Don't bother. I've tried explaining these sorts of things to lowing a million times or more.ruisleipa wrote:
it's weird cos you're advocating a society where potentially there are LOADS of bums, alocholics, druggies and so on, people you onbviously hate for some reason, cluttering up the streets and making life worse for honest joes like yourself. I don't get it.
All it takes is like 5 minutes of thought to realize that this is how reality works.
The War on Drugs is useless and very expensive. That much you, lowing, and I all agree on. Unfortunately, he doesn't get the other side of all this.
If we finally wake up and legalize things like pot, we should tax and regulate them, and then use the funds to help pay for rehab costs. Having rehabilitation systems in place isn't just for the addicts themselves, it's to maintain order in society, and it's a cheaper option than letting these people become desperate and crazy enough to commit crimes for more drugs.
Even from a purely pragmatic and selfish viewpoint, rehabs make sense to have. Unfortunately, lowing has the selfishness without the pragmatism. Maybe if he ever actually attains some of that, he'll understand the necessity of things like rehab.