another full Sepoy rebellion that in the post WW2 cold war climate, Britain would not be able to stop. MLK's protest were the last stop before racial warfare in a U.S. still struggling to prevent the expansion of the USSR.
I'm not downplaying what either man has done. I'm just saying that when trying to get political change on the level both of those guys worked towards then widespread political violence and terror has to be at least a possibility.
Alas, internest convergence
Interest convergence will be why the country's drug laws will be reformed in at least some small way in the next 5-10 years. Basically because mainstream Americans have developed a taste for pot and wants a cut of the business rather than people getting fed up with mass imprisonment.
Dangit missed it by a day.
Oh well Happy Birthday
Oh well Happy Birthday
4 days late, but remembrance day...
My bday today.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
That makes sense.13rin wrote:
My bday today.

Almost forgot.
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday