
You live in a pretty sad little world, I'm gonna go bed lol.
prince of insufficient light
So do you, you just don't realize it.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

They are in it for themselves whether they know it or not. It's a pretty simple fact.
But not only themselves. I'm not saying that they don't enjoy they feeling they get from doing it. But that isn't to say that is the only or wrong thing to do. I've had to put down animals before. I also took comfort in the fact knowing it was the right thing to do. This can go either way.
They are doing it for themselves haha. Even if they are doing what is truly best for the animal they are ultimately doing that because it is best for themselves. At least in that instance they find pleasure through doing what's best for another living thing.

reaper wtf
Are you saying they don't care at all about the animals? Becuase if they cared about the animal and forced it to live a miserable existence then they would feel horrible, and thus would not be doing it for themselves. Therefor they are acting in what they, the professionals who know more about animal psychology than you, truly believe is best for all. I guess we should say just kill it for fear of someone thinking we may just be doing it for ourself. Ridiculous.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6788|Foothills of S. Carolina

Cool dog. Probably shouldn't have lived or been aloud to live, but it did or was, so that's that. I like how the news cast felt it important to point out that the dog did not like men.

lol if you say so, personally I seem quite happy, I'll leave you to what is hopefully just another forum trolling session.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6102|Catherine Black
I agree with FM tbh..
prince of insufficient light

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

But not only themselves. I'm not saying that they don't enjoy they feeling they get from doing it. But that isn't to say that is the only or wrong thing to do. I've had to put down animals before. I also took comfort in the fact knowing it was the right thing to do. This can go either way.
They are doing it for themselves haha. Even if they are doing what is truly best for the animal they are ultimately doing that because it is best for themselves. At least in that instance they find pleasure through doing what's best for another living thing.

reaper wtf
Are you saying they don't care at all about the animals? Becuase if they cared about the animal and forced it to live a miserable existence then they would feel horrible, and thus would not be doing it for themselves. Therefor they are acting in what they, the professionals who know more about animal psychology than you, truly believe is best for all. I guess we should say just kill it for fear of someone thinking we may just be doing it for ourself. Ridiculous.
They care about caring about the animals. That's a far cry from caring about doing the right thing for those involved.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Finray wrote:

I agree with FM tbh..
This is quite odd. No one treats their dog more like a human than you.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
I am all that is MOD!

Hahaha "they care about caring about the animals".

Flamer, not everyone acts in their own self-interest all the time.  I can't even believe this debate is lasting this long.  The dog cares only about itself and the owners/rescuers/vets are only acting in their must lead an incredibly misanthropic life.
prince of insufficient light
WHOA caring about animals by doing what's best for them despite their animal instincts this shit is gettin all CRAZY up in here
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

They are doing it for themselves haha. Even if they are doing what is truly best for the animal they are ultimately doing that because it is best for themselves. At least in that instance they find pleasure through doing what's best for another living thing.

reaper wtf
Are you saying they don't care at all about the animals? Becuase if they cared about the animal and forced it to live a miserable existence then they would feel horrible, and thus would not be doing it for themselves. Therefor they are acting in what they, the professionals who know more about animal psychology than you, truly believe is best for all. I guess we should say just kill it for fear of someone thinking we may just be doing it for ourself. Ridiculous.
They care about caring about the animals. That's a far cry from caring about doing the right thing for those involved.
This could be said about almost any good that is ever done. Compared to you and your youtube final judgement they are in a much better position to decide what is right and wrong. I'm sure they hate it when they lose an animal or have to put it down. But they do it anyways.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush


I can't even believe this debate is lasting this long. .
I gotta go clean, get rid of the fuckin dog smell in here. I'm going out of town and me rents are coming over tomorrow.

FaggitMagnet, troll ya laterz.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
prince of insufficient light

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Are you saying they don't care at all about the animals? Becuase if they cared about the animal and forced it to live a miserable existence then they would feel horrible, and thus would not be doing it for themselves. Therefor they are acting in what they, the professionals who know more about animal psychology than you, truly believe is best for all. I guess we should say just kill it for fear of someone thinking we may just be doing it for ourself. Ridiculous.
They care about caring about the animals. That's a far cry from caring about doing the right thing for those involved.
This could be said about almost any good that is ever done. Compared to you and your youtube final judgement they are in a much better position to decide what is right and wrong. I'm sure they hate it when they lose an animal or have to put it down. But they do it anyways.
They are in a better decision to judge right and wrong because...they are morally superior?

We don't know what their decision making skills are like. We don't know how many animals they put down. What we do know is they're harboring a dog with two legs. We also know that many, many people are willing to go to any lengths to keep an animal live, past any sort of humane existence. How exactly do you defend the judgment of these people you have never met? Because they like to work with animals? Yeah...that makes them some sort of expert, and their choices are beyond reproach.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

They care about caring about the animals. That's a far cry from caring about doing the right thing for those involved.
This could be said about almost any good that is ever done. Compared to you and your youtube final judgement they are in a much better position to decide what is right and wrong. I'm sure they hate it when they lose an animal or have to put it down. But they do it anyways.
They are in a better decision to judge right and wrong because...they are morally superior?

We don't know what their decision making skills are like. We don't know how many animals they put down. What we do know is they're harboring a dog with two legs. We also know that many, many people are willing to go to any lengths to keep an animal live, past any sort of humane existence. How exactly do you defend the judgment of these people you have never met? Because they like to work with animals? Yeah...that makes them some sort of expert, and their choices are beyond reproach.
With regards to vets, they have schooling they go through. That includes both physical and psychological animal education. You don't think their knowledge is superior to yours here? You assume that they are in to torturing animals because they happen to get paid treating animals? Everything you've shown in this thread has told me that you are behind the average dog owner when it comes to being informed. Your argument is open ended. You assume the worst of things you do not know. That's fine. Thank you for admitting everything you don't know though. It really illustrates how rash your choice of killing a dog is. You made the decision to take life despite your admission of not really knowing the background. Yes animals should be put down when hope of a happy life is not there. However, being put to death should be a matter of certainty. Nothing in that video showed there is no hope for Scooby.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
prince of insufficient light
1) I see no mention of a vet anywhere. You assume these people are doing what the vet tells them to do.


Kmarion wrote:

However, being put to death should be a matter of certainty.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

1) I see no mention of a vet anywhere. You assume these people are doing what the vet tells them to do.


Kmarion wrote:

However, being put to death should be a matter of certainty.
1)OP link:
Dr Amy Kramer is a professional physical therapist. Dr. Kramer graduated from Whittier College in 1990. Following graduation, Dr. Kramer continued her education at Cerritos College where she graduated with honors from the Physical Therapist Assistant program in 1993. Dr. Kramer worked in a physical therapist owned orthopedic, private practice for seven years prior to returning to school to pursue a Masters’ Degree. She received her Master’s Degree in Physical Therapy from Loma Linda University Physical Therapy School in 2000.
Maybe not a Vet but my point stands. She knows much more about the physical needs and abilities of a dog than you.

2) I thought I should point out the obvious to you. You are from Texas you know.  So yea be certain when you decide, something you admitted you aren't.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
prince of insufficient light
Your point was

Kmarion wrote:

That includes both physical and psychological animal education.
Your link is fucked up. I assume it's of people on death row declaring their innocence, which would imply you took my response the wrong way. The very idea of certainty is a joke.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Your point was

Kmarion wrote:

That includes both physical and psychological animal education.
Your link is fucked up. I assume it's of people on death row declaring their innocence, which would imply you took my response the wrong way. The very idea of certainty is a joke.
In all of her training you don't think she's come across both physical and psychological animal education? More than you at least?

We can make an informed judgment. You just claim to know best with less information.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
What are you guys arguing about?
Official EVGA Fanboy
+94|6427|SC | USA |

13/f/taiwan wrote:

What are you guys arguing about?
Who cares more about their dogs imo.

I do have to say that combination of professional dog pictures and inspirational music had me start to tear up- Almost.

Love my dogs tho. <3
+5,233|6842|Global Command

13/f/taiwan wrote:

What are you guys arguing about?
A young FM comes on, sees a disfigured dog and says " put it done, asap. "

He doesn't consider the view from the dogs eyes. I can tell you that a lot of people say this or that when it comes to death and how they think they feel. But if that dog could speak and you could ask it I'll wager it would want to live its life for as long as it could and would be grateful for some wheels.

Side note, inexperience with the actual fear of dying is what allows mentally immature beliefs like atheism. As they say, there are no atheists in a fox hole. That because no matter what you say at that moment of near death you thoughts will turn to God and you will fear you may have bet poorly. We all become God fearing when we have time to contemplate what we think is oncoming certain death.
prince of insufficient light

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Your point was

Kmarion wrote:

That includes both physical and psychological animal education.
Your link is fucked up. I assume it's of people on death row declaring their innocence, which would imply you took my response the wrong way. The very idea of certainty is a joke.
In all of her training you don't think she's come across both physical and psychological animal education? More than you at least?

We can make an informed judgment. You just claim to know best with less information.
She was a people doctor and then she started taking care of pets. Come off it dude, you know she has zero formal education in the matter. "psychological animal education" christ.

It has nothing to do with the psychological state of the animal. You guys want to believe in animals being four legged versions of stupid people, that's why you think this factors in. The fact is it's a matter of triage. This dog has been screwed from day one, and because that's not fair people want to help him and be inspired by him, when in reality it means that the amount of effort that has gone into him has screwed over other, more fit dogs that could have led normal, healthy lives. Human hubris wants to believe we can fix what fate fucked up, and in trying we become irrational.

ATG your conviction is about as solid as your geographic stability. This forum alone has seen at least two major flip flops. Don't project.

ATG wrote:

We all become God fearing when we have time to contemplate what we think is oncoming certain death.
except those that have made their peace. i've said the prayer "oh God, get me out of this one!" too many times.

i've refrained from posting in this thread for more than three seconds before, because the novelty of a DAST topic in EE and the mods acting like regular users intrigued me. i'll weigh in with this - a dog is a sentient being, and although humans can't claim to know how a dog thinks, they can gauge how it reacts. if a group of humans want to invest the time, effort and will into prolonging this particular dogs life, then more power to them - noone on this forum really has the wherewithal to deny them.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6914|132 and Bush

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Your point was

Your link is fucked up. I assume it's of people on death row declaring their innocence, which would imply you took my response the wrong way. The very idea of certainty is a joke.
In all of her training you don't think she's come across both physical and psychological animal education? More than you at least?

We can make an informed judgment. You just claim to know best with less information.
She was a people doctor and then she started taking care of pets. Come off it dude, you know she has zero formal education in the matter. "psychological animal education" christ.

It has nothing to do with the psychological state of the animal. You guys want to believe in animals being four legged versions of stupid people, that's why you think this factors in. The fact is it's a matter of triage. This dog has been screwed from day one, and because that's not fair people want to help him and be inspired by him, when in reality it means that the amount of effort that has gone into him has screwed over other, more fit dogs that could have led normal, healthy lives. Human hubris wants to believe we can fix what fate fucked up, and in trying we become irrational.

ATG your conviction is about as solid as your geographic stability. This forum alone has seen at least two major flip flops. Don't project.
"and thus prompted her to pursue a Certificate in Canine Rehabilitation through the Canine Rehabilitation Institute which she completed in 2005." She has her CCRT. Although it's not formal psychological training, who the fuck is around dogs professionally and doesn't understand them most basic of canine psychological needs? Commons sense ffs. Who do you think I'm going to trust with the dogs best interest. Someone who has at least demonstrated that they want to care for and improve the lives of animals? Or someone who says to just kill it from the get go? What you have said about dogs in this thread goes against almost everything I've ever heard about them. Do you ever spend time with your dog? Or is it just like a moving, eating, and shitting piece of furniture to you? It's no wonder that after all of your time here I never even knew you had a pet. Which btw, why do you have a dog? Why did you rescue it? Have you ever thought of giving it to a loving home?

You're wrong. I don't believe in treating animals just like humans. If you were paying attention I actually mocked finray for doing so earlier in this thread. That isn't to say that they can't or don't respond to human affection.

Let's try this again..Dogs are put down all the time by rescue organizations.. It's not about.. "oh, thats not fair", so we have to make it stay alive, miserable. It is about giving them at least a chance. We have the technology to do this.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
prince of insufficient light
Dude I've been here for 3 years and you don't even know my face. Just because I don't ram the fact that I have a dog down everyone's throats doesn't mean I don't have one.

Kmarion wrote:

Commons sense ffs.
That's kinda what I thought it was. "Dog Psychology" isn't exactly a viable field.

Kmarion wrote:

Let's try this again..Dogs are put down all the time by rescue organizations.. It's not about.. "oh, thats not fair", so we have to make it stay alive, miserable. It is about giving them at least a chance. We have the technology to do this.
What about all the other dogs with ten fingers and toes?

Triage. Do the most with what you have.

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