wassup, burnzz?
de nada, got a full week of work ahead . . .
the roof XD
i dunno, sitting here bored, might go bed
i dunno, sitting here bored, might go bed
i'm going through pictures, of our trip to San Diego. i napped all day, i may not sleep soon . . .
when dya go there? any good? pics or dint happen
night bf2s x
night bf2s x
Last edited by BRiiNDED (15 years, 2 months ago)
here's one, before you go

my friend goes to UCSD must be amazing there
aye, it's about five miles or so from where this picture was taken.
totally I hope to transfer to UCI next year then transfer to UCLA or UCSD
<3 fl
stay at your crappy university and stop diluting ucla with your filth.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
no u, but i should probably not go, i can't afford any fiancial aid whatsoever
Oh please, let him go to UCI, UCLA, or UCSD, he'd fit in perfectly.
University of Chinese Immigrants
University of Caucasians Lost among Asians
..and I'm sure there's probably a similar one for UCSD
University of Chinese Immigrants
University of Caucasians Lost among Asians
..and I'm sure there's probably a similar one for UCSD
Stop transferring and finish a degree?

A lion would never cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood.

You laughed, don't lie.
my wife did!


By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!