Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke
Downloading my free copy of Portal off steam.
Been meaning to play it for a while and now seems the ideal opportunity lol.
+3,936|6661|so randum

coke wrote:

Downloading my free copy of Portal off steam.
Been meaning to play it for a while and now seems the ideal opportunity lol.
free portal?
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke

FatherTed wrote:

coke wrote:

Downloading my free copy of Portal off steam.
Been meaning to play it for a while and now seems the ideal opportunity lol.
free portal?
Portal 1 completely free on steam, it still has the price listed by it, but just click install, and it's yours. Think it's still on offer, get it quick.
+3,936|6661|so randum
i love you
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Aye up duck!
+440|6870|England. Stoke
Free till the 20th. They hid it well I only found out off the FH2 forums, why put the offer on and then seemingly hid it away...
grandmaster league revivalist
Just snatched Mount & Blade - With Fire & Sword for 3,75€ at the daily deal.

Yeah, I should've waited for something like that and contented myself with Warband.
grandmaster league revivalist
But I like guns

The Magicka bundle is a very good deal. I filled the DLC I didn't have, then bought three spare copies for buddies.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6845|United States of America
One of my friends wouldn't shut up about The Witcher 2 and talked me into playing it. That is one game where I can say Zero Punctuation is right about everything in it. They just throw you into combat and expect you to figure this shit out. It must have taken me half an hour just to get past the ballista part. This game better get more fun soon or there's no chance in hell I'll make it through.
Portal is a great game, I pirated it and Portal 2 a week ago.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
crysis final mission keeps crashing *fuck it*
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
hot missing much.

big bad alien fight on island
big bad alien fight on carrier
nuke the island
prophet magically returns and heads back to the island

the end
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6898|Oxferd Ohire
i know i played it way back when and wanted to play again on something higher than low/med.

even then i was getting fps below 20 :\

Last edited by RTHKI (2011-09-30 15:02:07)

Been playing a ton of Two Worlds 2 lately. Yahtzee was right, your character sounds like a spiteful, misanthropic chain smoker who interrupts long-winded NPC's with his impatience, even if they saved his life. I've probably left more cuddly cheetah cubs and baboon babies motherless than I've killed legitimate monsters, but the wildlife aggro can be ridiculous.

The guards don't scale up with you. They're pretty much death incarnate from the very beginning until you catch up, making rampages a fatal affair (keep a save handy if you decide to try one out). This problem also comes into play if you explore outside the boundaries of your current tasks, and there's no way to tell if you have no chance against something unless you can't damage it and it's killing you.

There's still a few things I wish I could do in this game, such as arrange for the rebuilding of razed towns and fight from horseback like in Mount & Blade. You can buy houses, but you can't make modifications to them (afaik) and if you knock over a pot inside you run the risk of generating an endless noisemaker of its collision getting stuck in another object.

There are a number of cheats you can use without feeling bad. Codes for the bonus items aren't checked online, so you can use them from the very beginning. The dragon scale armor is nice, but looks ridiculously spikey with enormous World of Warcraft shoulders. Feathers are cool, though. The weapons you get are kind of blah since it's easier to find or upgrade to better ones, and I'll be replacing the armor with something that allows me to upgrade it when I can find a better set.

Skill points are kinda nice, since you can meet any number of challenges other than leveling to rack them up (lockpicking, alchemy, backstabs, etc).

Visually, it looks nice. Displacement mapping really tells with cobblestone roads and the sandstone walls of a labyrinth lit only by your own torch. The music's great, and the instrument minigames are difficult if you decide to move past drums (you can also play duets with certain NPC's). The audio can get repetitive after a bit. There's only so much sneering laughter from my guy that I can take. Does he really enjoy shooting poisoned arrows into kitty cats that much? Asshole.

8/10 - The fun factor bumps it above average. There's even an NPC or two that make fun of Two Worlds 1's ridiculous medieval dialects.
+220|6870|Oklahoma City
Started RAGE last night. Expected an overhyped mess of Fallout 3 wannabe walk around boringly crappy combat crap...

Shockingly, so far (with the exception of the main game not being co-op) it is everything I wanted it to be so far and I am loving it.
grandmaster league revivalist
Portal 2 Coop rocks. How does it save the progress? Is it through some unlocking feature, bound the the specific partners you play with?
+1,010|6446|Denmark aka Automotive Hell


Started RAGE last night. Expected an overhyped mess of Fallout 3 wannabe walk around boringly crappy combat crap...

Shockingly, so far (with the exception of the main game not being co-op) it is everything I wanted it to be so far and I am loving it.
I "borrowed" a copy because I heard all the bad things about playing this as an AMD user.. And true enough, I can either choose from a low-performance 11.8 driver, or a well performing RAGE-fix driver (11.10?) that causes artifacts all over the place... the game is unplayable in both states and the lack of Video options is a disgrace from a company like id...

Sisco wrote:

Portal 2 Coop rocks. How does it save the progress? Is it through some unlocking feature, bound the the specific partners you play with?
Your account/save remembers how far YOU are... if someone joins you that has never played before you are forced with him through the tutorial, otherwise I believe it's unlocked from either the farthest or the shortest progress not 100% sure which tho'

On a related note.. I need someone to play through the new DLC with me :3

Last edited by FloppY_ (2011-10-07 20:22:48)

­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
That Guy
+236|5197|Massachusetts, USA
Oh look, floppy is alluring to illegally downloading again..............

Same old floppy.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
+1,010|6446|Denmark aka Automotive Hell

UnkleRukus wrote:

Oh look, floppy is alluring to illegally downloading again..............

Same old floppy.
What? You want me to go buy a game that is rumored to be unplayable on ATi cards when I have such a card?

If there was a demo I would have used that to test instead, but there is not...

Also.. what's so bad about piracy? It's not like I'm pirating something I would have bought...
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

Then buy it when it is playable. "Punishing" companies by illegally downloading their software is the reason behind all this DRM madness in games. They know it won't stop everyone, but it hurts people who do go legit.

All because of you.

Granted, without piracy, you wouldn't have bought it otherwise, but it's not seen as such.
+2,382|6839|The North, beyond the wall.
I'm for piracy.

I'm not for letting everyone know all the time you pirate and everything you have is pirated, nobody cares.
+1,411|6902|FUCK UBISOFT

I have yet to hear a reason why DRM is ever a good idea. It has done nothing to stop or slow down piracy.
+1,010|6446|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
Sigh... I said I tried Rage before buying it and you guys blow it into a full on "LOL FLOPPY PIRATES EVERYTHING" which simply isn't true -.-

Stay classy BF2s
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
+1,411|6902|FUCK UBISOFT

floppy there is no reason you ever have to state how you received a game in a review of it.

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