Wow, that was an hour of my life I'm never getting back... 60+ posts about "woot... drop jeeps on snipers"...
So a dislike about the vehicle drop:
It happens now with the crate, I am flying low to avoid AA fire, and a crate pops out of nowhere 10 M in front of me... I dodge the crate, but clip a wing on the chute halyard... this blows up my jet. :8
The commander now has something else to launch in front of me. If this was intentional, then why not have the anti dive bomber zepplins from WWII (you know, the balloons they launched to keep the prop bombers away from the beachheads)...
LOL: idea for a new attack class : has a pigeon cage, and a shoulder IGLA.... If the rockets don't kill the pilot, then the pigeon in the turbine will. (Sorry to the PETA fans out there)
Same with flying over the water on the Dragon Valley map... no reason to blow up, but you hit an invisible wall over the water.
My 2 cents about Squad hopping.... I don't hop. I do however cycle the SL when playing with my friends... the reason is we try to protect the SL, and as such, you don't get as many points being the leader. We rotate in a round, to give us all a chance at the points. We have used it a few times to protect the advance as well (4 of us moving forward, and a lucky snipe / artillery gets the SL, he leaves the squad and rejoins as a member... Advance keeps going on.
*snif* I will miss that.
BTW: I know that bumping a vodnik was a problem before, but I now have 10 fraps vids of myself pushing players around the map on the front of a vehicle... looks like a superman movie stunt. I just need 5 roadkills in a round to get my vet Transport, and I keep getting 4 + 3 or 4 roadsurfers IAR!!!!!
Ok, I'm done.