Are these people compatible with Western Democracy/Civilisation?
Why are they allowed to do this?
On a side note, some protesters (themselves Jews, apparently) put the Bike Lane back themselves, only to get arrested. … street.php
But seriously, in an age where certain religions from certain regions of the world are often questioned regarding their compatibility with the West, it makes you think just how much power can such people have. … 260395304/The Hasidic community complained of the 14-block bike lane on Bedford Avenue. Leaders argued the cyclists speeding by were a safety hazard and also a moral one because T-shirts and skimpy bike shorts left too much of their bodies exposed by the strict standards of the local Hasidim.
Are these people compatible with Western Democracy/Civilisation?
Why are they allowed to do this?
On a side note, some protesters (themselves Jews, apparently) put the Bike Lane back themselves, only to get arrested. … street.php
But seriously, in an age where certain religions from certain regions of the world are often questioned regarding their compatibility with the West, it makes you think just how much power can such people have.