… in-NY.htmlThe popular clothing chain responded by promising to stop mutilating new clothes that it cannot sell at its Herald Square outlet and will instead donate the items to charity.
There had been outrage on websites, blogs and H&M's own Facebook page after a graduate student discovered that workers at the store were throwing out bags of clothing after slashing the items with box cutters or razors.
Cynthia Magnus wrote to the company's Swedish headquarters after she found bags of cut-up clothes behind the store in the heart of Manhattan's shopping district. When she received no reply, she alerted the New York Times to the practice.
New York's unemployment rate stands at more than 10 per cent and the city has been making extra shelter space for its homeless population during the current freezing temperatures. Families reliant on food stamps stand at record numbers.
So the destruction of new clothing to make it unusable - fingers were cut off gloves and men's jackets were slashed apart so that insulating fibre spilled out - was greeted with anger and disbelief.
So lets say a high end brand has a bunch of clothes they cannot sell but don't to tarnish the brand name by having their clothes fashioned by homeless folk so they destroy the clothes. Do you think they did the wrong thing to destroy clothes that could be reused or do you think protecting their brand name is more important than helping out vagrants?