
Baba Booey
That's the plan. I already bought one for the HK45. Thinking about getting one for the 1911s. Threaded barrels that is.13rin wrote:
Oh.. Threaded barrel... Get a can. Get a can. Get a can... I put one on my .40 USP.
Last edited by 1stSFOD-Delta (2011-06-19 08:54:12)
R&Releven bravo wrote:
arent you supposed to be afghanistan grenading people and posting about it on a dead video game forum right afterwards?
Kinder gentler armyeleven bravo wrote:
didnt you just get in country?
Yep. Me and three others are the first in our platoon. I wasn't supposed to go on R&R until December.eleven bravo wrote:
didnt you just get in country?
logic in my unit was that parents with kids should go last so the gaps between seeing their kids weren't as big (or some bullshit like that). Married people were always treated a million times better than the single barracks ratseleven bravo wrote:
they only let dudes with emergencies or newborns get on r&r early in my deployment