its still raining
Tu Stultus Es
I was gonna go the apple store today on the way home from work to buy some new headphones and the one day I wanna get off at Oxford Circus it's closed due to faulty fire equipment...
Last edited by Dauntless (2010-01-20 11:26:42)

write a letter
Don't cry little Debbie, you're making my knees hurt.eleven bravo wrote:
its still raining
Fried pop-tart a' la beef jerky sauce, with a power bar of your choice wrapped in a froot loop omelette.Bevo wrote:
what's for lunch
we have
fruit loops
or assorted beef jerky and power bars

Hey Dauntless the Don Johnson look is about 30 years old. Get with the times.Dauntless wrote:
kens life storyKEN-JENNINGS wrote:
no ladies
Hey Dauntless the Don Johnson look is about 30 years old. Get with the times.
that sounds disgustingly deliciousPrivateVendetta wrote:
Fried pop-tart a' la beef jerky sauce, with a power bar of your choice wrapped in a froot loop omelette.Bevo wrote:
what's for lunch
we have
fruit loops
or assorted beef jerky and power bars
Hey Ken you're the only one who knows who don johnson is without googling. Get with the times.

Do it with picsBevo wrote:
that sounds disgustingly deliciousPrivateVendetta wrote:
Fried pop-tart a' la beef jerky sauce, with a power bar of your choice wrapped in a froot loop omelette.Bevo wrote:
what's for lunch
we have
fruit loops
or assorted beef jerky and power bars

\_o_/ - I admit, i googledDauntless wrote:
Hey Ken you're the only one who knows who don johnson is without googling. Get with the times.
Shun me

if you dont know who don johnson is you should be shot.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
sure gramps

if you do know who don johnson is you need to be put in an old peoples home
Dauntless wears sports coats and jeans. Tell him how much of a fashion faux pas that is M3th.
Come on...who doesn't remember crockett and tubbs?
Ken wears socks and sandles

who is don johnson
rly?Flaming_Maniac wrote:
who is don johnson
oh that don johnson, he did the thing with that guy and was in the stuff with the dude and that chick
oh yeah that thing he did
close...he is the ex-husband of that one chick that is now married to another guy...lolFlaming_Maniac wrote:
oh that don johnson, he did the thing with that guy and was in the stuff with the dude and that chick
No. Just because I work with a bunch of Asians doesn't mean I dress like them.Dauntless wrote:
Ken wears socks and sandles
@Jens: \o
@FM: Don Johnson is a guy that although popular in the 1980's is still much cooler than you will ever be in 2010 and after his death.