well I already paid for it via PayPal so...Negerkungen wrote:
Honestly,I'm not even sure that I'm gonna buy the game.
By and large my priority for getting BC2 was the SP, same as for the original. No worries on requirements for me either
By the way, and on a totally unrelated note, went to see Avatar in 3D on Wednesday, twas awsm.
By the way, and on a totally unrelated note, went to see Avatar in 3D on Wednesday, twas awsm.
Soooo... just coming back from about 7 hours of BFBC2 and I have to say it´s not bad at all.
-The lag issues settled mostly
-sound is awesome
-accurate hitboxes
-well balanced gameplay, weapons and so forth
- and I love that destructible evironment
but as always the most fun came from the teamplay again.
Thanks guys, great as always !
-The lag issues settled mostly
-sound is awesome
-accurate hitboxes
-well balanced gameplay, weapons and so forth
- and I love that destructible evironment
but as always the most fun came from the teamplay again.
Thanks guys, great as always !
Last edited by HellHead (2010-01-29 18:28:40)
pretty much exactly 7 hoursHellHead wrote:
Soooo... just coming back from about 7 hours of BFBC2
you connected to ts server 20:30, you left 03:30
how did you guys manage to get on the same server? the friend option is still not working for me.
I guess they used TS.
does anyone know how to spot an enemy??It sucks when you see a bunch of enemies an you can't spot them.
does anyone know how to spot an enemy??It sucks when you see a bunch of enemies an you can't spot them.
How do I knife?
*srs guys
*srs guys

Use the melee button.AussieReaper wrote:
How do I knife?
*srs guys
lol it's middle mouse. No wonder I couldn't find it.
Now set as "v".
Now set as "v".

oh lol, I followed a tip a guy gave me and manually changed directx to 9, now the game runs very smooth, but there are no textures and I can see trough walls
Q is the answer my friend. Just look in the direction of an enemy soldier, vehicle and press Q.Negerkungen wrote:
I guess they used TS.
does anyone know how to spot an enemy??It sucks when you see a bunch of enemies an you can't spot them.
Same when you need ammo, health. Just look at a medic, ammo guy, press Q.
I really miss the the comm rose, though...
Yeah, we just did it over TS. It was a pain in the ass, but with a little patience we mostly all managed to join the same server.superfly_cox wrote:
how did you guys manage to get on the same server? the friend option is still not working for me.
Hopefully they will implement the friends feature in the beta later.
Last edited by HellHead (2010-01-30 04:06:14)
I took a look at the leaderboard, and the #1 fellow has 500000 points after 21h of gaming...
If he keeps that up for like another 1000 hours he will end up with around 23 million points.
Now isn´t that something to brag about...
By the way, where have you been last night Johan ?
Now isn´t that something to brag about...
By the way, where have you been last night Johan ?
Last edited by HellHead (2010-01-30 07:23:56)
I got drunk(as usual) played a couple of rounds when I got home and then crashed.
Any gaming tonight??
Chris and I just talked, maybe we will do a few rounds later tonight. But probably not before 24:00.
hmm... seems like I might be taking a long break from fps games
Thanks to Docta finally played Beta, now its time to sleep...
Q is the answer my friend. Just look in the direction of an enemy soldier, vehicle and press Q.
Same when you need ammo, health. Just look at a medic, ammo guy, press Q.
It wasn't very clear when spotting enemies cause there is no feedback apart from the mini Map. I was expected "Enemy spotted" voice-over. Also when asking for ammo or health, the voice-over is VERY quiet so can barely be heard.
I think people really need to realise that this game can not be compared to BF2. It isn't the same sort of game. Yeah sure it is very similar, but not the same. I don't think you can even compare this to MW2 really as it is outdoor big map game play with vehicles, and squads. MW2 is smaller, close combat fighting.
I am really enjoying the game. Bit bored of the map now but hey it is only beta. As HellHead said I think the balance is pretty good in the game. No weapon is more over powered than the other and vehicles do not dominate the round because of the options to take them out. I thought that initially the vehicles were a bit too powerfull, but once you unlock the mines you can defend the bases easier. Although I do think that they need an Anti Air rocket unlock for the Engineer as the Blackhawk is quiet hard to take down at times. It seems as though the Blackhawk spawns a lot faster than the Anti Air vehicle, so if there is a good pilot in it, they can pretty much dominate the last section of that map.
Same when you need ammo, health. Just look at a medic, ammo guy, press Q.
It wasn't very clear when spotting enemies cause there is no feedback apart from the mini Map. I was expected "Enemy spotted" voice-over. Also when asking for ammo or health, the voice-over is VERY quiet so can barely be heard.
My friends list started working yesterday while Superfly was online and I had already been in a game. Had him, Hellhead, Varegg and another friend on my list and was able to join Superfly though the list. Unfortunately the game crashed and my friends list was cleared again!HellHead wrote:
Yeah, we just did it over TS. It was a pain in the ass, but with a little patience we mostly all managed to join the same server.superfly_cox wrote:
how did you guys manage to get on the same server? the friend option is still not working for me.
Hopefully they will implement the friends feature in the beta later.
I think people really need to realise that this game can not be compared to BF2. It isn't the same sort of game. Yeah sure it is very similar, but not the same. I don't think you can even compare this to MW2 really as it is outdoor big map game play with vehicles, and squads. MW2 is smaller, close combat fighting.
I am really enjoying the game. Bit bored of the map now but hey it is only beta. As HellHead said I think the balance is pretty good in the game. No weapon is more over powered than the other and vehicles do not dominate the round because of the options to take them out. I thought that initially the vehicles were a bit too powerfull, but once you unlock the mines you can defend the bases easier. Although I do think that they need an Anti Air rocket unlock for the Engineer as the Blackhawk is quiet hard to take down at times. It seems as though the Blackhawk spawns a lot faster than the Anti Air vehicle, so if there is a good pilot in it, they can pretty much dominate the last section of that map.
So you actually got the friends list to work Tim?interesting then I'm gonna try it again.
*maybe it's been working all along but no one wants to be on my list...*
*maybe it's been working all along but no one wants to be on my list...*
Yeah only for a very short time though. Superfly was talking over TS saying that I had appeared on his then vanished. So I exited the round I was playing and then strangely enough he was on my list. Not long after I looked at the list again and had 4 people on it. Two of those were were definitely on-line cause I was talking to them, so maybe they need to be on-line for them to appear.Negerkungen wrote:
So you actually got the friends list to work Tim?interesting then I'm gonna try it again.
*maybe it's been working all along but no one wants to be on my list...*
Yeah that would explain things,but when I got a buddyinvite from Tony I couldn't do anything with it,I clicked it and it disappeared.