+1,175|6705|British Columbia, Canada
I'm not sure if someone Addressed this already... cause i was a little lazy to read all 13 pages

"- Added deterrent system against alternative ranking ???? does that mean "

A while ago, the leader board was messed up with scores of people in the millions from being a commander, Yet they have only played for like 50 hours. But if i'm wrong, then please correct me.

Last edited by LT.Victim (2006-05-10 20:16:34)

+34|6754|Orange County, California

LT.Victim wrote:

I'm not sure if someone Addressed this already... cause i was a little lazy to read all 13 pages

"- Added deterrent system against alternative ranking ???? does that mean "

A while ago, the leader board was messed up with scores of people in the millions from being a commander, Yet they have only played for like 50 hours. But if i'm wrong, then please correct me.
its called a exploit........

ea fixed it though and reset people doing the commander exploit. You were actually able to get 2 million  points  a game with the exploit..

learn to use search fucktard. good nig nog.

7h3647h32in6 wrote:

where's the patch that fixes the BF2 net code since 1.2 so I can play online again?
Ditto that - I can't stay connected to BF2 for more than like 5 mins...

Since 1.22 for me though
//kk thx.
I don't think 1.3 is coming anytime soon since armored fury has been pushed back untill June.

We'll see tho.
Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6865|Toronto, ON, CAN
Wow, that was an hour of my life I'm never getting back... 60+ posts about "woot... drop jeeps on snipers"...

So a dislike about the vehicle drop:
It happens now with the crate, I am flying low to avoid AA fire, and a crate pops out of nowhere 10 M in front of me... I dodge the crate, but clip a wing on the chute halyard... this blows up my jet. :8
The commander now has something else to launch in front of me. If this was intentional, then why not have the anti dive bomber zepplins from WWII (you know, the balloons they launched to keep the prop bombers away from the beachheads)...
LOL: idea for a new attack class : has a pigeon cage, and a shoulder IGLA.... If the rockets don't kill the pilot, then the pigeon in the turbine will. (Sorry to the PETA fans out there)

Same with flying over the water on the Dragon Valley map... no reason to blow up, but you hit an invisible wall over the water.

My 2 cents about Squad hopping.... I don't hop. I do however cycle the SL when playing with my friends... the reason is we try to protect the SL, and as such, you don't get as many points being the leader. We rotate in a round, to give us all a chance at the points. We have used it a few times to protect the advance as well (4 of us moving forward, and a lucky snipe / artillery gets the SL, he leaves the squad and rejoins as a member... Advance keeps going on.
*snif* I will miss that.

BTW: I know that bumping a vodnik was a problem before, but I now have 10 fraps vids of myself pushing players around the map on the front of a vehicle... looks like a superman movie stunt. I just need 5 roadkills in a round to get my vet Transport, and I keep getting 4 + 3 or 4 roadsurfers IAR!!!!!

Ok, I'm done.
Mr. Bigglesworth
I heard there going to take out the crouch spamming. There is nothing worse than a guy you cant kill because he wont stop crouching. (Sarcasm for those who cant tell)
+9|6980|6,000 ft & falling......weeeee
with the vehicle drop..if u are an enemy and u see a vehicle drop..can u blow it away with AT4 as it drops????

interesting scenario i think!!!
liquid fluoride thorium reactor
+874|6817|Canberra, AUS
Clearly. Otherwise you could use a vehicle as a deadly weapon against snipers and jets and stuff.

I also'm a bit concerned about carrier raping - if  squad gets on a carrier at wake and gets a humvee, then the US is kinda stuffed (especially with supplies)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be.
~ Richard Feynman
+22|6806|England, UK

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Why would they add air-dropped vehicles? It does not help the game in any way. Now people are just gonna fly to the enemy carrier and spawn camp the deck in the HMMV.
AT? That would be usless, HMMV's suck, just a quick and easy way to get from place to place, you have more chance survivin out of a humvee than in one, AT can take them out in no-time, not to mention a few nades.

Humvee dropping is a great idea, finally EA came up with a good idea, well done. ^^

Last edited by raz (2006-05-16 02:03:34)

Playdough! Nope C4...
+6|6865|Toronto, ON, CAN
The benefit for a sniper about to be crushed by a humvee, is that they can see the shadow, so they could have time to press E, and enter the vehicle.

Just one man's opinion of course. We'll have to wait and see.... :,
+12|6784|With my rifle, where else?
Ever land a plane in BF1942 on enemy carrier in Coral Sea and gun down people with the rear facing machine guns? I can see that being repeated with a dune buggy or (*gasp*) an LAV air dropped onto the carrier deck. Wouldn't that be a great place to spawn?
+45|6935|South Cybertown, Texas
Posted this on another forum, thought I would share a look at what to expect from the 1.3 patch!

Last edited by -=S8M=-Phoenix (2006-05-16 13:47:04)

Expert Opportunity Misser
+9|6699|Bikini Bottom Germany
Headshot Specialist
+104|6979|Woodland Hills, Ca

137[CSi] wrote:

Shadow_Omega wrote:

TheDarkRaven wrote:

Too true, VeNg3nCe! This really will kill squads.
oh yes,becuase god forbid we cant randomly teleport an entire army on a squad leader by constantly shifting in and out of squads,destroying their original purpose:to get people to work together in a TEAM based game.

leave it to the whiners to constantly complain about people are the reason they do stuff like nerf weapons.

BTW some dumb ass euro site caused all of the beta testers for 1.3 to be totally cut off from any info concerning the patch because dipshit posted screenshots and mapshots of the armored fury booster pack directly on their hosting site.

As far as 1.3 news might as well let the cat completely out of the bag... I am not a beta tester nor do I know anyone beta testing for EA much less I cant even recall where I originally got this information forwarded to me from so dont ask.

Now before you tell me that this is old information... read what EA hasnt posted on their website LOL!!!


- Air dropped vehicles:
Squad members can now send a request up the chain of command for a vehicle to
be dropped at their location.

- Co-op:
Co-op Mode allows you to play Single Player levels on the Internet and LAN with
both AI controlled bots and human players. Several new options have been created
that will allow the server creator to modify how the bots behave in game.

Number of Bots: This setting allows you to determine the total number of bots that
will spawn in game.

Bot Ratio: This setting allows you to determine the percentage of total bots that
will spawn for each team. For example, setting this value to 25 means that 25% of
the total bots will spawn in Team 1, and 75% in Team 2. Team 1 is always the MEC,
Chinese, or their allies, while Team 2 is always the USA, EU, and their allies.

Bot Difficulty: This setting determines the skill level of the bots. 10 is easiest,
100 is the most difficult.

- Default Kit Selection:
The kit that you used last is remembered at the beginning of the round and between


- Fixed issues with remote console and linux server

- Prevented ban list from being cleared in the event of a server crash.

- Fixed the bug where helicopters abandoned in the air would continue flying.

- Fixed issue with player not properly ranking up on servers where they continuously

- If the player joins a squad while dead, the player will not be able to use the
squad leader as a spawn point until they have respawned once.

- Flag Capture bar now reacts accurately to players entering the capture radius.

- Fixed bug where friendly vehicles showed as valid targets (ALL AVIATORS WILL THANK DICE FOR THIS ONE. JESUS THAT PISSED ME OFF!!! )

- Friendly Vehicle lock: Lock-on weapons do not lock on to friendly vehicles.
The box with an X through it will still appear, but a lock tone will not sound
and then if fired, the missile will not track the friendly target.

- Fixed bug that altered mini map functionality (wasnt there some mini map hack?)

- Adjusted missile count on BF2SF helicopters.
(Woot!!!!!!) Id rather have 8x4 then 3x14 I can stay away from base longer.

- Fixed bug with Special Forces rank names. (You may notice, in vanilla your rank shows properly in BFHQ but in SF you show as private with a full bar to your next rank)

- Fixed repairing HUD for the engineer when in a vehicle

- Added custom messages for server so that private messages may be sent directly
to a player. Messages may be sent from the server using the following command
in the console.

host.sgl_sendTextMessage( playerid, channelid, typeid, text, flags )

Here is an example: host.sgl_sendTextMessage( 0, 14, 1, "Message goes here", 0 )

- Adjusted award criteria

- Fixed Linux server crash: A ranked server that can no longer connect to the GameSpy
backend will become an unranked server.

- Fixed a client crash after entering 300 characters into the IP address using
"connect to IP"

- Fixed a tech hang when creating a single player account from an offline account

- Fixed crash when switching from BF2 to BF2:SF (or vice versa)

- Fixed a crash caused when a player is joining a map and another player logs into the same account

- Fixed a Dragon Valley exploit (HAHA I've seen some ass shoot an m203 at me from the wall of the temple)

- Fixed a bug on Zatar Wetlands where AA missiles would not lock onto oil towers

- Fixed a bug that caused the Eurofighter explosion to appear as a Mig-29 wreckage

Armor Bar removed from occupied machinegun emplacements

- Fixed a bug on Kubra Dam and Zatar Wetlands that caused enemy AA sites to not display in bombing HUD

- Special Forces - Firing crossbow from open vehicle position causes others to see player weapon firing

- Fixed Repair Hud for the engineer when in a vehicle and repairing a team mate vehicles

- Fixed a bug on Strike at Karkand where players were able to get inside a building by Train Accident when FF is turned off

- Fixed the commander toys on Wake Island 2007 so that the US can no longer disable the Chinese artillery

- Fixed a bug in Zatar Wetlands 32 where commander assets were not being properly dropped to the location specified by the User.
Verteran Knife
Removed in round requirement

Expert Knife
Removed in round requirement (LOL they are really trying to eliminate P/K servers indirectly)

Basic Explosive
Lowered from 13 kills to 5 kills in a round

Vet Explosive
Lowered from 23 to 20 kills in a round

Expert Explosive
Lowered from 37 to 30 kills in a round (hopefully this will kill the gheymores!)

Expert First Aid
Increased Time requirement from 54000 (15h) to 360000 (100h) - like resupply/repair
decreased heals from 25 to 20 in a round (Still almost impossible to get but a lot better than 25(

Expert Repair
decreased repairs from 25 to 20 in a round

Vet Transport
Decreased time from 180000 (50h) to 90000 (25h)

Exp Transport
Decreased time from 540000 (150h) to 270000 (75h)

Vet Heli
Decreased time from 360000 (100h) to 180000 (50h)

Expert Heli
Decreased time from 1440000 (400h) to 540000 (150h)

Vet Aviator
Decreased time from 360000 (100h) to 180000 (50h)

Expert Aviator
Decreased time from 1080000 (300h) to 540000 (150h)

Vet Air defense
Removed time requirement
Lowered kills from 12 to 10 in a round

Exp Air Defense
Removed time requiremnt
Lowered kills from 24 to 20

Vet Ground Def
Removed Time
Lowered kills from 12 to 10 in a round

Exp Ground Def
Removed time requiremnt
Lowered kills from 24 to 20


War College Ribbon
Removed 3:1 win/loss ratio
Removed 45 point commander score in a round
Added 200 Wins
Added 25000 Global commander score
Increased time from 180000 (50h) to 360000 (100h)

(you guys better start whoring commander)


Air Combat
Lowered time from 720000 (200h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy

Armor Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy

Heli Combat
Lowered time from 900000 (250h) to 360000 (100h)
Lowered kills from 10000 to 5000
Removed Accuracy

Combat Infantry
Lowered time from 1800000 (500h) to 720000 (200h)
Removed In round time 2040 (they snuck that in there with 1.2x)

Marksman infantry
Added time 1080000 (300h)
Removed In round time 2040 (they snuck that in there with 1.2x)

Sharpshooter Infantry
Added time 1440000 (400h)
Removed In round time 2040 (they snuck that in there with 1.2x)

===========Backend Medals (false data)=============
Navy Cross
Lowered time from 16200000 (4500h) to 3200000 (888h)
Lowered win req from 500 to 250

Golden Sch
Lowered time from 16200000 (4500h) to 3200000 (888h)
Lowered win req from 500 to 250

People's Medallion
Lowered time from 16200000 (4500h) to 3200000 (888h)
Lowered win req from 500 to 250

European Union
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 720000 (200h)
Lowered wins from 500 to 100

North American Service
Added time 18000 (5h)

European Service Ribbon

Now you all know these particular changes have already been implemented.

===========Special Forces==========
Vet Tactical Support
Removed 1000 in round
Added global 100
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*

Exp Tactial Support
Removed 3000 in round
Added global 500
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*

Vet Grappling Hook
Removed 3000 in round
Added global 100
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*

Exp Grappling Hook
Removed 6500 in round
Added global 500
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*

Vet Zip Line
Removed 3000 in round
Added global 100
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*

Exp Zip Line
Removed 6500 in round
Added global 500
**Possible bug still, as in round requirement missing a variable.*

Arial Service Ribbon
Deleted (armored fury is going to be a vanilla expansion.... unfortunately there will be no jets for SF EVER)

===========Backend Medals (false data)=============
Navy Seal Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100

SAS Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100

SPETZ Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100

MECSF Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100

Rebel Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100

Insurgent Special Service Medal
Lowered time frim 16200000 (4500h) to 360000 (100h)
Added Best round 100

Brigadier General
Lowered from needing Experts to needing Veteran

Major General
Lowered from needing Experts to needing Veteran
Added time 4500000 (1250h)

Lieutenant General
Added time 5184000 (1440h)
[Expert Smoke Grenade]
+44|6917|Hamburg, Germany
So they lower everything in order for us to finish before BF2142 is released.... Well you may like that or not but for them it makes sense... and now i can have a life and all awards

SunTzu wrote:

Wow, that was an hour of my life I'm never getting back... 60+ posts about "woot... drop jeeps on snipers"...

So a dislike about the vehicle drop:
It happens now with the crate, I am flying low to avoid AA fire, and a crate pops out of nowhere 10 M in front of me... I dodge the crate, but clip a wing on the chute halyard... this blows up my jet. :8
The commander now has something else to launch in front of me. If this was intentional, then why not have the anti dive bomber zepplins from WWII (you know, the balloons they launched to keep the prop bombers away from the beachheads)...
LOL: idea for a new attack class : has a pigeon cage, and a shoulder IGLA.... If the rockets don't kill the pilot, then the pigeon in the turbine will. (Sorry to the PETA fans out there)

Same with flying over the water on the Dragon Valley map... no reason to blow up, but you hit an invisible wall over the water.

My 2 cents about Squad hopping.... I don't hop. I do however cycle the SL when playing with my friends... the reason is we try to protect the SL, and as such, you don't get as many points being the leader. We rotate in a round, to give us all a chance at the points. We have used it a few times to protect the advance as well (4 of us moving forward, and a lucky snipe / artillery gets the SL, he leaves the squad and rejoins as a member... Advance keeps going on.
*snif* I will miss that.

BTW: I know that bumping a vodnik was a problem before, but I now have 10 fraps vids of myself pushing players around the map on the front of a vehicle... looks like a superman movie stunt. I just need 5 roadkills in a round to get my vet Transport, and I keep getting 4 + 3 or 4 roadsurfers IAR!!!!!

Ok, I'm done.
XD wow,on base ive seen the pigeon problem quite a few times here in florida,except its seagulls. +1 for you
Check your AA alarm...
+82|6936|Idaho, USA / Age 30

badhq wrote:

niomosy wrote:

And what do they mean by "adjusted" award criteria?
Exacly what I wanto2 know
Same here.   I know about the navy cross and other two medals.  But what others are they talking about?

Nemesis-SBS- wrote:

with the vehicle drop..if u are an enemy and u see a vehicle drop..can u blow it away with AT4 as it drops????

interesting scenario i think!!!
would make sense,you can already do that to supply crates
Imagine a carrier full of Humvees/ Vodniks...Commanders will start to drop a hummer on an airstrip, so a jet cant take off.

(all pilots will have to use the AT-kit now..)
+22|6806|England, UK
Today 15:53:16      -1      Patch 1.3... It's comming your way.      Humvees are quite strong and can handle a few nades. They dont suck at all! -Speelbal

Why the hell gave me -1 for expressin my opinion ffs.
I said it sucks for humvees to spawn rape.. So he -1 me!

Last edited by raz (2006-05-19 08:48:04)


raz wrote:

Fancy_Pollux wrote:

Why would they add air-dropped vehicles? It does not help the game in any way. Now people are just gonna fly to the enemy carrier and spawn camp the deck in the HMMV.
AT? That would be usless, HMMV's suck, just a quick and easy way to get from place to place, you have more chance survivin out of a humvee than in one, AT can take them out in no-time, not to mention a few nades.

Humvee dropping is a great idea, finally EA came up with a good idea, well done. ^^
I am just completely floored by how people are saying the remove of squad hopping is the death of league matches/tournaments.  Is this ONE thing, this ONE tactic really that important?  Can the clan community not overcome this problem??  It just seems insane to me that without that function everything will just drop off.  Can nobody adapt, overcome, improvise??  I just find it hard to believe that everyone is so dependant on this one function.
this sounds like fun....especially when the squad member can request a vehicle drop on their position
when it says vehicle drop, does that mean any vehicle???  this means all u need is and individual or 2 to break out towards a flag and when the get near, boom apc from the heavens.   this means u need 2 at guys guarding every flag and uncappable base now.  sounds like a blast.

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