yup, exactly. they might even tell youthat you cant but you can. The second swearing in is the one that matters.JohnG@lt wrote:
Unless you've already shipped out to Benning for BCT (which you haven't I assume) you can walk out on your contract or renegotiate it. It's not until you swear in the second time on the day you ship out that you are legally bound to your contract. Talk to the people at MEPS ASAP if you really want airborne. Now is the only time that you will have any leverage when dealing with the military. You have the power to walk away and they know it.1stSFOD-Delta wrote:
i guess i got fucked then.eleven bravo wrote:
my recruiter told me it would be easy to volunteer for airborne once i got to benning. All volunteering did was get a laugh out of a couple of drill sgts. my unit sent a handful of people to airborne once I was permanent party, but only after a reenlistment. By the time I got to hood, my hooah juice was empty.
i get a $3000 bonus for doing that high school rotc shit though.
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