+605|6695|San Diego, CA, USA
So its not that bad yet...at least they haven't starting building Mosques on Christian graveyards yet here in the United States:

Muslims building mosque on Christian graveyard in Pakistan
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

fadedsteve wrote:

Doctor Strangelove wrote:

fadedsteve wrote:

As much as its distasteful and tacky of these people to want to put this mosque 2 blocks from hollowed ground, they have the right to do so under our Constitution.

Now there are def questions that need to be answered namely the funding of this mosque, who's running the "show" etc.  If it comes back shady and there are some questionable characters involved, then the City of NY needs to block this.

These people also have to know that this mosque will be under more scrutiny than any other mosque in the country if they decide to build there.  They have to understand they will be watched by law enforcement CONSTANTLY looking for any excuse to shut them down.  I personally believe its not worth it for them to build there cause families will protest, average citizens will protest and they will be under constant surveillance by the FBI and other Government agencies.  It will be a nightmare!!! But knowing how stubborn people of faith can be ESPECIALLY Muslims, they probably will build this mosque despite all the protest and negative banter.

btw its been almost a year since I have posted on these forums, I just want to say its happy to be back!! - fadedsteve
Constant surveillance?

Where the fuck is that coming from?
Absolutely! Your telling me if this "community center" goes through, the FEDS won't be watching this place constantly?? The Imam in charge hates Jews and more or less hates America judging by his past statements! The money that is flowing in to build this "community center" is coming from questionable sources with potential terror ties.  In this age of terrorism how wouldn't the authorities in NY watch this building with the utmost scrutiny!?
There are many mosques in NYC that the Feds do not touch.

The money is coming from the co-owner of News Corp, not what I would call a terrorist.

And the authorities in NYC have no problem with the not-mosque at all. In fact, Bloomberg is probably its biggest non-Muslim supporter.
why aren't people seeing the muslim community centre and the muslim community's wishes to have a prominent place in new york society/culture as a symbol and act of solidarity against extremism? why must the far-right nutjobs see and consider every single casually practicing muslim as an inherent danger to their just and fair society? i actually think, upon consideration, that a muslim community centre near ground zero is actually a kind of noble and commendable thing. it's a symbolic sign to fundamentalism in the middle-east: 'you are not achieving anything'.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

Uzique wrote:

why aren't people seeing the muslim community centre and the muslim community's wishes to have a prominent place in new york society/culture as a symbol and act of solidarity against extremism? why must the far-right nutjobs see and consider every single casually practicing muslim as an inherent danger to their just and fair society? i actually think, upon consideration, that a muslim community centre near ground zero is actually a kind of noble and commendable thing. it's a symbolic sign to fundamentalism in the middle-east: 'you are not achieving anything'.
But that wouldn't fit with their preconceived world view.
O Canada
+1,596|6551|North Carolina

Uzique wrote:

why aren't people seeing the muslim community centre and the muslim community's wishes to have a prominent place in new york society/culture as a symbol and act of solidarity against extremism? why must the far-right nutjobs see and consider every single casually practicing muslim as an inherent danger to their just and fair society? i actually think, upon consideration, that a muslim community centre near ground zero is actually a kind of noble and commendable thing. it's a symbolic sign to fundamentalism in the middle-east: 'you are not achieving anything'.
Hey, no argument here...   "Keep calm and carry on".
A muslim cut my head off once. I got better though.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
It was me, i poured Guiness down the hatch.  The young lad came back stronger than ever.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
be nice
+2,646|6600|The Twilight Zone
who's idea was to build a mosque so close to Ground 0 anyway?
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

.Sup wrote:

who's idea was to build a mosque so close to Ground 0 anyway?
Bin Laden
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
be nice
+2,646|6600|The Twilight Zone

Beduin wrote:

.Sup wrote:

who's idea was to build a mosque so close to Ground 0 anyway?
Bin Laden
Jesus Bed, it was a serious question, I don't have any hate towards Muslims, go build Mosques, go ahead I just think building one so close to Ground zero is provocative.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.

.Sup wrote:

Beduin wrote:

.Sup wrote:

who's idea was to build a mosque so close to Ground 0 anyway?
Bin Laden
Jesus Bed, it was a serious question, I don't have any hate towards Muslims, go build Mosques, go ahead I just think building one so close to Ground zero is provocative.
It was some imam that didn't realize that people not from NYC would get their panties up in a bunch over nothing just because the media wanted to be able to create a non-story to report on.
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

.Sup wrote:

Beduin wrote:

.Sup wrote:

who's idea was to build a mosque so close to Ground 0 anyway?
Bin Laden
Jesus Bed, it was a serious question
It was a serious answer. This is Hamas/Hizbullah/Alqaeda-LINKED, ISLAMIC SUPREMACIST mega mosque is going to be a terror command center.
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York
Walked to Park51 today because I was going to shoot some pool with a friend at a bar right next to it.

From Ground Zero to the "Mosque", it took me and my group 10 minutes.

Basically, "Ground Zero" and "Mosque" are both totally completely incorrect. It's away from Ground Zero without even 1WTC (which is coming along beautifully btw) in sight. And it's NOT a mosque, it's an Islamic Cultural Center.

Went up to the people rallying for it and shook their hands telling them I supported their efforts. Great people.


Freedom Tower/One WTC is going to be beautiful. Can't wait. Stopped into the 9/11 Memorial preview center as well... it's going to be a great tribute to the victims and their families. Love the idea of the reflecting pools as well.


Last edited by Poseidon (2010-09-04 15:36:12)

As a matter of Interest has anyone here ever Heard a mosque ? If not you may want to look into it or walk by one if you can.

        Holy Sihte !

Last edited by Hunter/Jumper (2010-09-05 05:57:24)

be nice
+2,646|6600|The Twilight Zone

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

As a matter of Interest has anyone here ever Heard a mosque ? If not you may want to look into it or walk by one if you can.

        Holy Sihte !
yeah the sound is annoying and it usually starts very early in the morning

.Sup wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

As a matter of Interest has anyone here ever Heard a mosque ? If not you may want to look into it or walk by one if you can.

        Holy Sihte !
yeah the sound is annoying and it usually starts very early in the morning
Yuo could probebly say the Same about Church bells, I know when I was a Tyke n my mom draged me to church 8 am on Sunday I used to think.

" Man what if people are Jewish and trying to sleep ? " Seemed self-centerd to me. But its a lota big steps up from the screaming in my opinion.
+2,382|6824|The North, beyond the wall.
I rarely here Church bells or Mosque noise and theres a Mosque about a mile from me, and a Church about 2 miles from me. They're both equally annoying when you can here them though.

jord wrote:

I rarely here Church bells or Mosque noise and theres a Mosque about a mile from me, and a Church about 2 miles from me. They're both equally annoying when you can here them though.
not to mention Mr. Frostee
Compensation of Reactive Power in the grid

jord wrote:

I rarely here Church bells or Mosque noise and theres a Mosque about a mile from me, and a Church about 2 miles from me. They're both equally annoying when you can here them though.
wait, you are saying that the mosque near your house has outdoor speakers??
الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام
...show me the schematic

Poseidon wrote:

Walked to Park51 today because I was going to shoot some pool with a friend at a bar right next to it.

From Ground Zero to the "Mosque", it took me and my group 10 minutes.
Which way did your group go?

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
11 Bravo
+965|5383|Cleveland, Ohio

Poseidon wrote:

Walked to Park51 today because I was going to shoot some pool with a friend at a bar right next to it.

From Ground Zero to the "Mosque", it took me and my group 10 minutes.

Basically, "Ground Zero" and "Mosque" are both totally completely incorrect. It's away from Ground Zero without even 1WTC (which is coming along beautifully btw) in sight. And it's NOT a mosque, it's an Islamic Cultural Center.

Went up to the people rallying for it and shook their hands telling them I supported their efforts. Great people.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- … 5560_n.jpg

Freedom Tower/One WTC is going to be beautiful. Can't wait. Stopped into the 9/11 Memorial preview center as well... it's going to be a great tribute to the victims and their families. Love the idea of the reflecting pools as well.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- … 2067_n.jpg
wait a sec.  howd you get into a bar under age 21?  and why in gods name would you play pool indoors on such a nice day?
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6684|Long Island, New York

11 Bravo wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Walked to Park51 today because I was going to shoot some pool with a friend at a bar right next to it.

From Ground Zero to the "Mosque", it took me and my group 10 minutes.

Basically, "Ground Zero" and "Mosque" are both totally completely incorrect. It's away from Ground Zero without even 1WTC (which is coming along beautifully btw) in sight. And it's NOT a mosque, it's an Islamic Cultural Center.

Went up to the people rallying for it and shook their hands telling them I supported their efforts. Great people.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- … 5560_n.jpg

Freedom Tower/One WTC is going to be beautiful. Can't wait. Stopped into the 9/11 Memorial preview center as well... it's going to be a great tribute to the victims and their families. Love the idea of the reflecting pools as well.

http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak- … 2067_n.jpg
wait a sec.  howd you get into a bar under age 21?  and why in gods name would you play pool indoors on such a nice day?
lol of all the things from that post, you took that out..

1) i have my ways
2) it was for like 30 minutes before going out

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Walked to Park51 today because I was going to shoot some pool with a friend at a bar right next to it.

From Ground Zero to the "Mosque", it took me and my group 10 minutes.
Which way did your group go?

Have you ever been to NY?  Not ONE person passed that camera holder, and he BLEW by people walking at rather standard New Yorker speeds.  Wtf was he doing?  If not one person passes you walking in New York, you're definitely trying to speed things up, no doubt...
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

.Sup wrote:

Hunter/Jumper wrote:

As a matter of Interest has anyone here ever Heard a mosque ? If not you may want to look into it or walk by one if you can.

        Holy Sihte !
yeah the sound is annoying and it usually starts very early in the morning
Especially when the minaret is right outside your hotel room window...at the same level as your hotel room window.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone

oChaos.Haze wrote:

DBBrinson1 wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Walked to Park51 today because I was going to shoot some pool with a friend at a bar right next to it.

From Ground Zero to the "Mosque", it took me and my group 10 minutes.
Which way did your group go?

Have you ever been to NY?  Not ONE person passed that camera holder, and he BLEW by people walking at rather standard New Yorker speeds.  Wtf was he doing?  If not one person passes you walking in New York, you're definitely trying to speed things up, no doubt...
http://ca.milesplit.us/files/ca/09%20Tr … Walker.jpg
211 metres....
If that takes any more then 2 minutes you're walking fucking slow.

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