Uzique wrote:
just to make this clear, because ive been personally impartial to this thread myself: im not a liberal. i defended europe as being 'enlightened' because, in cultural terms, we are post-enlightenment (referring to the 1600-1800's period of philosophical, political and social revolution). i dont really know why you're so quick to lambast me as being "fucking clueless" and an "elitist lemming" ready to run off a cliff. i just said that banning minarets is a dumb idea. yes,if the end goal is the destruction of religion, they should ban other religious architecture. islamophobia in switzerland in my opinion is a historical hangover from the days when they all gave fellatio to the third reich.
It's perfectly natural to fear what one doesn't understand. It is a part of human (and animal) nature that has allowed us to thrive and survive for thousands of years. In a society as closed and homogenous as the Swiss are, they have even more reason to fear outside influence. If you like the way things are there's no reason to go running to defend a people that the rest of the world rightly views as troublemakers and who have proven to cause unrest in every nation in Europe. Do you not remember the riots in Denmark when the cartoon image of Muhammed was used? I do. Every religion lends itself to radicalization but the sheer rabidness that has been produced in a culture like Islam, that shuns education, is truly a sight to behold.
Frankly, the Muslims in Europe have been doing the exact opposite of what they should've done to succeed. They've been militant, they've been visible and they've been visibly different all at the same time while being economically poor. Of course there will be a backlash, especially among the lower class workers whose livelihoods they threaten. It's been brewing in Europe for decades and it's only now starting to spill over. Let's hope this 'cleansing' doesn't go as far as your previous pogroms and inquisitions.
It really has little to do with 'racism' or 'religious discrimination' or any other term you want to use. Humans are and always will be tribal in nature no matter how many efforts are made to break that particular trait. We're all a bit xenophobic against that which we don't fully understand or are unfamiliar with and no amount of education or 'diversity training' will change that. Do you surround yourself with friends that you do not find yourself agreeing with on intellectual matters? No. If you do then I'm sure there are other similarities that bind you together. Heck, people hate each other based on which sports team the other person supports and that's completely trivial.
Last edited by JohnG@lt (2009-11-30 16:19:22)