+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
Okay so what does it mean if a girl asks me

"Who would you rather fuck me or Megan Fox?"
Never regret anything that ever made you smile.

Stimey wrote:

Okay so what does it mean if a girl asks me

"Who would you rather fuck me or Megan Fox?"
the answer is her.
No, I don't need an attitude adjustment. You just need to fuck off.
+3,611|6767|London, England

Stimey wrote:

Okay so what does it mean if a girl asks me

"Who would you rather fuck me or Megan Fox?"
Oh shit, that's actually a pretty good one. Obviously it means she's probably coming onto you in a pretty big way, but it's also something funny and sort of breaks the ice, in a hot way. It melts the ice.

Really, I don't know. Just fuck the damn chick already.

Eifa wrote:

Stimey wrote:

Okay so what does it mean if a girl asks me

"Who would you rather fuck me or Megan Fox?"
the answer is her.
Too cheesy/lame to respond to the question like that. A chick who asks that isn't looking for that sort of lame answer.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2010-01-05 13:05:51)


it's a trap - you say Megan and you don't get none.
you say her, she calls you liar and you don't get none.

play it safe, and say

Stimey wrote:

Okay so what does it mean if a girl asks me

"Who would you rather fuck me or Megan Fox?"
You don't say anything, you just unzip.
+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
I'm not asking what to say, this has already happened , I'm asking what it means.

If you didn't kiss her, you fucked up.
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6867|Sydney, Australia

ghettoperson wrote:

If you didn't kiss her, you fucked up.
Heh, I know that one too well..
UR father's brother's nephew's former roommate
+652|6688|Texas - Bigger than France

Stimey wrote:

Okay so what does it mean if a girl asks me

"Who would you rather fuck me or Megan Fox?"
Actually, this one got me laid once:

"You...because Megan's a pipe dream.  For the same reason why watching porn is stupid.  It's not real and never will happen.  I know I'm never going to do Megan, nor have a midget threeway with Asian twins, so why bother worrying about that.  Why would I want to torture myself?"

And then accidentally scream "Megan Fox" during sex.

Not just "Megan", because it's not the same thing
I am all that is MOD!

Stimey wrote:

I'm not asking what to say, this has already happened , I'm asking what it means.
It means she has low self-esteem and wants you to stroke her ego.

It means she has toe thumbs like Megan Fox and wants to know if they are a deal breaker.

It means she is trying too hard to come on to you.

If she is hot just fuck her, who cares what it means?
+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
pretty sure she was hinting at the horizontal bump, just wanted to make sure lol
also it was over msn so I couldnt jump her bones

Last edited by Stimey (2010-01-05 16:41:54)

Tbh honest i'd say her because Megan Fox seems to be a stuck up bitch in everything she's in (or in the case of Transformers 2, the film made me rage so much I hate her out of principle) and as a result I don't find her in the least bit attractive.

Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (2010-01-05 16:52:16)

+783|6989|Reykjavík, Iceland.

Spidery_Yoda wrote:

Tbh honest i'd say her because Megan Fox seems to be a stuck up bitch in everything she's in (or in the case of Transformers 2, the film made me rage so much I hate her out of principle) and as a result I don't find her in the least bit attractive.
+786|6266|Ontario | Canada
Thats what I said. I'm like megan fox looks alright but I dont find her attractive, shes made of plastic. And it would be awkward having sex with a stranger
+718|6667|Austin, Texas

Stimey wrote:

Thats what I said. I'm like megan fox looks alright but I dont find her attractive, shes made of plastic. And it would be awkward having sex with a stranger
the clear answer is both at the same time

don't play their games
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD
There was this girl two years ago that randomly stroked her fingers up the back of my neck in the lunch line and I was too much of a newb at the time to really try anything with her.

And I saw her again yesterday in the library and she seemed to really like me and asked me for help and stuff while I was installing printers in the library for my job.  So I said to her over Facebook(fail I know) that she seems like a lot of fun and we should do something sometime.  And she agreed but she said she was too busy for this weekend so she wants to do something next weekend.  And then we started talking about college and stuff and the convo randomly stopped.

_j5689_ wrote:

There was this girl two years ago that randomly stroked her fingers up the back of my neck in the lunch line and I was too much of a newb at the time to really try anything with her.

And I saw her again yesterday in the library and she seemed to really like me and asked me for help and stuff while I was installing printers in the library for my job.  So I said to her over Facebook(fail I know) that she seems like a lot of fun and we should do something sometime.  And she agreed but she said she was too busy for this weekend so she wants to do something next weekend.  And then we started talking about college and stuff and the convo randomly stopped.
Isn't this a girl problems thread? This sounds like a success story to me.
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6863|Riva, MD
Well considering how retarded I am with girls, I just had to say something.  So if she accepted even though I asked her over FB, then the fail of doing such a thing is over?
There's no fail there at all. imo

this thread needs a success/triumph post every now and then.
+59|6788|Los Angeles
Just a couple of questions...

1. Is complimenting a girl's eyes a good first compliment, or is it too much? I already figured out she likes me, so it should work, right?

2. How long do you have to get to know her before I ask her out? Is a couple of days enough? I thought dates were supposed to be about getting to know someone, but I just want to be sure.

3. I know what to ask her out to (frozen yogurt), and its just a 5 min walk from my place, but the problem is that she lives 15 minutes away by car, and im not old enough to drive yet (15). Shouldn't the date be in walking distance by her place? I don't know specifically where she lives, but I know the town. I should be the one being driven to her place, right?

Thanks for reading.

Last edited by Tetn1s (2010-01-09 17:52:43)

Un Moderador

Tetn1s wrote:

Just a couple of questions...

1. Is complimenting a girl's eye a good first compliment, or is it too much? I already figured out she likes me, so it should work, right?

2. How long do you have to get to know her before I ask her out? Is a couple of days enough? I thought dates were supposed to be about getting to know someone, but I just want to be sure.

3. I know what to ask her out to (frozen yogurt), and its just a 5 min walk from my place, but the problem is that she lives 15 minutes away by car, and im not old enough to drive yet (15). Shouldn't the date be in walking distance by her place? I don't know specifically where she lives, but I know the town. I should be the one being driven to her place, right?

Thanks for reading.
Eyes are probably not a good first thing to say, you come across as way too willing if you say something like that. All you need is a normal compliment like "pretty" or "stunning". Well, I guess eyes work, but only if you say something like "nice eyes", not "lovely" or "beautiful" or she may think you come across as too strong. As I don't know the girl, I couldn't tell you what to say exactly, just points.

You can ask her out first time, but make it look casual and as if it's just a "lets see how it goes" thing, not a proper "dress up and shit" date.

You're 15, you're perfectly entitled to get your parents to drive you or get public transport. It doesn't make you look like a fool, because you aren't the age to even learn to drive in the first place. She'll respect you for finding a nice place to go in the first place, not how far away it is from her. This isn't the movies, dates aren't perfect with flowers and kisses at the end. Play it by ear, suggest the place and look for a reaction (or none) and see if you can find out what she likes, then take her to that.

Can't help you much more than that, you seem sure she likes you, so just go for it. Even if you fuck up (this doesn't mean saying you like some sort of fetish or that you have a tiny dick; this would mean saying something slightly stupid, or taking her on a poor date) you'll have a second chance.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
Yeah don't worry too much about the diving thing... definitely work on it though. It fucking sucks not having my own car at 18, and I think my girlfriend's parents find it slightly loser-ish. I mean shit if they were still handing out loans and jobs like they were a few years ago I'd have one.
be nice
+2,646|6599|The Twilight Zone
Get a real woman - have no girl problems
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz

.Sup wrote:

Get a real woman - have no girl problems
Does not exist.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

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