I don't know why I'm bothering with writing this, meh, maybe I just need to vent somewhere serious...
~3 years ago I was in business school, not that I wanted anything in particular in that field, but everyone goes to some form of college...
halfway through the education everything started to go south, I went from grades A to C and eventually all the way to F, I lost the only drive that kept me going for reasons I still don't know, and eventually I dropped out in the last half year of the education.
After that I sat at home for months wondering what went wrong or what to do now while undergoing tests and conversations with psych's eventually getting to the point where we concluded nothing apparently was wrong except me feeling down for some reason.
I started anti-depressants on the non-confirmed suspicion of depression and still doing a small dose.
After two months of sitting at home doing basically nothing all day I started on something called production school, which is basically a school meant to keep young people like me who for some reason are waiting or stuck in the educational system. I spent over a full year there, not doing much else than play computer games with some fellow students and the occasional task of putting together a PC or setting up a network / server on a low difficulty level (for me at least).
Now I've started on the education for front line tech support / data engineer, the former being 3 years long and the latter 5.
I know I hate teaching ignorant people about computers so the former is obviously not for me, and I barely know what the latter does in the real world.
I can't point out any job in the world I would like to have nor anything I could stand doing 40 hours a week for the sake of the money.
Same goes for my spare time, the only thing that can keep me entertained at this point is the occasional good-story video game / movie and that's not really good for more than 1 day a week since the stuff isn't hanging on trees these days.
I live at my parents' house, age 21 (most Danish people consider it the norm to move out around age 18 apparently), do next to nothing but sit in front of a screen all day, most of which wondering what to do. I don't go out in weekends, can't stand nightclubs and I don't drink which means I have near-no social life outside of school and I haven't bothered with having friends over for anything for years.
Most of my posts on here go by ignored unless they are stupid enough to get flamed,
tl;dr There is no place in this world for me, and I can't see myself anywhere worth being in the future...
Meh, don't know why I posted this as it's pretty much a wall of text for no one to care about but comment / rant as you wish,, I just don't care anymore.....
~3 years ago I was in business school, not that I wanted anything in particular in that field, but everyone goes to some form of college...
halfway through the education everything started to go south, I went from grades A to C and eventually all the way to F, I lost the only drive that kept me going for reasons I still don't know, and eventually I dropped out in the last half year of the education.
After that I sat at home for months wondering what went wrong or what to do now while undergoing tests and conversations with psych's eventually getting to the point where we concluded nothing apparently was wrong except me feeling down for some reason.
I started anti-depressants on the non-confirmed suspicion of depression and still doing a small dose.
After two months of sitting at home doing basically nothing all day I started on something called production school, which is basically a school meant to keep young people like me who for some reason are waiting or stuck in the educational system. I spent over a full year there, not doing much else than play computer games with some fellow students and the occasional task of putting together a PC or setting up a network / server on a low difficulty level (for me at least).
Now I've started on the education for front line tech support / data engineer, the former being 3 years long and the latter 5.
I know I hate teaching ignorant people about computers so the former is obviously not for me, and I barely know what the latter does in the real world.
I can't point out any job in the world I would like to have nor anything I could stand doing 40 hours a week for the sake of the money.
Same goes for my spare time, the only thing that can keep me entertained at this point is the occasional good-story video game / movie and that's not really good for more than 1 day a week since the stuff isn't hanging on trees these days.
I live at my parents' house, age 21 (most Danish people consider it the norm to move out around age 18 apparently), do next to nothing but sit in front of a screen all day, most of which wondering what to do. I don't go out in weekends, can't stand nightclubs and I don't drink which means I have near-no social life outside of school and I haven't bothered with having friends over for anything for years.
Most of my posts on here go by ignored unless they are stupid enough to get flamed,
tl;dr There is no place in this world for me, and I can't see myself anywhere worth being in the future...
Meh, don't know why I posted this as it's pretty much a wall of text for no one to care about but comment / rant as you wish,, I just don't care anymore.....
Last edited by FloppY_ (2010-05-04 12:36:03)
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