Capt. Foley
+155|6846|Allentown, PA, USA

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

also want to open your eyes.. this is how heroic iraq ocupation is:

"Philip Bloom, the American businessman at the center of a widening inquiry into corruption in Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering for illegally obtaining millions of dollars in 2003 and 2004 that were meant for the reconstruction of Iraq."

A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.

    In one case, the Pentagon's own Defense Contract Audit Agency found that the leading U.S. contractor in Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary KBR, overcharged Iraq occupation authorities by $108 million for a task order to deliver fuel. … gi/37/9946

Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the reconstruction of Iraq from turning into the world's biggest corruption scandal in history, a respected anti-corruption watchdog has said. … FCC58A.htm

In the United States, a former official has admitted stealing millions of dollars meant for the reconstruction of Iraq.
Robert Stein admitted to stealing $2m from reconstruction funds.
Some of that money, the court heard, was smuggled onto aircraft and flown back to the United States in suitcases.
The case is an ugly twist in the tale of post-war Iraq.
its not only the middle east dumbass
there is terrorism in central south america  and the Phillipines
and scince countrsy from ALL OVER THE WORLD are helping us then YES IT IS A WORLD WAR
(of course it is not said often because people would start flipping out)
Horseman 77

l=l-Oneill-l=l wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

The US did NOT create israel.
I am sorry you didn't read, I didn't say they did.

Spumantiii wrote:

In 1948 Israel declared independence and guess who REFUSED to help?  America
Ok, Where was the Population of ( israel 1948 ) in,  Oh lets say ...1943 ?

Spumantiii wrote:

Israel proved it had the capacity to fight and take land from the Arab nations,
We all know israel took land from Arab Nations, thats why we are all in a World War now.

Spumantiii wrote:

all at the same time.  Who fought in this war?  Citizens and military.  Jewish people all over the world got the call.  Nobody helped them in their fight it was only after that they got aid
Believe me anytime you want to Cancel the Billions in aid we give israel I am on board.
If we hadn't backed israel unilaterally we wouldn't be in this mess.
If we hadn't been f*cking over the Arab nations in israels name for the last half century they wouldn't hate us now.
further If we had given them the Extra ten billion plus per year in aid I bet they would be Loyal trust worthy allies,
But we will never know will we.
Rigth balme the jews for wanting a contry of their own, in the land where they originataed and exiled thousands years ago. But what the hell they been blamed for everything what is wrong with this world.

Funny Bush goes after Sadam, not saying he did not deserved, but come on. ONe of the richest in Oil contriest in middle east. North Korea might have nukes, but no Let's get Iraq. Tell every one that they have "Veapons Of Mass Destaraction". Turn over whole county looking for it, don't find it and that say;"oups, our info was foulty, sorry for f***ing up you country." War is wrong, and the only people who profit from it are people who make monies on the missory of other people. But that just my thoughts on this subject.
I dont blame the jews for anything except the troubles  the United States has in the middle east.
Everyone wants their own land Just dont take someone elses and not expect trouble.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-07 19:17:02)


splixx wrote:

Bush is a serious problem period... With a 34% approval rating more and more people are seeing the light.
Funny thing is, most people who disapprove of Bush have no idea who the vice president is, or the secratary of state. hehehehehe
GunSlinger OIF II

IronFerret wrote:

GunSlinger OIF II wrote:

I take a personal offense whenever you slander the army's mission in iraq.  When you say the army dont give a shit about the iraqi people that is the exact opposite of a rational comment.  dont be a hippocrate.
you seriusly think US High Army leaders care about iraq people??!? i dont think your that naif.. so dont be hippocrate.. i mean lets make a worldwide poll:

How much US high leaders care about iraq people?

dude honestly you think 90% of the world is wrong?!.. they are agains US lately foreing policy just because we are jealous.. come on!!..

I want to let clear something: I dont want to insult, or deaqualify the work of all regular US soldiers in iraq or anywere in the world.. theres shure some true heros that are there because they beleave in serving their country thats nice.. We are talking about the bunch of people abusing off that, mainly neoconservatives in power.
if you understood the amount of restrain they make the US soldier go through in a combat zone you wouldnt be saying such foolish comments.  The people who were abusing their power were not at the army level, yet you are making retarded generalizations about the us military command.  You read a few articles on the internet and claim your an expert.  have you been to the middle east?  I have, and not just in a military capacity.  US army leaders are different than the politicians that run this country but apparently you cant seem to grasp that when you make those generalized comments.  The armys goal in iraq is to win the hearts and minds and rebuild the infrastructure and iraqi national defence.  If you think we go around there driving around killing civilians whenever we get a chance then i dont think you even deserve my time for a reply
+48|6915|Mexico City.

Mr.Pieeater wrote:

iI love how you say, "im not American and im not planning on becoming one..."...  WELL DUH!  None of you little illegal immigrants become Americans, you just come here to work so you can send the money home!

AND how dare you even talk about the United States government!  The government in Mexico is so corrupt you guys have to hike across a desert and jump a fence to get a decent wage...  I don't even want to waste my time finding articles about your worthless government.

I do love Corona though...  Especially with a lime.
ok.. i have read lot of this..
1.- not all mexicans are brown poor and work in agro and construction.. i bet i live better here than most middle class in US. Im an architect leading to make a Phd. in Barcelona.

2.-mexicans, africans, thaitians, europeans, arabas..and whatever can talk about US.. since US administration seems to be very corncern in liberate nations (actually liberate means droping a insane number of presicion WMD in such nation)*, with out the traditional diplomatic  negotiation.

3.-not all mexicans cross the border ilegaly

4.-not all mexicans live in US

5.-mexican goverment have a tradition of corruption.. thats for shure but that doesnt make all mexicans in corrupt people automatically.

7.-fact corona is cheaper here than worldwide.

*this presicion WMD might have collateral damage on civil population.

Last edited by IronFerret (2006-05-07 18:09:23)

+53|6997|Omaha, Nebraska

Mike_J wrote:

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

also want to open your eyes.. this is how heroic iraq ocupation is:

"Philip Bloom, the American businessman at the center of a widening inquiry into corruption in Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering for illegally obtaining millions of dollars in 2003 and 2004 that were meant for the reconstruction of Iraq."

A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.

    In one case, the Pentagon's own Defense Contract Audit Agency found that the leading U.S. contractor in Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary KBR, overcharged Iraq occupation authorities by $108 million for a task order to deliver fuel. … gi/37/9946

Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the reconstruction of Iraq from turning into the world's biggest corruption scandal in history, a respected anti-corruption watchdog has said. … FCC58A.htm

In the United States, a former official has admitted stealing millions of dollars meant for the reconstruction of Iraq.
Robert Stein admitted to stealing $2m from reconstruction funds.
Some of that money, the court heard, was smuggled onto aircraft and flown back to the United States in suitcases.
The case is an ugly twist in the tale of post-war Iraq.
LOL!!  You think you can confindently tell me to open my eyes and realize there is no progress in Iraq?!?!  Likewise with your friend splixx?!?!  I'll remember those few instances you listed next time I have to help build a school or open a market in Mosul.  Yeah I guess your listed instances definately out weigh the thousands of projects we're doing over there to rebuild that nation.  Sorry, must've slipped my mind.  How narrow minded I must be.

Global terrorism really just means the "middle east???"  There's no way you or your friend here are adults.  Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, and North America certainly have experienced the effects of global terrorism within recent years.  Thus, the word "global."  But I guess to your standards bombings in Indonesia, Spain, England, guerilla fighters and corrupt governments in Africa, South America, and hijacked planes in the US don't count right?  I could go on and on if you'd like.  The fact is that terrorism globally is on the rise and the US and it's allied nations are fighting all over the world.  Don't know if you can't see it, but it's in the word "World War."  I guess you won't consider anything a war unless it affects you directly though.  Just doesn't count to you huh?  Next time I have to dodge sniper fire from an abondoned hotel across the street from my motor pool in Mosul I'll remember that people like you are pretending no war is going on.  Honestly I don't care what you think though.  You're too uninformed about worldly events.  Please, continue to sift through tons and tons of information and try to find the few things that undermine what me and my fellow comrades have accomplished in the past few years.

splixx wrote:

kessel! wrote:

the war on terrorism is not a war. it is a blackhole. terrorists will always exist in some way shape or form, so spending billions of dollars fighting them is like burning money. Terrorism is wrong, i know that, but the only reason the US started this "war" is a select few can benefit.
You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
Yet again, more talk straight from people's asses.  Do you have any idea why Fallujah had some of the worst fighting?  Are you aware that we dropped leaflets and publically announced that we were going to roll through that city?  That city was the biggest terrorist safe haven in Iraq.  You realize that the reason we publically announced going into Fallujah was to warn innocent civilians to leave the city?  Many of them did pal.  If I can recall right, they were warned about 1 or 2 months before we even went in there.  Remember the reporters that went in there that were massacred and hung on the bridge entrance to the city?  That battle was actually very effective in killing and capturing massive amounts of terrorists, many of them from Iran, Syria, and Chechnya.

Btw, thanks for the negative karma with the "hasn't a clue" statement.  I'm glad that you think that watching a few stories on CNN or whatever makes you a political expert.  Just go do your chores, play your video games, and beat off in your room and I won't tell your mommy.  You know what that tells me?  It says that you obviously read my posts and have nothing to support your views.  In other words, you lose.  Thanks.
This is a typical response from someone that does not have all the facts. Turn off Fox news already. You sound like a broken record from all that constant spam they spew.

Rebuild schools? Do you know anyone over there? I do.. I have facts sorry.  Funny how Cheney's Haliberton(sp?) is rebuilding that country.

P.S. I refuse to watch the T.V. since there is a media blackout on this war. No? They only show you what THEY want you to see son.

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

also want to open your eyes.. this is how heroic iraq ocupation is:

"Philip Bloom, the American businessman at the center of a widening inquiry into corruption in Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering for illegally obtaining millions of dollars in 2003 and 2004 that were meant for the reconstruction of Iraq."

A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.

    In one case, the Pentagon's own Defense Contract Audit Agency found that the leading U.S. contractor in Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary KBR, overcharged Iraq occupation authorities by $108 million for a task order to deliver fuel. … gi/37/9946

Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the reconstruction of Iraq from turning into the world's biggest corruption scandal in history, a respected anti-corruption watchdog has said. … FCC58A.htm

In the United States, a former official has admitted stealing millions of dollars meant for the reconstruction of Iraq.
Robert Stein admitted to stealing $2m from reconstruction funds.
Some of that money, the court heard, was smuggled onto aircraft and flown back to the United States in suitcases.
The case is an ugly twist in the tale of post-war Iraq.
Yes yes, you posted this on another thread and I responded to it by pointing out all of these cases were opened up by the very govt. that you are saying is corrupt. Of course, when I responded to this in that other thread, you ignored it.

I wasn't aware that Iraq was a peaceful society with no violence before we invaded. It musta been a heck of a vacation spot before we got there. do you have any pictures of your family vacation to Iraq? I would love to see them.

global does not mean the middle east.....unless on your map Australia, Phillipines, US, Spain, England, South America etc.......... are all countries in the middle east!! IT is a World War and it can not be denied by anyone except those with their heads in the sand.
+3|6972|fort worth, tx.
well fallujah's home owners should have done something about that people they had living there. you cant pick where the battle will be, what you think the bad guys are just going to walk out to the middle of the desert like they did in desert storm? (btw that didnt work out too well for them) they wanted cover for the fight and they used homes for shelter sorry but thats the way it is war is hell and if youve never particapated in one well good for you but you dont know wtf your talking about then. ive seen the shit up close and its not nice, if you have some asshole sniper pinning you down from some building across the street m1 abrams time no more sniper sorry as hell bout your house but you understand right.... you get my drift the us army and marines are a killing machine and once turned on stand back close your eyes and it will be over quick!!! its people like the ones above that burn my ass. they want to have there freedom of speech who the fuck won that for you a soldier did. thats why we have those freedoms because there are people that will go and do what needs to be done. anyway ive said enough i thank god everyday im a american and thank also all the soldiers that help to keep it free i was one like my father and his before him.
GunSlinger OIF II

splixx wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

IronFerret wrote:

Mike_J wrote:

are you guys pretending that the fight against global terrorism isn't a war?  open your eyes..
and you pretend that figth a war against global terrorism (also "global" is just middle east), would be solve  occupying  every muslim nation in the world.. that just gonna make more terrorism... Iraq had no terrorism before ocupation and now.. look at media and open your eyes.

also want to open your eyes.. this is how heroic iraq ocupation is:

"Philip Bloom, the American businessman at the center of a widening inquiry into corruption in Iraq, pleaded guilty Tuesday to federal charges of conspiracy, bribery, and money laundering for illegally obtaining millions of dollars in 2003 and 2004 that were meant for the reconstruction of Iraq."

A U.S. government audit found American-led occupation authorities squandered tens of millions of dollars that were supposed to be used to rebuild Iraq through undocumented spending and outright fraud.

    In one case, the Pentagon's own Defense Contract Audit Agency found that the leading U.S. contractor in Iraq, Halliburton subsidiary KBR, overcharged Iraq occupation authorities by $108 million for a task order to deliver fuel. … gi/37/9946

Urgent measures must be taken to prevent the reconstruction of Iraq from turning into the world's biggest corruption scandal in history, a respected anti-corruption watchdog has said. … FCC58A.htm

In the United States, a former official has admitted stealing millions of dollars meant for the reconstruction of Iraq.
Robert Stein admitted to stealing $2m from reconstruction funds.
Some of that money, the court heard, was smuggled onto aircraft and flown back to the United States in suitcases.
The case is an ugly twist in the tale of post-war Iraq.
LOL!!  You think you can confindently tell me to open my eyes and realize there is no progress in Iraq?!?!  Likewise with your friend splixx?!?!  I'll remember those few instances you listed next time I have to help build a school or open a market in Mosul.  Yeah I guess your listed instances definately out weigh the thousands of projects we're doing over there to rebuild that nation.  Sorry, must've slipped my mind.  How narrow minded I must be.

Global terrorism really just means the "middle east???"  There's no way you or your friend here are adults.  Southeast Asia, South America, Africa, Europe, and North America certainly have experienced the effects of global terrorism within recent years.  Thus, the word "global."  But I guess to your standards bombings in Indonesia, Spain, England, guerilla fighters and corrupt governments in Africa, South America, and hijacked planes in the US don't count right?  I could go on and on if you'd like.  The fact is that terrorism globally is on the rise and the US and it's allied nations are fighting all over the world.  Don't know if you can't see it, but it's in the word "World War."  I guess you won't consider anything a war unless it affects you directly though.  Just doesn't count to you huh?  Next time I have to dodge sniper fire from an abondoned hotel across the street from my motor pool in Mosul I'll remember that people like you are pretending no war is going on.  Honestly I don't care what you think though.  You're too uninformed about worldly events.  Please, continue to sift through tons and tons of information and try to find the few things that undermine what me and my fellow comrades have accomplished in the past few years.

splixx wrote:

You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
Yet again, more talk straight from people's asses.  Do you have any idea why Fallujah had some of the worst fighting?  Are you aware that we dropped leaflets and publically announced that we were going to roll through that city?  That city was the biggest terrorist safe haven in Iraq.  You realize that the reason we publically announced going into Fallujah was to warn innocent civilians to leave the city?  Many of them did pal.  If I can recall right, they were warned about 1 or 2 months before we even went in there.  Remember the reporters that went in there that were massacred and hung on the bridge entrance to the city?  That battle was actually very effective in killing and capturing massive amounts of terrorists, many of them from Iran, Syria, and Chechnya.

Btw, thanks for the negative karma with the "hasn't a clue" statement.  I'm glad that you think that watching a few stories on CNN or whatever makes you a political expert.  Just go do your chores, play your video games, and beat off in your room and I won't tell your mommy.  You know what that tells me?  It says that you obviously read my posts and have nothing to support your views.  In other words, you lose.  Thanks.
This is a typical response from someone that does not have all the facts. Turn off Fox news already. You sound like a broken record from all that constant spam they spew.

Rebuild schools? Do you know anyone over there? I do.. I have facts sorry.  Funny how Cheney's Haliberton(sp?) is rebuilding that country.

P.S. I refuse to watch the T.V. since there is a media blackout on this war. No? They only show you what THEY want you to see son.
HE IS A US ARMY SOLDIER AND HES BEEN TO IRAQ AS HAVE I YOU YOU FLIPPIN IDIOT.  he speaks the truth you know nothing except for what you choose believe

Varegg wrote:

Not sure about Bush, but the coalision of warmongerers that fund him must be very pleased with how things have worked out, they sell arms for trillions of dollars so the few hundred millions they put into his campaign looks like a bad tip in a restaurant.

I`ve always been a fan of the US and we have a lot to thank them for the last 60 - 70 years but now i think they have taken their global politics a tad to far, they`ve made the entire middleeast their enemy and along the way they are loosing support amongst allies that grow tired of the world police theater they conduct.

Hope the US will wise up and concider there are more issues than waging war - cause war is never the solution to anything.

All the money used making guns in the US and the other I-countries could have made the rest of the world a better place for everyone with clean water and a school to goto every day so they could educate themselves out of misery.
I agree, except that 911 thing kinda brought defending ourselves to the top of the ol' priority list. What good are new schools if you need to wonder if or when our kids will be blown up in them?

And I am more than willing to support the notion to let the EU to handle all of the problems of the troubled countries that are nieghboring them. More power to ya. I say the US should turn off the alarm clock and sleep in.

kessel! wrote:

the war on terrorism is not a war. it is a blackhole. terrorists will always exist in some way shape or form, so spending billions of dollars fighting them is like burning money. Terrorism is wrong, i know that, but the only reason the US started this "war" is a select few can benefit.
the US started the war??!!.........I better double check the newspapers I saved on 9-12-01.... I coulda swore it said the US was attacked by terrorist from the middle east.
+53|6997|Omaha, Nebraska

Horseman 77 wrote:

splixx wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

This War started when israel was created.  The US did not create israel alone. The US has been in this War for a long time. We will win.

The thing that is on our side is knowledge. Knowledge has a way of spreading. It is difficult to contain and spreads on its own as if it has a will to do so.
Knowledge can be twisted and subverted for sure but only for a while, but show me someone who has been lied to and manipulated by his leaders and I will show you a motivated enemy.

Note: We do not fall into this class you will notice. ( typing blather and insults here does not constitute "The good fight ! " Sorry but you knew that. )

The reason the War was accelerated ( by our Enemies ) was the Hold of total ignorance that our opponents had over their people is ebbing.
With access to world wide news sources the Internet, Relatives who immigrated here. Etc., these people wont be able to be whipped up into a Religious frenzy for much longer.
( 72 virgins ) how long will that really last? its almost Comical if it wasn't so Sad.
They know Now what we look like, how we think, that we don't follow or own leaders blindly, we question our leaders, prod them, goad them, insult them.
They know they cant. Or rather Couldn't. Now they can in Iraq. They know why we are there in their land if you don't. With half of the new Voters in Iraq being women (mothers) how will that effect the age old Ruling class that was till recently composed solely of men? These people aren't dumb. If our efforts there are clumsy or misguided, They all know some who was lowered feet first into a shredder when it was Business as usual. These people are not suckers and they don't fall for the Stupid propaganda 100% Though I am sure some do. As some still do here.
You can fool some of the people all the time all the people some of the Time

Further, This " I know it all" attitude is the First thing you lose when you really start to learn.
Show me someone, Anyone from any field who says " I know all there is to learn" and I will show you an intellectually stunted person.
I kind of chuckle when I hear how much superior we are then anyone else. Rome had it's day... I must say I would reply to all of this but there is not much need. The US used to be a super power but now our  leadership is all about greed and corruption. Our politicians have all but sold us all off to other countries... Wake up and the truth shall set you free.
Chuckle all you Want, Rome had more than a Day.

Nowhere in the entire post did it say or imply anything about being Superior or even Wrong or Right.
Nor was that anywhere near what my post was about.
So I know you didn't even bother to Read before you made your reply. It speaks volumes.
You can post any silly quip you want. It must be nice to have a corner on the Truth Market which is a neat trick considering you apparently don't bother to read or retain much.

The USA is not a Super Power ? OK. I only wish we had some way to Wager on a poll.
I was trying to retain something from that reading but hardly made it through the first time around. My comments are what I think and facts I have found from people that have been there. Sorry if you need to take offense to this and protect the system and start personal attacks. This does not suprise me though.
This will soon enough all come out.

For one I support My family, friends, my military... I do not support Bush.. I do not support any of his BS he keeps spewing and getting us deeper and deeper into a bunch of non sense.  I apologize you only have a one site view of this. I had the other... And now I know the truth.

Horseman 77 wrote:

l=l-Oneill-l=l wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

Spumantiii wrote:

The US did NOT create israel.
I am sorry you didn't read, I didn't say they did.

Spumantiii wrote:

In 1948 Israel declared independence and guess who REFUSED to help?  America
Ok, Where was the Population of ( israel 1948 ) in,  Oh lets say ...1943 ?

Spumantiii wrote:

Israel proved it had the capacity to fight and take land from the Arab nations,
We all know israel took land from Arab Nations, thats why we are all in a World War now.

Believe me anytime you want to Cancel the Billions in aid we give israel I am on board.
If we hadn't backed israel unilaterally we wouldn't be in this mess.
If we hadn't been f*cking over the Arab nations in israels name for the last half century they wouldn't hate us now.
further If we had given them the Extra ten billion plus per year in aid I bet they would be Loyal trust worthy allies,
But we will never know will we.
Rigth balme the jews for wanting a contry of their own, in the land where they originataed and exiled thousands years ago. But what the hell they been blamed for everything what is wrong with this world.

Funny Bush goes after Sadam, not saying he did not deserved, but come on. ONe of the richest in Oil contriest in middle east. North Korea might have nukes, but no Let's get Iraq. Tell every one that they have "Veapons Of Mass Destaraction". Turn over whole county looking for it, don't find it and that say;"oups, our info was foulty, sorry for f***ing up you country." War is wrong, and the only people who profit from it are people who make monies on the missory of other people. But that just my thoughts on this subject.
Everyone wants their own land Just dont take someone elses and not expect trouble.
This I agree with. Like it or not, the Arabs got screwed over by the settling of Israel. I can't say I approve of their tactics. Terrorism sure as hell will NOT gain them sympathy with the US, however, recognizing the basic grievance they have might be a rational start to the "road to peace".

Varegg wrote:

...war is never the solution to anything...
Nonsense! Along with many other historical examples, war sure seemed a viable solution to the problem of Nazi Germany. If you don't agree with that, well, there's no way we can have a logical argument. While war is abhorrent in nature, there can be no question that it has been the solution to many issues, whether for good or ill in each circumstance.

IronFerret wrote:

mmm lets see: for example
colateral damage you know theres thousand of those articles..

dude honestly you think 90% of the world is wrong?!.. they are agains US lately foreing policy just because we are jealous.. come on!!..

I want to let clear something: I dont want to insult, or deaqualify the work of all regular US soldiers in iraq or anywere in the world.. theres shure some true heros that are there because they beleave in serving their country thats nice.. We are talking about the bunch of people abusing off that, mainly neoconservatives in power.
Wonderful. Let's all use admittedly one-sided "online magazines" for reference. You do insult the US military and what they are doing when you tell them that their reasons for fighting are incorrect. And neoconservativism? Please...what a meaningless term, torn out of the Cold War and irrelevantly applied to anyone supporting war by modern newspapers and news broadcast services.

I suppose you'd rather the US fight the War on Terror exclusively with its magical CIA, with a bunch of secret policemen somehow breaking into a terrorist hideout and forcing its inhabitants on their knees...followed by the strutting entry of a man in a brown trenchcoat with a cigarette smoke and sardonic wit spilling effortlessly from his mouth. Perhaps at just the right point, he can turn and wink at the press cam. Sorry, this doesn't work in real life like it does in the movies.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2006-05-07 18:20:23)


splixx wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

splixx wrote:

You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
This War started when israel was created.  The US did not create israel alone. The US has been in this War for a long time. We will win.

The thing that is on our side is knowledge. Knowledge has a way of spreading. It is difficult to contain and spreads on its own as if it has a will to do so.
Knowledge can be twisted and subverted for sure but only for a while, but show me someone who has been lied to and manipulated by his leaders and I will show you a motivated enemy.

Note: We do not fall into this class you will notice. ( typing blather and insults here does not constitute "The good fight ! " Sorry but you knew that. )

The reason the War was accelerated ( by our Enemies ) was the Hold of total ignorance that our opponents had over their people is ebbing.
With access to world wide news sources the Internet, Relatives who immigrated here. Etc., these people wont be able to be whipped up into a Religious frenzy for much longer.
( 72 virgins ) how long will that really last? its almost Comical if it wasn't so Sad.
They know Now what we look like, how we think, that we don't follow or own leaders blindly, we question our leaders, prod them, goad them, insult them.
They know they cant. Or rather Couldn't. Now they can in Iraq. They know why we are there in their land if you don't. With half of the new Voters in Iraq being women (mothers) how will that effect the age old Ruling class that was till recently composed solely of men? These people aren't dumb. If our efforts there are clumsy or misguided, They all know some who was lowered feet first into a shredder when it was Business as usual. These people are not suckers and they don't fall for the Stupid propaganda 100% Though I am sure some do. As some still do here.
You can fool some of the people all the time all the people some of the Time

Further, This " I know it all" attitude is the First thing you lose when you really start to learn.
Show me someone, Anyone from any field who says " I know all there is to learn" and I will show you an intellectually stunted person.
I kind of chuckle when I hear how much superior we are then anyone else. Rome had it's day... I must say I would reply to all of this but there is not much need. The US used to be a super power but now our  leadership is all about greed and corruption. Our politicians have all but sold us all off to other countries... Wake up and the truth shall set you free.
I never agreed with you on much but this paragraph I agree with. Maybe we are getting close to a revolution who knows.

UnOriginalNuttah wrote:

I personally will count the first day of WWIII as the day when the first permanent member of the UN pulls out or declares war against another member.   

That is: China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States.

What do you think was/will be the start of WWIII, or do you agree with the Bush definition?
Terrorism is being fought on every populated continent in the world, how is the fact that is a world war even in question?
has joined the GOP
well, actually guys, as much as we may hate it, bush is right. this is by definition world war three. to be a world war it doesn't have to involve the entire world, as we know most countries in south america and central america didn't partake in the fighting in WWII, it just has to <I>effect</I> the entire world. this war has caused a price raise in oil for every single country in the world through two ways: it's caused a slow in production, and its caused OPEC to raise prices, and because of the world's current state of dependence on oil, it has seriously effected other parts of the economy as more and more people budget what they buy in order to buy oil. as well, when a company needs oil to run its machines and that price rises, the prices of our goods rise too. therefore, what we have here is world war three.
has joined the GOP

Horseman 77 wrote:

splixx wrote:

kessel! wrote:

the war on terrorism is not a war. it is a blackhole. terrorists will always exist in some way shape or form, so spending billions of dollars fighting them is like burning money. Terrorism is wrong, i know that, but the only reason the US started this "war" is a select few can benefit.
You are correct. For one we bomb the hell out of Falluja destroy most of a city(Example of one city)... Then people come back after the bombing.. They find there dead family... House turned to pebbles...They are offered $300 dollars to rebuild.... Let's think... Who did we just create? A new terrorist.

That is exactly what I would become if someone came destroyed my family and home. So everyone one so called terrorist in Iraq that is killed 100's are created... We will not win.
This War started when israel was created.  The US did not create israel alone. The US has been in this War for a long time. We will win.

The thing that is on our side is knowledge. Knowledge has a way of spreading. It is difficult to contain and spreads on its own as if it has a will to do so.
Knowledge can be twisted and subverted for sure but only for a while, but show me someone who has been lied to and manipulated by his leaders and I will show you a motivated enemy.

Note: We do not fall into this class you will notice. ( typing blather and insults here does not constitute "The good fight ! " Sorry but you knew that. )

The reason the War was accelerated ( by our Enemies ) was the Hold of total ignorance that our opponents had over their people is ebbing.
With access to world wide news sources the Internet, Relatives who immigrated here. Etc., these people wont be able to be whipped up into a Religious frenzy for much longer.
( 72 virgins ) how long will that really last? its almost Comical if it wasn't so Sad.
They know Now what we look like, how we think, that we don't follow or own leaders blindly, we question our leaders, prod them, goad them, insult them.
They know they cant. Or rather Couldn't. Now they can in Iraq. They know why we are there in their land if you don't. With half of the new Voters in Iraq being women (mothers) how will that effect the age old Ruling class that was till recently composed solely of men? These people aren't dumb. If our efforts there are clumsy or misguided, They all know some who was lowered feet first into a shredder when it was Business as usual. These people are not suckers and they don't fall for the Stupid propaganda 100% Though I am sure some do. As some still do here.
You can fool some of the people all the time all the people some of the Time

Further, This " I know it all" attitude is the First thing you lose when you really start to learn.
Show me someone, Anyone from any field who says " I know all there is to learn" and I will show you an intellectually stunted person.
horseman, heres the thing. britian, not the USA created Israel. they promised to turn THEIR COLONY of palestine into a jewish homeland once WWII was won. afterwards, they dumped palestine into the hands of the UN and with it their zionistic promise to the jews. therefore, if this war started then, britain must equal USA, therefore, the revolutionary war never happened, and therefore, we are all brits. see now?
Im getting tired of hearing of Bush,muslims,Terrorist.WW3,UN,USA,Good/bad guys,who´s right/wrong.

If the shit hits the fan,all you Political/Military experts here are going to die like the rest of us.

So lets get the shit started,and that will be the End of this thread
Horseman 77

splixx wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

The USA is not a Super Power ? OK. I only wish we had some way to Wager on a poll.
I was trying to retain something from that reading but hardly made it through the first time around. My comments are what I think and facts I have found from people that have been there. Sorry if you need to take offense to this and protect the system and start personal attacks. This does not suprise me though.
This will soon enough all come out.

For one I support My family, friends, my military... I do not support Bush.. I do not support any of his BS he keeps spewing and getting us deeper and deeper into a bunch of non sense.  I apologize you only have a one site view of this. I had the other... And now I know the truth.
Personal Attacks ? Take it anyway you want to. All I did was call attention to What I wrote and your condesending response to it.
Everyone can read what I wrote.

Last edited by Horseman 77 (2006-05-08 05:03:51)

Peruvian Cocaine
+261|7023|Toronto Canada
terrorism is not solely due to the creation of israel. there are terrorists fighting for different causes all across the planet. Splixx is correct in saying that the USA is creating 100's of insurgents and terrorists everyday, but there are also powerful people who raise children into hating certain groups. The taliban sets up training camps, but it isnt limited to them. The southern United states are a breeding ground for racist groups. The KKK for example. They are actually classified as a terrorist group. Its funny how so many ignorant people see terrorists as being exclusively Islamic or Arab, when there are people burning crosses in their own backyards
im a fucking .....well not now
+609|7028|AUS, Canberra
what a surprise that an attack on america would have the us saying its a world war....can i here someone say world series baseball?????
+53|6997|Omaha, Nebraska

Horseman 77 wrote:

splixx wrote:

Horseman 77 wrote:

The USA is not a Super Power ? OK. I only wish we had some way to Wager on a poll.
I was trying to retain something from that reading but hardly made it through the first time around. My comments are what I think and facts I have found from people that have been there. Sorry if you need to take offense to this and protect the system and start personal attacks. This does not suprise me though.
This will soon enough all come out.

For one I support My family, friends, my military... I do not support Bush.. I do not support any of his BS he keeps spewing and getting us deeper and deeper into a bunch of non sense.  I apologize you only have a one site view of this. I had the other... And now I know the truth.
Personal Attacks ? Take it anyway you want to. All I did was call attetion to What I wrote and your condesending response to it.
Everyone can read what I wrote.
Honestly I am not going to get into a piss match over this. I value anyone's opinion and I love to learn. I am here to learn so please do not take offense to my remarks.

I have questions... One good question is what are we doing in Iraq? I was told it was for weopons of mass destruction... So where are they? So far all I have seen are some old WWII shells! I might be going off into the wrong direction but does anyone else see a pattern here with Bush? I also get tired of hearing from people that all of them are like this... Well you know I think everyone is right, they are all corrupt.. I wish we would actually get leaders in this world that gave a shit about the people.

One good example: who is protecting us with this oil sham? Everyone keeps pointing their fingers at the middle east when in fact it is our own countries companies making billions in a few weeks off of us.  Sorry just had to vent on that one...

Anyways I am not here to bash or flame any of you, I will show respect as long as others do the same. If you get ticked off at me that much just add my nick to x-fire and you can kill me in game ok?

+3|6972|fort worth, tx.
i was there in desertstorm and desertsheild there were wmd i blew up alot of that crap most people dont know but alot of the g.i.'s got sick as hell when the wind changed and poisened alot of our own guys its called (desert sickness) by the va anyway he might not have them now but someone has them they went all destroyed i know we didnt get all of it there was just too damn must to destroy. i blew up stuff for almost 6 months after the war this went on daily and after my unit left there was a unit to take my place.... anyway i know for a fact he had mustard and serin and anthrax gas's in 155 shells just ask anyone who has had symptoms from desert sickness!! former u.s. army 12b combat engineer

11thdsv wrote:

i was there in desertstorm and desertsheild there were wmd i blew up alot of that crap most people dont know but alot of the g.i.'s got sick as hell when the wind changed and poisened alot of our own guys its called (desert sickness) by the va anyway he might not have them now but someone has them they went all destroyed i know we didnt get all of it there was just too damn must to destroy. i blew up stuff for almost 6 months after the war this went on daily and after my unit left there was a unit to take my place.... anyway i know for a fact he had mustard and serin and anthrax gas's in 155 shells just ask anyone who has had symptoms from desert sickness!! former u.s. army 12b combat engineer
I was just wondering, did your armor/ artillery use any DU rounds?
These weapons are horrible … hPaper.htm

Last edited by Spumantiii (2006-05-07 20:39:20)

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