Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6941|Little Bentcock
That Guy
+236|5355|Massachusetts, USA

War Man wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

You set yourself up for it by calling the game a "wow killer" when it clearly will not be.
Didn't call it a wow killer exactly, just I like it better than wow.
not sure if srs.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7032|Purplicious Wisconsin

UnkleRukus wrote:

War Man wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

You set yourself up for it by calling the game a "wow killer" when it clearly will not be.
Didn't call it a wow killer exactly, just I like it better than wow.
not sure if srs.
Well please remind me where exactly did I post that this game was a wow killer? From what I recall I said this is better than wow in my opinion.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

War Man wrote:

UnkleRukus wrote:

War Man wrote:

Didn't call it a wow killer exactly, just I like it better than wow.
not sure if srs.
Well please remind me where exactly did I post that this game was a wow killer? From what I recall I said this is better than wow in my opinion.
In the thread title.

[RIFT] An mmorpg that has a good chance of kicking WoW's ass

Probably hard to miss, being all tucked away in the title of the thread and all.

War Man wrote:

War Man wrote:

to that i say: lolz
True, that is the problem. But so far people who have played wow and warhammer online love this game and thank it's going to be the best.

also warhammer online.  lol.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6856|Long Island, New York
an mmorpg


War Man wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

One cluster of glitches and RIFT will be fucked like any other WoW pretender.
It isn't trying to be like wow, it is trying to be different and more succesful than WoW.
My previous statement still stands.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6856|Long Island, New York


grandmaster league revivalist
The only game kicking WoW´s ass, is Wow2. Fact.
+263|6841|North Norway

Yea, was in the beta last weekend, afterwards I just had to preorder it.

I like it a lot, much better then wow.

The rifts and invasions are epic. The random zone wide huge invasion events are beyond epic. Class system is really nice. And the sounds and music are brilliant.

The story and lore in the game is also nice. Spent a lot of time just reading books and pieces of lore I picked up around the place.

I was amazed at how smooth it was as well. It's in beta, and still almost 2 months until it launches and I didn't see a single bug or glitch.

Last edited by Hallvard (2011-01-12 02:23:59)

the thing is with these new MMO's is that they all look great and everyone goes "WHOAH!" in the beta-play phase because of graphics, new zones, new lore, new items, new monsters... new everything. it's refreshing and people get excited to be immersed in a game world that isn't, for once, fucking azeroth and warcraft. think of warhammer, age of conan... hell, even aion online. aion online had 10x more backing, financially and hype-wise, than any other 'WoW killer"- helped in part by a well-timed ban on warcraft from the chinese government. aion had dx10 graphics, a completely new intellectual property and a pretty dynamic movement/combat system. where is it today? oh yeah. dead. where's warhammer today? oh yeah, shut down all servers except like 3. where's conan today? weren't they giving away almost max-level characters free with their new high-level expansion pack? great.

the true test of an MMO is lifespan and community. the endgame needs to be great, the class and player-versus-player balances need to be perfect, the engine and graphics need to be bug-free and need to scale well for everyone on all different systems. no other MMO has done that in the same addictive, compelling and simple way that WoW has. too much bullshit, too many bugs, too many gimmicks... for whatever reason, every other game has failed.

this won't be any different. just spent 15 minutes on youtube watching beta footage. the game looks bland.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
+263|6841|North Norway

Well, people have different tastes... I can't stand wow, I find it really boring and it fails to pull me in.
To me the only reason people are playing wow is because it's the game "everyone else plays."

It didn't bring anything new to the genre when it came out, and what new things they've added since it was released are ideas borrowed from newer games.
At least new mmos try to bring something new to the table.
Rift acomplishes that with very well made dynamic world and a intuitive class system.

So far the beta events have only gone up to level 29, max level at launch is 50, so can't say anything about end game. But from level 10 to 29, I really enjoyed PvP, an aspect of mmos that usually don't appeal to me.

No, it will not kill wow, waaaay to many addicts and die hard fans of that game for it to ever die. I highly doubt even a wow2 could kill it.

But I guess Rift will see about the same activity as lotro has, maybe a bit more. Which imo is just fine, lotro is a great game. Been playing it on and off ever since early beta. Humongus communities just gets flooded with retards and annoying people. "Smaller" communities are much better imo.
Shifty's Home Number: 02 9662 8432

WoW will never die. Zique had it pretty much spot on - it has everything working in its favor, and with such a large and enthusiastic community you don't need to have good graphics or be intuitive in any way. Despite not having played it, I'm fairly certain its a very well polished game.

The only MMO I'm looking forward to is Guild Wars 2. GW1 had a fuckton of content (and still gets updates), and was a well polished and fun game to play, if a bit simplistic at times. Like any game. whilst the graphics may draw you in, its the gameplay itself that keeps you playing, and I hope GW2 delivers there. And obviously, it won't kill WoW.

Last edited by Jestar (2011-01-12 04:04:01)

Work and study @ Technical Uni

Participated in beta 4 thanks to nvidia invite. I don't usually like MMOs, and don't care about WoW. But this was fun to play, more content I could even dare to begin understand and they are really putting a lot of effort making everything work right at the begin, not some patch hell.

Game engine is getting major update at launch, even the current beta build was stable, ran well and didn't even find more than couple minor bugs.

Pre-ordered at roughly 40€ from TRION and can't wait for next beta event!

"only thing that can kill WoW is WoW"

Uzique wrote:

this won't be any different. just spent 15 minutes on youtube watching beta footage. the game looks bland.
Game is halfway in beta and you forsee its life based on watching video from youtube for 15mins? ok, what are the next lottery numbers?

Last edited by GC_PaNzerFIN (2011-01-12 11:38:52)

3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
BC2 plat: CG, GL, M60, Mortar, Knife
This game is so far very good, I liked it but I am not good in MMO betas, knowing that my shit will get erased anyway. The souls were an interesting concept but I am not sure how it will work out coz you eventually would have to focus on one, maybe two souls, leaving the third for base abilities only which is lame. Perhaps it will improve with the level cap as the last beta was only up to 27. PvP also reminded me of WoW where two healers duel eachother - takes forever but I guess they are following Cata's trend of making battles last longer with larger healthpools (every class can also get a defensive/healing/support soul). Another plus were those rifts appearing - you can actually get gear from them (good gear). They are essentially like public quests in Warhammer, but scale with the number of people participating. Overall it is looking like the best "WoW-killer" so far - however I am not that naive to think it will kill WoW.

BTW only chance an MMO has to compete with WoW is giving the game/1 month or some bonuses for free to players with a WoW subscription already. You know, besides being a good game.

Nordemus wrote:

BTW only chance an MMO has to compete with WoW is giving the game/1 month or some bonuses for free to players with a WoW subscription already. You know, besides being a good game.
*Starcraft Online
fuck it
Warcraft franchise alone has a cult following. Blizzard employees could go door to door shitting on peoples faces and it would still win.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Nordemus wrote:

BTW only chance an MMO has to compete with WoW is giving the game/1 month or some bonuses for free to players with a WoW subscription already. You know, besides being a good game.
*Starcraft Online
World of Starcraft is probably their "ace in the hole" if anything from another company actually started stealing their playerbase. Until then, there isn't any reason to steal their own customers while doubling the work load.
blizzard are working on a next-gen MMO and have had an engine in development for years now... it's well known. it won't be in the starcraft universe, though (and besides i don't think a starcraft MMO would have as much appeal as a warcraft one, period).

no i am not predicting that the game will fail based on a 15 minute youtube video. but what i am saying is that all of your enthusiasm and glowing reviews are things that the MMO world has seen every-single-fucking-time a new half-assed MMO idea is kicked up. of course the first 10 levels of the beta experience seem polished and well done... did any of you play age of conan? the first 20 levels were pretty amazing and the game seemed like it genuinely had promise. what happened when you reached mid-level content? game quality went to absolute shit; 90% of people actually stopped playing, period. the voice-acting just suddenly stopped, the zones became uninspiring, the quest-content became increasingly rare and all you had to do was grind. now, im not saying the same thing will happen in rift... all im saying is that new MMO games ALWAYS impress in their early phases-- even with bugs and 'things to fix'. it's just the nature of MMO's, basically... you know, 'massive'. they're a spectacle and always have a "ooh, wow!" effect when you first log into them. 3 months of play later and that's the REAL test of a game's quality... endurance.

in my opinion the only MMO with a quality backing, decent development team and community willing to play it (i.e. the only truly promising MMO) that's due to be released is the new star wars one. now when people talk about a "cult" blizzard playerbase... the star wars franchise - especially after the original MMO, which was fantastic - has that too. i still don't think it will top WoW though, in terms of quality nor mainstream appeal... sci-fi just doesn't have the same allure as fantasy for the role-playing/MMO world. but that will probably turn out to be a very decent game.

by the way guild wars is not an MMO, guild wars 2 will not be an MMO. guild wars is a pretty decent game but completely different focus/style.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-01-13 06:39:57)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7032|Purplicious Wisconsin
Didn't have enough time to level up to 20 and I ended up deleting my characters so I could try a new combo. Beauty of the game is you can do so much more with the classes than you can with WoW. 'Course I doubt I would of gotten bored of the new level, there is always something in the game that I find interesting
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
really of all the criticisms i have of WoW, class homogeneity isn't one of them...

what do you find lacking in WoW regarding the classes? there are multiple versions of every archetype (i.e. melee, caster, healer), hybrid classes that do a bit of all, 3 potential talent trees for every single class to create variation in playstyle and use... and then on top of that you can have 2 talents at the same time and easily switch between them at the click of a button. what more adaptability and versatility do you want from your classes, short of having a class called 'UBERMENSCH' that just does everything, all at once?
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7032|Purplicious Wisconsin

Uzique wrote:

really of all the criticisms i have of WoW, class homogeneity isn't one of them...

what do you find lacking in WoW regarding the classes? there are multiple versions of every archetype (i.e. melee, caster, healer), hybrid classes that do a bit of all, 3 potential talent trees for every single class to create variation in playstyle and use... and then on top of that you can have 2 talents at the same time and easily switch between them at the click of a button. what more adaptability and versatility do you want from your classes, short of having a class called 'UBERMENSCH' that just does everything, all at once?
Sure you can have variations of what you want in that, but in RIFT you can have even more variety. Want to be an archer class that teleports a 15-30 meters away, ya got it. Want to be a healer and a pet guy(warlocks don't count as they don't have healing spells just soulstones), ya got it. Want to be a fucking mage warrior tank who fire fireballs at people, ya got it. Want to be a mage, but want some healing abilities ya got. Want to be a rogue yet want to be a tank too, ya got it. I could go on and on of what you can do in this game as far as classes. Oh and can you restart your talents if you want incase you are displeased by how you spent them or want to try something new?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

War Man wrote:

Uzique wrote:

really of all the criticisms i have of WoW, class homogeneity isn't one of them...

what do you find lacking in WoW regarding the classes? there are multiple versions of every archetype (i.e. melee, caster, healer), hybrid classes that do a bit of all, 3 potential talent trees for every single class to create variation in playstyle and use... and then on top of that you can have 2 talents at the same time and easily switch between them at the click of a button. what more adaptability and versatility do you want from your classes, short of having a class called 'UBERMENSCH' that just does everything, all at once?
Sure you can have variations of what you want in that, but in RIFT you can have even more variety. Want to be an archer class that teleports a 15-30 meters away, ya got it. Want to be a healer and a pet guy(warlocks don't count as they don't have healing spells just soulstones), ya got it. Want to be a fucking mage warrior tank who fire fireballs at people, ya got it. Want to be a mage, but want some healing abilities ya got. Want to be a rogue yet want to be a tank too, ya got it. I could go on and on of what you can do in this game as far as classes. Oh and can you restart your talents if you want incase you are displeased by how you spent them or want to try something new?
cool so i never have to level an alt
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7032|Purplicious Wisconsin

Brasso wrote:

War Man wrote:

Uzique wrote:

really of all the criticisms i have of WoW, class homogeneity isn't one of them...

what do you find lacking in WoW regarding the classes? there are multiple versions of every archetype (i.e. melee, caster, healer), hybrid classes that do a bit of all, 3 potential talent trees for every single class to create variation in playstyle and use... and then on top of that you can have 2 talents at the same time and easily switch between them at the click of a button. what more adaptability and versatility do you want from your classes, short of having a class called 'UBERMENSCH' that just does everything, all at once?
Sure you can have variations of what you want in that, but in RIFT you can have even more variety. Want to be an archer class that teleports a 15-30 meters away, ya got it. Want to be a healer and a pet guy(warlocks don't count as they don't have healing spells just soulstones), ya got it. Want to be a fucking mage warrior tank who fire fireballs at people, ya got it. Want to be a mage, but want some healing abilities ya got. Want to be a rogue yet want to be a tank too, ya got it. I could go on and on of what you can do in this game as far as classes. Oh and can you restart your talents if you want incase you are displeased by how you spent them or want to try something new?
cool so i never have to level an alt
Um, you still need to level up if you want some of the cooler abilities of a soul.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

War Man wrote:

Uzique wrote:

really of all the criticisms i have of WoW, class homogeneity isn't one of them...

what do you find lacking in WoW regarding the classes? there are multiple versions of every archetype (i.e. melee, caster, healer), hybrid classes that do a bit of all, 3 potential talent trees for every single class to create variation in playstyle and use... and then on top of that you can have 2 talents at the same time and easily switch between them at the click of a button. what more adaptability and versatility do you want from your classes, short of having a class called 'UBERMENSCH' that just does everything, all at once?
Sure you can have variations of what you want in that, but in RIFT you can have even more variety. Want to be an archer class that teleports a 15-30 meters away, ya got it. Want to be a healer and a pet guy(warlocks don't count as they don't have healing spells just soulstones), ya got it. Want to be a fucking mage warrior tank who fire fireballs at people, ya got it. Want to be a mage, but want some healing abilities ya got. Want to be a rogue yet want to be a tank too, ya got it. I could go on and on of what you can do in this game as far as classes. Oh and can you restart your talents if you want incase you are displeased by how you spent them or want to try something new?
to be honest that sounds fucking terrible. it's just pandering to populism: "give the players everything they want - satisfy every whim" mentality. that's bad for game-design, especially in MMO's. even blizzard have made some pretty shitty decisions in the past regarding making game-play changes according to people's petty wants. the whole point of an MMO is you play a class and specialize in something; you have a USE. parties and raids and player-versus-player and just about every aspect of the gameplay is structured around the classes being somehow DEPENDENT on one another: every class brings a unique skill and ability that gives it a 'worth'. give every class everything and what do you have? ironically, you have the homogenized mess that i was saying is the exact opposite of WoW.

if you're bored of playing your tank... go roll an alt. i'd rather have 3 characters that are actually meant for something than a jack-of-all-trades, good-for-nothin-special borefest. the end result of giving players a class that does everything is that players become completely self-reliant; if you can do everything in the game yourself, you have no need to party up with or socialise with other players. what's 'massive' about rift online if you can do everything by yourself? seems like a single-player game with the bonus ability to flash your epeen to me, nothing more.

Last edited by Uzique (2011-01-13 08:00:36)

libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+564|7032|Purplicious Wisconsin
You can't have exactly everything you want, there are always something that isn't perfect. Just you have what kind of class you want. There are no uber pawning classes, though some soul combos are very good while other soul combos fail. It is fun experimenting which works and which doesn't. There are still the limitations to keep the game balanced. Also you didn't answer my question, can you reset your spent talent points?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

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