+77|6771|The Netherlands
i allways die on the stranges way:P, supply box, falling bullits, granade tossed against my head and dead before it blows, or...or......someone shoots a bullit thru my head

i HATE the PKM and i LOVE the G36E
+22|6806|England, UK

polarbearz wrote:

Even if i don't kill you you'll stab yourself trust me. Playing with me gives you the incredible urge to stab something. Cat? No, too bloody. Dog? no, man's best friend. Rig? No, too expensive. Girflfriend? No, no sex.

So you'll stab yourself. And that's not a good thing.

+1 for laughin? lol joke

Last edited by raz (2006-05-19 04:39:19)

Howdah Lysozyme
+21|6769|Pittsburgh, PA
When playing as a medic I like to throw med packs to the poor bastard that I just killed 
+191|6769|The Netherlands
i own sometimes even whit lags(that i have all the time)

LaidBackNinja wrote:

I am a pretty decent pilot in air-to-air engagements, but I can't drop bombs for shit.

Whenever an enemy in a car tries to run me over, I tend to stand still and attempt to 'jump over' their vehicle, invariably getting me killed.
OMG, I do both of those too! Damn, I now know of 1 other person that does these stupid things!
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
+3,611|6763|London, England
I'm a magnet when it comes to friendly planes flying into me. Whether it be me being a passenger in a black hawk or me piloting some plane. A friendly plane will, 60% of the time, fly into me. (And usually i get a TK/Punish)

I sometimes kill myself when it's inevitable i will die (me facing a tank on my own or something), I'd rather lose 2 points then let someone else get them.

When playing as sniper i have trouble hitting still, prone enemy's. Yet i can hit a moving target easily. Stupid eh?
+1|6825|Oslo, Norway
I believe i must have the highest get-raped-by-artillery score of all! For some reason I am the only one who gets killed by enemy arty every time. Is there a stat to show death-by-arty? If so I would rule it!
a fly
+105|6786|The netherlands
I'm always spamming the chat, i get blocked for spamming with typing with long sentences...

i hate commanders that spam but when I'm medic the screen fills up with 14 clears per sec

i love the m95 and when i get owned i always say "don't make me take the l96" and then i get owned with when having the l96, it sucks so hard.

for some reason i cant bomb not moving targets but hit imposable to hit angles....

if someone on my team has a j-10 and i have 1 and they start raping when the enemy has a few flags (rape the uncap) i will shoot a few m-gun bullets at them, and allot near them to scare them :-)

i killed more infantry with the plane m-gun then with bombs. (including AA) (flying a plane)

When i have a noob gunner (in the plane or chopper) i will spam get out, i changed the localization files that on my screen at the Q menu, it says "get the fuck out!". if someone doesn't i will crash it or use out of bounds....

did i mention i spam alot?

thats about it....
Kick His Ass!
+371|6836|Howell, Mi USA
My most spotted vehicle is boats and my most played map is Kubra.........
I always manage to spawn in front an en enemy, infront of a moving vehicle, during artillery barrage, or while an enemy chopper is spamming the area.....    most of the time my average life expectancy on the battlefield is 3 seconds..... kinda gets annoying after a while.....

Sometimes I feel like I've got this big blinking arrow above my head.....   I learned to live with it..... someone has to be target practice
Weird thing is i own but i still keep dying...
Got milk?
I always rush forward and die because of claymores...
+77|6771|The Netherlands
if i walkover a claymore i never die, and if i see it, also from about 30 feet distance, it blows
If I see the enemy at the exact same time as them and we start a shoot out I will lose 100% of the time. I must panic or something. Its annoying.
My weirdest thing?

When it goes bad, it goes real bad. Example:

- I spawn into arty 2 times in a row. (First into enemy, second into friendly.)
- Next time I spawn I spawn in claymore.
- Then I spawn, walk for 5 feet, get killed by a tank.
- Spawn again, killed by a nade.
- Spawn again, see someone who I can kill. Shoot, miss all, empty an entire clip, he still doesn't see me, a
   jet comes by and steals the kill, and teamkills me.
- Spawn again, see an empty tank, I run to it, get it, get blown up by a mine.
- Spawn again, see an enemy vehicle. Runs over me.
- Spawn again..

You get the point. Murphey's Law. (God, I hate that guy!)

Last edited by Speelbal (2006-05-30 10:10:52)

Press 1 to Kill
+81|6796|Westminster, Colorado
1.) I tend to pull out the knife/shock paddles instead of the pistol after running out of ammo.
2.) I prefer transports to armor for the sheer pleasure of road kills
I play sniper for fun n to get my kdr up, then ruin it by spazing out with a medic trynna whore with shock paddles. I also go through stages where I hardly ever die and kill lots, then I will die without seeing people
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6707|Area 51

k30dxedle wrote:

Mine: I am better with an MP5 than a J-10.
I am better with the M16A2 then the G36E..
Flying Solo
+98|6912|Canada, Ont
I spend 51% of my time in a Vehicle and 60-68% of my kills are in a vehicle. (Considering Arty kills count for Ground Defense and Air Defense when you are sitting in them Commanding)
I don't bunnyhop, dolphin dive and noobtoob (before the patches) because I want to look cool when I'm in battle. I also think the G36E is the worst unlock of them all, if I pick it up I immediately throw it away in disgust. I rather have a PP-19.

voltage wrote:

I don't bunnyhop, dolphin dive and noobtoob (before the patches) because I want to look cool when I'm in battle. I also think the G36E is the worst unlock of them all, if I pick it up I immediately throw it away in disgust. I rather have a PP-19.
Ieew! I need some disinfecting soap! FAST!
+9|6890|Philly PA USA

King_County_Downy wrote:

I play very, very drunk most of the time.
LOL   I play stoned most of the time   
Power Lurker
+27|6809|Jacksonville, Florida
I snipe and use the Internet at the same time.
Say wat!?
no one ive seen plays the same way as me...
i always take my shoes off

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