As a "youth" you are supposed to like images of motorically disabled blacks in too wide trousers shouting in some strange slurry dialect. They probably think they're doing you a favor, by not showing you Depardieu, Les escapades de Petitrenaud or an extract from Les Enfants d'Orion.Jebus wrote:
B2?Metal-Eater-GR wrote:
HAHA, bitch, I was done with it 6 months ago. Suck on that.Jebus wrote:
I now officially hate French homework
No seriously... B2?
It's a pretty annoying assigment.. I have to watch 5 video clips, describe 3 and give my opinion on them. I guess I'll manage but I'm just annoyed that 4 outta 5 are unoriginal hiphop videos that whine about the same thing that happen in the banlieus
hi Gooners. imma watch some football.
you sure did spam the hell out the forums that dayFinray wrote: … 1258397727
someone's hacking, Trigger_Happy_92 logged in.
different trigger happy.
failburnzz wrote:
someone's hacking, Trigger_Happy_92 logged in.
whew. didn't want to get banned for AWM:Looking Sideways.
that's the first time i'd seen that user - what the fuck was i s'posed to think?Red Forman wrote:
Last edited by burnzz (15 years, 3 months ago)
very niceKmarion wrote:
just got back from this … amp;fmt=22 … amp;fmt=22
Bf2s no longer automatically embeds hd.. so here: … amp;fmt=22
i can't believe how far technologies come.
Flawless.. a beautiful day.

Xbone Stormsurgezz
you still have to clean your own ass after taking a log. technology hasn't come far enough.burnzz wrote:
i can't believe how far technologies come.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
The have those oscillating bidets now.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
i'll gladly wipe my own ass. to see space flight, fuck that for me let alone to see - not all the steps are gonna be in the direction that a single person may like. but to see space flight that spurred on so much technology . . .m3thod wrote:
you still have to clean your own ass after taking a log. technology hasn't come far enough.burnzz wrote:
i can't believe how far technologies come.
no manual intervention whatsoever?Kmarion wrote:
The have those oscillating bidets now.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
yea ur askin for a bit much.m3thod wrote:
no manual intervention whatsoever?Kmarion wrote:
The have those oscillating bidets now.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
bendy straws ftw

Baba Booey
technology has a lot to answer for dammit!Kmarion wrote:
yea ur askin for a bit much.m3thod wrote:
no manual intervention whatsoever?Kmarion wrote:
The have those oscillating bidets now.
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
fixtm3thod wrote:
technology m3thod has a lot to answer for dammit!
technology isn't the answer - it is the vehicle to the questions we should be asking. i believe the answer to "how do we feed people in space" will answer the question "how do we feed people?"
I think what burnzz is getting at here is that we need to fill a fire truck up with foamy brown mush (aka astronaut food) and drive to Africa and spray it everywhere and on everyone.
No i want my ass crack cleaning experince to be an entirley autonoumous. To hell with feeding people, grow some more corn bitches and stop living in deserts you tools.burnzz wrote:
fixtm3thod wrote:
technology m3thod has a lot to answer for dammit!
technology isn't the answer - it is the vehicle to the questions we should be asking. i believe the answer to "how do we feed people in space" will answer the question "how do we feed people?"
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I believe you've missed the point completely. He is saying we should make tonnes of foamy brown mush and send it into space (possibly with astronauts) so that the Africans can't get it.mtb0minime wrote:
I think what burnzz is getting at here is that we need to fill a fire truck up with foamy brown mush (aka astronaut food) and drive to Africa and spray it everywhere and on everyone.
Last edited by Pochsy (15 years, 3 months ago)
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
Well this just made my night a little less grandmother just finished being operated on for the last ~7 hours. She's now in stable condition after the triple bypass.
good news, ebug.
wow. dont let her read an ATG thread next time.....ebug9 wrote:
She's now in stable condition after the triple bypass.