New Client (R3) Coming NOW (before 10am GMT) and ChangelogSo QA found out a debug setting we used for logging errors was causing the CTD's after DICE left last night. As such the patch is good to be released and is going live within the hour.
Steam users will have to wait until this evening to update as we need Valve to wake up to make it live their end. If you want to run the latest version you can uninstall the Steam version and grab the client from any host here: Battlefield Blog and use the same login details as before.
You can update automatically when loading BFBC2 or you can manually run the updater from your install directory (run as Administrator if you experience update issues or errors)
As promised here is the Changelog for R3 as provided by Kalms.
This update is about performance and stability again. We are not doing any changes to the game's datafiles.
* Reduced input "lag"
On machines where the CPU would out-run the GPU, sometimes the GPU would queue up several frames' worth of rendering commands.
This could lead to the game having a high framerate, but input still feeling very sluggish.
Now there's a limiter on how many frames the CPU is allowed to be "ahead" of the GPU.
Control this setting via Settings.ini. Default setting: RenderAheadLimit=2
* Performance optimizations with biggest improvements on dual-core machines
* Fixed black "masks"
o The soot on buildings with holes in them had a bugged renderpath. We switched that over to a more well-tested renderpath.
* Improved hit-detection
o We've gone through the hit detection logic, and client+server will now give more consistent results.
* Fix for some "rubberbanding" issues
o C4 should stay attached to vehicles and not rubberband around
* Reduced spikes/dips in framerate
* Various fixes for alt+tab related CTD on Dx9
* More fixes for random CTD on Dx9
* Fix for crash when you're in a vehicle that gets destroyed
There was a race condition in the code;
System 1 thought "oh hey, you're leaving vehicle X"
System 2 thought "the vehicle got destroyed, let's remove it"
If system 2 ran before system 1, chaos would ensue.
This was actually fixed in the retail version since a month, but it was only when we got detailed crash reports from the community that we understood *why* the Beta was crashing.
Likely bugs in this build
I wouldn't be surprised if it (still) has trouble remembering your settings between rounds. It would be nice to have that fixed too, but it's better to get a patch out now, and look at the settings issues afterward.
-Mikael Kalms
Two things bolded that make me
I really, really like that they're focusing on playability - performance on stability - instead of balancing this gun or that gun. There'll be time for that later and we don't really need to test it.
TimmmmaaaaH wrote:
You have to remember this is made by the same people who brought you the mismatched iron sights/scopes in BF2.
I am getting better at sniping, but it is a bit random. Switching to the SV-98 just put me back to square one
Still, when its you against 2 or 3 guys and you pop up 3 times and kill them all its just the best thing. So much more satisfying than the automatic guns.
Can confirm this is
immensely satisfying. It's not all about points.
Last edited by Spark (2010-02-18 03:10:18)