
What vehicle do you love to use most?

DPV/FAV -> Small Buggy19%19% - 28
Humvee/Nor/Vodniks -> Jeep4%4% - 7
Type 88/ M1A2/ T-90 -> Tank15%15% - 23
J-10/ F-35/F-18/Mig-29 -> Fighter Plane15%15% - 22
F-15/Su-34/chinese bomber/ -> Bombers7%7% - 11
Blackhawk/ Fat Choppers/ -> Transport Choppers0%0% - 1
AH- 12/ Z-10/Mi-28 -> Attack Choppers32%32% - 47
RIB -> Boats3%3% - 5
Total: 144
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6707|Area 51
Well, another poll,
This time I would like to find out which sort of vehicle is most popular.
My excuse that I dont know all the names, but its about the sort of vehicle not the name
I would have to say that I like the Fighter Plane the best, and the J-10 in particular, its godlike
When u have picked one, plz leave a post in which u say which one u chose and tell us why
Sorry peeps, I know I forget the AA vehicles, I was like WTF I miss a vehicle class. But I couldnt figure out which one, till someone said it.

Greetz RDMC

Last edited by RDMC(2) (2006-05-14 10:40:07)

Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
Bradley (Linebacker) That is my favorite vehicle. It's anti-infantry power + anti air and average anti armor makes this baby a monster.
Im Ron Burgundy?
Wheeeellll Barrrrooooow
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6707|Area 51

Superior Mind wrote:

Bradley (Linebacker) That is my favorite vehicle. It's anti-infantry power + anti air and average anti armor makes this baby a monster.
Yeah.. thats the one I missed, I was like damn I miss a vehicle class
Shiny! Let's be bad guys.
+102|6834|NAS Jacksonville, Florida
I love the fighters because it's a lot of fun shooting down some ea (enemy air). MiG-29 ftw.

Last edited by acEofspadEs6313 (2006-05-14 10:40:00)

has joined the GOP
fighter planes. the bombers are sluggish and fat and they attract missiles almost as badly as the f-35b, which is basically a pine box with engines and wings. plus fighters are more versitile (sp). plus i love the speed. however for some reason the DPV comes extremely close to second for me.
Damn, gotta Love the RIB !! Seriously that thing f**king sucks. But i do love ze wheelbarrow! ^^
YOUR mom goes to college
Gotta go with the MEC attack chopper.  The gun on that thing is just scary.  I like the jets too but still have trouble putting bombs on target.  I'm pretty good in a dog fight and taking ground targets with mach. gun, but less than 50% with bombs.  MEC chopper though, it's over.  The cannon on that thing is...well...it's a freakin cannon.  And the TV missles are just fun.  Gotta have a decent pilot though...or if I'm flying I find myself dissappointed all to often in my gunner.  But me and my clan mate will own a map w/the MEC chopper.
Self Proclaimed A10 Whore
Mi-28.  I had my best round at sharqi in that thing (86 I think) and they were all driver kill assist.  My gunner scored 179.  All he wanted was his expert assualt.  Im still surprised that the troops didn't spawn at the lower level of the tv station and hit us with rockets.  They just  kept spawning and spawning.  I think it was the same group of people every time. I guess they wanted the chopper. (The server did allow spawn raping and we weren't the only ones doing it)
I was gonna say tank or fighter... but I have to go with the DPV/FAV. those two are just too great for running people over. I was on a road raging marathon yesterday, ran over like 25 people on wake just driving around in those things. Too bad I didn't have my transport time in yet.
Horseman 77
I love to get a sniper kit and hunt from the open back of a humvee, I can spot for area fire for the fifty cal. on flags that are turning. tag choppers. waste whole squads. shoot n scoot !
The Original
J10 fo' sho'

Boats FTW.

(ok yes they suck, but on MEC Sharqi they can be a fuckin' menace going for TV)

Last edited by k30dxedle (2006-05-14 13:30:30)

If it flys in the air, i like it : )
Gorgonnash PVP
+119|6986|Sacramento, Cal
MI-28 hands down!
DPV, fast for runnin over ma-fuckas
Not Entirely Sane
+6|6803|Just Outside Seattle
Air defense FTW!! my question is what do you prefer the DPV, or the FAV???
bad touch

Raiders of the Lost Bear

The tricycle with cowbell attachment
^ Aside from that, the Bradley

Last edited by Mike_J (2006-05-18 19:05:04)

Attack chopper.. the dealing end, not the receiving end.
Member 5307
where are the APCs?

i voted for the tanks but lately I've been using leg power
my nuts in and on your face . your whole life is a hole bitch.  you should b kicked for your ugly slut wife zen on that chump.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

tthf wrote:

where are the APCs?

i voted for the tanks but lately I've been using leg power
And thats why you've been getting owned.

Jrockyourdome: WTF are you going on about?

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