Uzique wrote:
what are we supposed to take from you 'dissing' the operating systems of a fucking supermarket, finray?
that it's not cost efficient to upgrade thousands of computers to a new OS it doesn't need?
jak your grandad could just say 'no' to the op and risk death... no one's forcing him to have his ribs broken. i don't get the attitude - obviously i understand you're anxious or upset for him, for what though? who's fault? the state just spent £100k+ on your gramps in a few months for 2 ops that weren't successful... if it's such a big hassle, why'd he have it?
Ah I don't mean there to be an attitude. I'm happy we have to pay fuck all for it, and I'm happy he had the op cause there was a chance it could work. I'd definitely rather try than leave him be. Just yeh. I'm not blaming anyone, it just sucks that it didn't work. His friend had the same op and he was perfectly fine after, so my grandad is seems to be in the minority of people it does nothing for.
Good luck to your grandad btw
EDIT- Yeh I'm happy I've managed to spend so much time with him tbh. My dad didn't know either of his Grandparents, so to know mine for 18 years and hopefully a couple more is amazing.
Last edited by JakAttaK (2010-07-04 09:56:45)