+159|6733|behind you
I searched couldnt find anything so check this out
Look at NASTIE_BUTLERS stats and look at his win:loss ratio , is that some bs or not.
post what u think

Can u say "team switcher"?
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it

King_County_Downy wrote:

Can u say "team switcher"?
Holy shit.  Something odd about that for sure.
+159|6733|behind you

King_County_Downy wrote:

Can u say "team switcher"?
yea u can, and its probobly true
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6712|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Easy, Give me 400 hours and the ability to switch at the right time or disconnect and i'll have 400W - 0L
+3,135|6892|The Hague, Netherlands

and its his second account too, (if I'm correct)
Stormin' through the party
Yea, does anyone remember when he was ranked like 5, or something?
He got his stats wiped and look at him now, with a 9.67 w:l ratio.  I think hes doing that just to get back at EA.
To be honest, even though I see it as lame. I do think its also smart, How else do you get the WCR.
Got milk?

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

and its his second account too, (if I'm correct)
+159|6733|behind you
the more i think of it the more i think how fucked up it is
cmon 9.74(something like that)
+41|6726|London, UK
I played with him before patch 1.12 on the Raw! West Coast server, he always apc whored (never tank) and was always MEC. He'd shoot up the hill, near the right US arty, you all know the one. Needless to say, he could win rounds by himself (and many people d/c, leaving the teams at 32:16). But yes, I do believe he is team switching. I also know he uses these forums, so come on mate, defend yourself
l33t sp33k Specialist
+159|6712|Behind j00OMFG HAX, Bristol UK
Yeh its unbelievable, what if you were a really bad noob and started yourself off with lots of loses and ended up with something like 223W-400L, that would mean you would have to win almost 1000 games on the trot lol

PS. Alpha do you know who that girl is in your sig?
actulally hes an admin on ea uk unofficial wake only and hes only chinese and gets in chopper and kicks anyone who get there before him i play on that server as chinese and the chinese always win due to raping the island(u guessed it the attck chopper hes in)
+304|6750|New York City baby.
I played with him before but he does fishy things jumping underneath the jets and stupid shit like that
and yes I was the victim of him kicking me for a jet

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-05-19 09:47:23)

+159|6733|behind you

Chillin&killin wrote:

actulally hes an admin on ea uk unofficial wake only and hes only chinese and gets in chopper and kicks anyone who get there before him i play on that server as chinese and the chinese always win due to raping the island(u guessed it the attck chopper hes in)
ur right china does win lots but not as much as what nastie butler has compared to his losses, and he has not only played on china so hes a big fucktard
+159|6733|behind you
I think we can conclude that nastie_butler needs to get his stats swiped again and maybe that will teach him a lesson
Fantasma Parastasie
You cannot gain a win by switching to the other team before the round ends.

Read the WCR guide, it says very clearly what you can and can't do.
+304|6750|New York City baby.
WCR is not the ISSUE here, besides since 1.3 announcment ratio will not be needed for WCR

Last edited by alpinestar (2006-05-19 09:50:33)

+41|6726|London, UK
Tell us to read it without a damn linky then why don't ya!
Kick His Ass!
+371|6848|Howell, Mi USA
After u play for a while and learn what servers to join and whatnot. Start a new account and apply what u know now to that and u will have a high WLR too. Look at VeNgEnCe, his stats got whiped and he started playing again. now his WLR is something like 13.0

Btw: teamswitching doesn't matter. whatever team your on the longest is whats recorded.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
http://bf2s.com/player/45005747/ mines 13.22.  Thats not hard to get without cheating if you have a few good mates who you play with.
vehicle whore
can barely kill someone if he's not in a vehicle.
Kick His Ass!
+371|6848|Howell, Mi USA

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

http://bf2s.com/player/45005747/ mines 13.22.  Thats not hard to get without cheating if you have a few good mates who you play with.
Swish   LoL
+86|6928|New Zealand

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

and its his second account too, (if I'm correct)
it is and he already earned more points than you while that
+41|6726|London, UK

MB.nZ wrote:

^*AlphA*^ wrote:

and its his second account too, (if I'm correct)
it is and he already earned more points than you while that
And he's wasted more of his precious life than ^*AlphA*^

IRT Vengeance (can't be arsed with caps locking )

14k points and 2nd Lieutenant?

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