See, this is why legal gun ownership is a good thing. … ooster-sq/
In Britain the guy would have been bleeding on street with a knife wound in his stomach as the chav pranced merrily away with his wallet. Instead, the miscreant is hospitalized and will likely have some reservations about resuming his reign of terror over the residents and visitors of his fine metropolis. Thusly the Second Amendment is a wonderful thing and idiot liberal politicians like those in Washington DC are wrong. … ooster-sq/
In Britain the guy would have been bleeding on street with a knife wound in his stomach as the chav pranced merrily away with his wallet. Instead, the miscreant is hospitalized and will likely have some reservations about resuming his reign of terror over the residents and visitors of his fine metropolis. Thusly the Second Amendment is a wonderful thing and idiot liberal politicians like those in Washington DC are wrong.