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5. Read the stickied threads in various sections. They have been stickied because they will answer commonly asked questions or are otherwise very helpful.
6. Refrain from needless swearing. There is an appropriate time and place for strong language, know how to use it or do not use it at all.
7. Search the forums before creating a new thread. Most likely your question has already been answered many times over. It is better to post in an old thread which matches than to create a new one.
8. Use descriptive and appropriate titles when creating a thread. Titles such as, “Help!” “OMG WHAT DO I DO!!?1?@” and “L4m3rS Ar3 5tup1D…” will not generate helpful responses, and ultimately cause more work for users trying to find threads on a given topic.
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14. Help other members assist you with your problem by posting all relevant information about the problem you are experiencing. The more information you provide, the more likely you will get a helpful response.
15. Never engage in personal attacks. Ever.
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