
After playing a fair amount of the BF3 beta I'm very much missing the commander role from BF2. Unless it's added in to the retail game I don't see any way to do team-level coordination in the game save chat, which is cumbersome and slow and, let's face it, useless on the fly. I'm fearful, too, that a team-wide VOIP channel will turn into something similar to Halo on the Xbox: a bunch of kids or people acting like kids who want everyone to hear them mouth off. Restricting team-wide voice to the commander was a GOOD idea.

I'm kind of concerned about DICE's reasoning, too:

We could implement it, but the questions is “how do you get the threshold lower?” That’s not by making it more complicated. Our challenge is to make sure that anyone that just jumps into the game will get it.
source: … er-feature
Too complicated? So they want to dumb the game down to make it more accessible? Commander mode wasn't something you had to do, it was just extremely helpful for a team. The result is very problematic - in an effort to make the game more accessible they remove the team coordination element and turn it into an individual and small-group game. Their reasoning is pretty flat, too:

We tried in Bad Company 2 to give that t players, so you could issue orders to your squad, and you could use gadgets like the UAV that only the commander could use earlier — giving the power back to the players so everyone could use it. That made a big difference. More people could enjoy the game. We lowered the threshold for everyone because we gave it to everyone. We now know the boundaries are for keeping the strategic depth and complexity while lowering the threshold to get in.
So let's get this straight - intentionally they remove options for team-wide communication to decentralize coordination to the squad level while also not putting any other team-wide communication option in? Already that's one big step away from this being a team game and a big one towards being an individual/small group achievement exercise. In fact, let's be clear - with no coordination options it really is not a team game anymore but an infantry squad combat game. There are some other guys around you that are going after the same objective but they might as well be their own team if you try too hard to coordinate your efforts with them.

What I hope is that this is not symptomatic of DICE lowering the bar to take aim at Modern Warfare. Teamwide communication was neutered to just the one-button "spot" feature in BC2. I hope they package in some more robust options in BF3 so the game can again be about the team, not just about squad combat.

Above text by JdeFalconr
Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6862|Sammamish, WA
Thanks NooBesT for posting that, don't know why the site wouldn't accept my post.
Deeds, not words.
+311|6926|Greenwood, IN
I like the post.  Even if DICE doesn't implement a command wide VOIP at the very least they could have squad leaders communicate with each other.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Commanders were such a big part of bf2 - you can't have a bf3 without them. This game is more like bc3, than bf3, very disappointing.
+1,339|6495|Sydney | ♥

Needs commander, need in game voip, needs a command rose.
everything i write is a ramble and should not be taken seriously.... seriously.
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
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Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted

No thanks.

Last edited by jmsprovan (2011-10-08 04:42:37)

+3,936|6820|so randum
Enemy Boat Spotted
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella

jmsprovan wrote:

Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
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Enemy Spotted
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Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted

No thanks.
Not hard to implement a max amount of times the commander can do that within a certain time period.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6108|Catherine Black

jmsprovan wrote:

Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
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Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
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Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted

No thanks.
I fucking hated commander spam.
Agree that having a commander would be useful but it seems they've done away with it deliberately. Way to design a 64 player PC game EA.

Squad leaders also don't seem to be defined clearly enough. You only get a small star above your own squaddie and it's pretty hard to identify any other squad leaders on your team (not that there's much need to anymore).
When a squad leader went down in BF2 it was always a priority to revive him (even if he wasn't your own squad leader). That extra little element of gameplay is now greatly reduced or even non-existant because of the new squad spawning system (ie. there is now no more incentive to revive a squad leader than there is to revive any other player). In BF2 if a squad leader went down he would have to respawn at a flag, now he just respawns on a live squad-mate. You used to have to actually LEAD your squad and adopt a different style of play from when you were a regular squad member. That element is now greatly reduced.

I don't see any problem with dumbing down the PS3 and Xbox versions as they're always going to be full of 12 year old kids who have difficulty co-ordinating and assisting each other. It also reduces the power needed to run these versions of the game.
They can call these the "BF3novice" versions of the game.

Surely though, the PC version should include ALL the more complex gameplay features that they feel have to be "dumbed out" of the console versions so the little kids can feel competitive. They can call this the "BF3Pro" version of the game.

Or how about BF3C (for consoles) and BF3PC. They should definately NOT be the same version of the game on such vastly different platforms.
Economies of scale (yeah sure) or just plain lazyness and an inability (or unwillingness) to cater to the more mature PC market.

By providing essentially the same versions of the game (gameplay-wise other than player numbers) for both consoles and PC's the developers are not realising the full potential of the PC version.

Anyone remember the differences between BF2 (for PC) and Battlefield:Modern Combat (for Xbox). They were the PC version and the dumbed-down console version of the same game.
There was a reason they were different and that's because the two different platforms have different capabilities.
Why should PC players (with far better systems) be relegated to the piss poor gameplay of a console title.

Console VOIP (due to being voice-activated as per the Xbox) is pretty much restricted to a single channel and they chose squad talk which is fair enough.
Why is the PC version also restricted to only one VOIP channel. There is no valid reason for this at all.
BF2 had more than one VOIP channel and that was released 6 yrs ago.

Hopefully the first couple of patches will allow them to introduce a few more complex gameplay features for the PC version.
At the moment they will be working on getting ALL versions ready for retail release.
With any luck once that's done they can work on bringing the PC version up to where it should be in terms of being a more complex version of the title.

Some examples for the more complex PC version :
1) introduce a commander position OR actually give some USEFUL additional functionality to the squad leaders
2) commo rose at the very least so that you can communicate simply and effectively with team members outside your own squad. It's said to be in the retail version but it remains to be seen if they've done it well.
Given the poor design of the minimap I cannot see the commo rose being anywhere near as effective as it was in BF2.
In BF2 when you called for a medic all the nearby medics were highlighted on your minimap with medic symbols. When you called for repairs any nearby engineers were clearly identified on your minimap with the wrench symbol. Similarly when someone else called for medic/ammo/repairs that person would be highlighted clearly on the minimap so you knew exactly who was asking for what and from which direction.
I simply cannot see how this functionality will be achieved with a monochrome map which is far too small to see clearly when in normal position.
3) a secondary "squad leader" channel that is only audible to other squad leaders. Something like "Mumble" (proximity VOIP) for all team-mates would also be a great idea.
4) have squad members ONLY able to spawn on the squad leader (and squad leaders UNABLE to respawn on squad members) and re-introduce the need for a squad leader to play tactically rather than just playing as another grunt (as is now the case where they can simply spawn back in on a live squad-mate).
5) allow larger squads in the PC version.
6) a more comprehensive minimap with full colour and functionality. How can they possibly think the current minimap is better than BF2's?
7) allow players the option of turning off the majority of the scoring text. Keep the kill messages but allow players to toggle on or off the constant scoring text rolling up the middle of the screen if they want to. I can already envisage the config files (for screen text) being changed by players to remove most of the scoring text since it's currently way over the top.

Last edited by (27th)Kaptyn (2011-10-08 14:04:55)

Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
ITT: People acting like people actually listened to commanders, and that most commanders actually knew what they were doing.

Commander's only realy ablities were UAV, Arty and car drop. UAV is now on Recon, arty on Support, but I do miss car drop.
back to i-life

And I do miss a way how to ask for ammo. The chat window is awful, minimap is the worst I have ever seen.

As for commander, he would be able to stop that little chaos going on, I have no clue which flag is closer to me, where is the main effort going on or where enemies are sneaking in.
+2,382|6998|The North, beyond the wall.
i think a proper minimap and full map is paramount to the battlefield series which large, non linear maps.

its just dissapointing.

legionair wrote:

And I do miss a way how to ask for ammo. The chat window is awful, minimap is the worst I have ever seen.

As for commander, he would be able to stop that little chaos going on, I have no clue which flag is closer to me, where is the main effort going on or where enemies are sneaking in.
That last point is particularly relevant.
On conquest mode (where any of the capture points may be taken in any order) it was vital to know (from the commander) when the enemy was doing a sneaky end run. Imagine what Karkand on Conquest will be like when there is no-one to inform the team when the Factory flag is being attacked at the rear of the map (if it's still able to be capped, hopefully it's an Uncap this time around). As it stands currently you'll have to be lucky enough to have someone spot the sneaky runs on the rear flags, and then it will be a choice for that person to either take them on by themselves or take time out of the match to hit the chat window and inform the rest of the team what's happening. This gets them killed without anyone else knowing an attack is in progress or has them typing up messages (and not actively defending) while the flag is being capped.

Removing the commander position has reduced the "playability" of Conquest mode (which is what Battlefield has always been based on) and made Rush mode almost a requirement since now no-one has a view of the entire battlefield.
Not only may no-one be aware of the player that manages to bypass the frontline and sneak into the enemy's rear area, but that player will also be able to create a squad and have a recon spawn on him (or simply be a recon himself), pop down a radio beacon and have the option of having their entire team able to spawn into areas that are not visible to anyone on the other team.
Who is going to locate and identify the recon guy making his way to and hiding in the enemy's main base who then drops a radio beacon and has his entire team spawning into the enemy main?
On that beacon spawns should be limited to the squad that lays them down, not the entire team.

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

ITT: People acting like people actually listened to commanders, and that most commanders actually knew what they were doing.

Commander's only realy ablities were UAV, Arty and car drop. UAV is now on Recon, arty on Support, but I do miss car drop.
Actually for a competent commander (and you don't seem to have played with many) the SCAN function was by far the most important in determining what was going on and where to provide support using the other command functions (as well as where to provide individual spotting notices).
The Scan function was how you determined where to put the UAV (on every second recharge) and the Arty (on every recharge).
Commanders who chose to place either of these themselves (as opposed to Squad Leader requests for them) without scanning first weren't doing it right.

Last edited by (27th)Kaptyn (2011-10-08 13:43:59)


Sturgeon wrote:

jmsprovan wrote:

Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted
Enemy Spotted

No thanks.
Not hard to implement a max amount of times the commander can do that within a certain time period.
Like they did in bf2 ?
guess ya'll prefer to be advised

be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised

Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6862|Sammamish, WA

[-DER-]Omega wrote:

guess ya'll prefer to be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
be advised
I must admit that's getting annoying...I feel like I'm playing with a bunch of lawyers on the radio, always giving me advice.

Last edited by JdeFalconr (2011-10-09 10:04:05)

well even on shittiest pugs, any commander with half of brain could give some useful info, either by dropping UAV or scanning if nothing else.
plus that "enemy spotted" spam wasn't that bad, if you were in the heat of battle you didn't even hear that.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
You are the worst squad I have ever had the misfortune of setting my eyes upon
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام me the schematic
My grandmother could do better
Say wat!?
Doesn't need commander, needs como rose and in game VOIP.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Vilham wrote:

Doesn't need commander, needs como rose and in game VOIP.
Pretty much this. Comm. menu is confirmed to be in the final and I think squad VOIP will be in the final as well.
+1,010|6606|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Doesn't need commander, needs como rose and in game VOIP.
Pretty much this. Comm. menu is confirmed to be in the final and I think squad VOIP will be in the final as well.
I always disable in-game VOIP

From my experience most of it is mouthbreathers and insufferable 10 year olds
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

FloppY_ wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Vilham wrote:

Doesn't need commander, needs como rose and in game VOIP.
Pretty much this. Comm. menu is confirmed to be in the final and I think squad VOIP will be in the final as well.
I always disable in-game VOIP

From my experience most of it is mouthbreathers and insufferable 10 year olds
It sounds like you'd fit right in then.
+1,010|6606|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

FloppY_ wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Pretty much this. Comm. menu is confirmed to be in the final and I think squad VOIP will be in the final as well.
I always disable in-game VOIP

From my experience most of it is mouthbreathers and insufferable 10 year olds
It sounds like you'd fit right in then.
You've never "heard" me...

also reported
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

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