Faced with enormous student loan debts and a difficult job environment many post college young people find themselves returning home the to parents house. Some studies say only one in five college grads will find a job. Some say some kids are giving up 2/3rds of the way through because the fields they were training in offer no jobs.
No savings, no jobs and no clue how to proceed.
Where are these high tech jobs of the future we were promised with NAFTA?
College grads and middle aged laid off people compete for WalMart and bartending jobs and sales jobs for dying companies or managers at crappy chains. The future pays about $12.00 per hour for tens of millions.
I wonder how they will expect people to live and pay for the new mandated health care expenses they are ramming through.
http://www.sanluisobispo.com/business/n … 07013.html
No savings, no jobs and no clue how to proceed.
Where are these high tech jobs of the future we were promised with NAFTA?
College grads and middle aged laid off people compete for WalMart and bartending jobs and sales jobs for dying companies or managers at crappy chains. The future pays about $12.00 per hour for tens of millions.
I wonder how they will expect people to live and pay for the new mandated health care expenses they are ramming through.
http://www.sanluisobispo.com/business/n … 07013.html