Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6715|Sammamish, WA
So in my opinion I think the scope flash that comes from a sniper aiming at someone is a bit too much of a deliberate nerf to snipers. It comes across to me as something to appease the many Modern Warfare kids who would freak out "Where am I getting shot from??? What, that guy is halfway across the map???"

I find it a very interesting mechanic but I feel like it's too much of a big red arrow pointing out the position of a sniper, provided you know what to look for and aim at.

I realize that, so far, BF3 doesn't take light source position into account when generating this scope flash (a great disappointment to me but I can see how this would be too difficult for the engine and netcode to implement). If that could be made to happen this mechanic might be greatly improved - maybe force snipers to take light source position into account when choosing a location to snipe from.

The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It
They should have a lens filter mod option really. It's only with the 12x scope right? if it's with the normal scope then it's an awful thing indeed.

Last edited by The A W S M F O X (2011-09-30 09:46:30)

+2,382|6851|The North, beyond the wall.
It's stupid, especially since they put a fucking killcam in the game so you can just box around and come up exactly behind them.

It's not the worst change they've made from previous titles though...
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6890|Riva, MD
The killcam for sure will be a server option just like it was for BC2.  I'm expecting the scope glint to stay no matter what though, it's too much of a flashy new feature for them not to keep.
back to i-life

Solution - move your ass and change position often, I like this option.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid
i think its a bit too much too.
Meanwhile in my room: ahhahaha, fu snipers!
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6953|Great Brown North
since it acts like a blinking strobe light at the moment, either get rid of it or tone it down.

legionair wrote:

Solution - move your ass and change position often, I like this option.
and then be instantly shot as soon as you aim at anybody because it's a giant IM HERE IM HERE KILL ME KILL ME

_j5689_ wrote:

The killcam for sure will be a server option just like it was for BC2.  I'm expecting the scope glint to stay no matter what though, it's too much of a flashy new feature for them not to keep.
They are nursing the fucking whiners too much.
I'm surprised they don't have you lose 1 rank for staying longer than 3 seconds in the same spot: penalty received for camping!

It's no longer the gamer that has to adept or grow skill, it's the developers that make the game adept to casuals because $$$
+1,230|7016|Alberta, Canada

Oh, so that's why I see a blinding white light before I get killed by a sniper? I thought that was a flashlight attachment! I thought the lens flare would flicker, not shine super bright all the time. Makes it way to easy to spot a sniper.
Shock it till ya know it
+375|6515|Atlanta, Georgia
It's supposed to be a lensflare not a fucking 9.8 million candlewatt flashlight attached to the front.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Artifice of Eternity
Wow. That is freakin' horrible. Could they have dumbed down the stealth aspect any more? Absolutely no point in playing sniper anymore.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Lex Luthor, King of Australia
+72|6715|Sammamish, WA
I agree, it kind of screws with sitting in one spot lining up a shot. But on the other hand if you have someone in your crosshairs for a long time and don't take a shot you deserve to get killed. Like I said before, I dunno. It definitely has its merits but right now I think the implementation is fuxed.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Pochsy wrote:

Absolutely no point in playing sniper anymore.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
most idiots walk around with tac lights anyway, might as well be walking Christmas trees.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

Jaekus wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Absolutely no point in playing sniper anymore.
+2,382|6851|The North, beyond the wall.

eusgen wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

Pochsy wrote:

Absolutely no point in playing sniper anymore.
Not really since the variation in the kit roles is what makes bf2. If we all ran around with the generic m16/AK rifles it'd just be an utterly wank game with no change.
+2,382|6851|The North, beyond the wall.
Sniping seems to have become this controversial thing for some reason. I can't think of a single game where a Sniper kit is that overpowered that it warrents the amount of incessant bitching whiners spout regularly. Fashion yourself some balls please.

JdeFalconr wrote:

I agree, it kind of screws with sitting in one spot lining up a shot. But on the other hand if you have someone in your crosshairs for a long time and don't take a shot you deserve to get killed.
I disagree, there's been many times I've waited to take a shot because the person was moving about and I wanted a clear headshot. There's nothing wrong with that.

legionair wrote:

Solution - move your ass and change position often, I like this option.
That's a solution to killcam I suppose. However you can change position 50 times a round but as soon as you aim at someone they'll see you.
I have 2 thoughts about this feature.

first off , I don't really like it since Im a sniperplayer and yes I'm a camping whore

but on the other the flash is just TOO much I mean If you're in the tunnel I sometimes think It's someone with a flashlight ! , so what I'd like is a more realistic function to it , that you'll only see the "flash" when the snipers scope is aiming in the players face, and not so much this WHITE DOT OVER THERE , but more of a blinding light and a small spot from he scope , BUT above all I DON'T want a fucking reflection from my lense when ther's no light to be reflected

and the same with the lasersight , if you're further away then 5meters from the one aning at you the dot becomes so big he can aim at your foot and you still get the red blinding light "in your eyes" it's redicoulus" I wan't a real laserpointer , I mean the dot will still be visable even if it's small and if you're not an idiot you'll know what's about to happen
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5962|Catherine Black
I think it's a fantastic feature.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6953|Great Brown North
it's retarded in every way
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
Protip: use a less powerful scope.
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

Protip: use a less powerful scope.
What I do, but it should only be for the 12x scope, not the default 7x. IDK it's fucked anyway.
Feeding the Cats.
+761|5141|Dundee, Scotland.
it's too much, yeah, there should be a little glint, but jesus christ.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.

Finray wrote:

I think it's a fantastic feature.
I actually really like it too. Perhaps it could be toned down a bit, but even when I'm the ass at the end the the rifle, I still don't mind.

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