Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black

destruktion_6143 wrote:

Blade4509 wrote:

firebolt5 wrote:

Well, I wouldn't pay $60 for single player, you just wait for a couple of years for the game to drop to $20
or pirate it.
This is why companies are not wanting to make PC games anymore, bc of people like you. Torrenting the games that they made for you. Im a dedicated PC gamer, but I can see it dying out soon bc of idiots torrenting the games bc they are cheapskates
I'm willing to pay for a game that I feel is worth it. Adding another $10 or whatever on top of that game means there should be more content and a longer play time, at higher quality. Removing dedicated servers reduces quality, and reduces the value of the game in my opinion, and I'm not going to pay £50 for, and I quote Miggle, a couple of hours of mediocre linear singleplayer, and laggy spammy dumbed down multiplayer.
+605|6417|Birmingham, UK
If its mediocre and linear don't play it then.

I'm getting it for my PS3 though
A generally unremarkable member
5.0 out of 5 stars  Best game evar!!!
This game is really good and lets face it no one is gonna buy it on PC anyways cos we all know PCs suck for gaming and no one cares what servers the 12 people who buy this on PC will be using theres not enough PC gamers to have a full server anyway!!! lololol all games should be played on consoles
If I could punch someone through a monitor, I would punch that guy and laugh in his face. Then again, nearly all of the console players are like that. At least I have the brain to know that PCs > Consoles. -
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black

henno13 wrote:

5.0 out of 5 stars  Best game evar!!!
This game is really good and lets face it no one is gonna buy it on PC anyways cos we all know PCs suck for gaming and no one cares what servers the 12 people who buy this on PC will be using theres not enough PC gamers to have a full server anyway!!! lololol all games should be played on consoles
If I could punch someone through a monitor, I would punch that guy and laugh in his face. Then again, nearly all of the console players are like that. At least I have the brain to know that PCs > Consoles. -
He's quite obviously trolling.

Or he is a complete and utter moron.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black … p;site=pcg

An interesting read on the past events.

Okay when I started reading it I thought it was.

Last edited by Finray (2009-10-20 11:48:52)
+263|6832|North Norway

Response from IW: … ageIndex=2

to quote the guy who posted it on pp:
Basically they tell us that they know better than we do and that Modders don't count as people.
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

Dedicated servers are like the public field where you go to play soccer, they're always there, they're nice to play on, and you get to know the people who play with you. Sometimes teams use them to play, sometimes people play pickup games, sometimes people just practice or play for fun.

Console Gaming is like playing soccer in your shitty, tiny, torn up backyard, only your backyard is right next to a preschool, and there's new kids there daily. These aren't normal preschoolers, they're ugly, stupid, and vulgar beings that either should have been aborted or survived. Not only this, but your soccer ball seems to be magnetically attracted to the goal, and all challenge is gone. As if this wasn't bad enough, on occasion your backyard will break down and you'll have to send it to texas to get it fixed.

Fuck backyard soccer, play in a field.

Last edited by Miggle (2009-10-20 12:45:03)

Miggle wrote:

Dedicated servers are like the public field where you go to play soccer, they're always there, they're nice to play on, and you get to know the people who play with you. Sometimes teams use them to play, sometimes people play pickup games, sometimes people just practice or play for fun.

Console Gaming is like playing soccer in your shitty, tiny, torn up backyard, only your backyard is right next to a preschool, and there's new kids there daily. These aren't normal preschoolers, they're ugly, stupid, and vulgar beings that either should have been aborted or survived. Not only this, but your soccer ball seems to be magnetically attracted to the goal, and all challenge is gone. As if this wasn't bad enough, on occasion your backyard will break down and you'll have to send it to texas to get it fixed.

Fuck backyard soccer, play in a field.
goddammit... that might be the best thing I've read on the internet, ever.
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6847|Long Island, New York
Miggle is like space.

He sucks.

Spoiler (highlight to read):

M.O.A.B wrote:

mtb0minime wrote:

I wonder if IW will invite some of the petition starters over to play and then they'll realize that it's not so bad and will cancel the petition?

Gamers these days
Worked for Valve
probably paid them off

Last edited by Poseidon (2009-10-20 12:52:07)


Poseidon wrote:

Miggle is like space.

He sucks.
How does space suck?
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

NooBesT wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Miggle is like space.

He sucks.
How does space suck?
it's a vacuum.

Poseidon is like Karl Marx

Spoiler (highlight to read):
he's jewish
Fudgepack DeQueef
+3,253|6847|Long Island, New York
right on

Miggle wrote:

NooBesT wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Miggle is like space.

He sucks.
How does space suck?
it's a vacuum.
It's the vacuum that sucks, not space.
+303|6303|The pool
good player experience =/= shitty servers

Maybe their dev team is only console players
+263|6832|North Norway

Wallpaper wrote:

good player experience =/= shitty servers

Maybe their dev team is only console players
well 402 is, so wouldn't surprise me if they all are...
A generally unremarkable member

Miggle wrote:

Dedicated servers are like the public field where you go to play soccer, they're always there, they're nice to play on, and you get to know the people who play with you. Sometimes teams use them to play, sometimes people play pickup games, sometimes people just practice or play for fun.

Console Gaming is like playing soccer in your shitty, tiny, torn up backyard, only your backyard is right next to a preschool, and there's new kids there daily. These aren't normal preschoolers, they're ugly, stupid, and vulgar beings that either should have been aborted or survived. Not only this, but your soccer ball seems to be magnetically attracted to the goal, and all challenge is gone. As if this wasn't bad enough, on occasion your backyard will break down and you'll have to send it to texas to get it fixed.

Fuck backyard soccer, play in a field.
Sums up PS3 CoD4 online in a nutshell
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

I do find it funny that people are whining about consolization on CoD6. I would have figured anybody who cared about consolization would have quit after getting cod2.
+605|6417|Birmingham, UK
I love the 11 year old kids with head sets.
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
Not my words.  Written by Jonah Falcon of (i buy games for MP, i don't play SP because if i wanted to play by myself i would have a wank instead)

1. PC sales are going to be dwarfed by console sales. For example, while Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare sold almost 8M on the Xbox 360 and 4.6M on the PlayStation 3, the PC version came in 6th on the most purchased game of the year, barely beating 1M. If you're going to threaten a boycott, you better have the purchasing power to make a dent. MW2 is projected to have 200% more sales on the PS3 version and 140% more sales on the 360 version. Infinity Ward and Activision aren't going to feel the bite of a few thousand bitter fanboys not purchasing a copy.

.2. However, CoD4 was also one of the most pirated games of 2008, with 860K estimated illegal copies. IWNet is Infinity Ward's version of Steam or BattleNet. There's no problem with user-generated content on Steam games like Left 4 Dead or Half-Life 2, either. … tory=25691

* * *

Let's say Activision loses 150K sales from grumpy fanboys. They get back 860K in non-pirated sales. They're already expecting 8M sales from PS3 owners and 12M sales from 360 owners.

Face it, the honor system doesn't work in PC gaming - pirates blew it for the rest of you.


You think guy has a point?

Last edited by m3thod (2009-10-20 13:32:43)

Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.

Finray wrote:

henno13 wrote:

5.0 out of 5 stars  Best game evar!!!
This game is really good and lets face it no one is gonna buy it on PC anyways cos we all know PCs suck for gaming and no one cares what servers the 12 people who buy this on PC will be using theres not enough PC gamers to have a full server anyway!!! lololol all games should be played on consoles
If I could punch someone through a monitor, I would punch that guy and laugh in his face. Then again, nearly all of the console players are like that. At least I have the brain to know that PCs > Consoles. -
He's quite obviously trolling.

Or he is a complete and utter moron.
Nahh I got that from's reviews, I wouldn't be surprised if that was a legit retard who posted that.
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

m3thod wrote:

Not my words.  Written by Jonah Falcon of (i buy games for MP, i don't play SP because if i wanted to play by myself i would have a wank instead)

1. PC sales are going to be dwarfed by console sales. For example, while Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare sold almost 8M on the Xbox 360 and 4.6M on the PlayStation 3, the PC version came in 6th on the most purchased game of the year, barely beating 1M. If you're going to threaten a boycott, you better have the purchasing power to make a dent. MW2 is projected to have 200% more sales on the PS3 version and 140% more sales on the 360 version. Infinity Ward and Activision aren't going to feel the bite of a few thousand bitter fanboys not purchasing a copy.

.2. However, CoD4 was also one of the most pirated games of 2008, with 860K estimated illegal copies. IWNet is Infinity Ward's version of Steam or BattleNet. There's no problem with user-generated content on Steam games like Left 4 Dead or Half-Life 2, either. … tory=25691

* * *

Let's say Activision loses 150K sales from grumpy fanboys. They get back 860K in non-pirated sales. They're already expecting 8M sales from PS3 owners and 12M sales from 360 owners.

Face it, the honor system doesn't work in PC gaming - pirates blew it for the rest of you.


You think guy has a point?
uh... no? The vast majority of those pirates wouldn't have thought about buying it, and quite a few of them probably went on to buy it when they got sick of cracked servers. There's no way they're going to get close to 860k more sales from piracy. As I've always said, piracy is an excuse, nothing more.

Not to mention neither steam or feel the need to block out mods and dedicated servers.

losing a hundred thousand sales will hurt anybody, sure, they probably won't lose that many, but even the negative publicity from this is bad for them, especially since DICE has picked up on it.
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black

m3thod wrote:

Not my words.  Written by Jonah Falcon of (i buy games for MP, i don't play SP because if i wanted to play by myself i would have a wank instead)

1. PC sales are going to be dwarfed by console sales. For example, while Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare sold almost 8M on the Xbox 360 and 4.6M on the PlayStation 3, the PC version came in 6th on the most purchased game of the year, barely beating 1M. If you're going to threaten a boycott, you better have the purchasing power to make a dent. MW2 is projected to have 200% more sales on the PS3 version and 140% more sales on the 360 version. Infinity Ward and Activision aren't going to feel the bite of a few thousand bitter fanboys not purchasing a copy.

.2. However, CoD4 was also one of the most pirated games of 2008, with 860K estimated illegal copies. IWNet is Infinity Ward's version of Steam or BattleNet. There's no problem with user-generated content on Steam games like Left 4 Dead or Half-Life 2, either. … tory=25691

* * *

Let's say Activision loses 150K sales from grumpy fanboys. They get back 860K in non-pirated sales. They're already expecting 8M sales from PS3 owners and 12M sales from 360 owners.

Face it, the honor system doesn't work in PC gaming - pirates blew it for the rest of you.


You think guy has a point?
Well first of all, he's saying "150K." At worst, (the petition is at 10800 now) at $60 a game, they lose $648,000. I mean sure, there's people on there who signed multiple times, or weren't going to buy it, etc. But they can put at least 500k down the drain when you count in all the people who didn't sign, but still canceled.

Then you've got people on Consoles who stood up against them, on principle (like my brother) and canceled their preorder too.

Then you've got the fact that if you make a shit multiplayer, like they have done with no dedicated server support, people are not going to pay for the (awesome though it may look) single player, and a shit multiplayer that they'll never play. They're more inclined to pirate it, I know I am.

So their "No dedicated servers party because of Piracy" argument is completely void and invalid.

Activision, like all multi-national companies, have the "We care about the consumer" front. So they're going to have to do something about it to prove they ain't all talk.

If their reasoning was for the alienation of PC gaming, then they've fucked up, yet again. The reason we'd be buying on PCs is due to the fact that we don't like Console gaming, so making a game consolised (with dumbing down or dedicated servers or whathave you) isn't going to make us change platforms, it's going to make us not buy the game.

Their "Less hacks on our servers" is also bullshit, as I've heard nothing positive of VAC over Punkbuster. Well, I've heard of less innocent kicks/bans, but I've heard of people taking weeks, or even months, to get banned.

Moving servers to isn't going to solve hacking, getting a better anti-hack program would.

That aside I regret to say that I think the PC gaming world peaked at games like Quake 3, BF2, CoD2 and suchlike. It's just a shame that my favourite pastime is circling the drain, and I'm afraid this move from IW is the doctor telling me to pull the plug.

Should I take up photography?
+572|6968|BC, Canada
finray the petiton is at 108777 not 10800 ten times what you quoted
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|6098|Catherine Black

Nic wrote:

finray the petiton is at 108777 not 10800 ten times what you quoted


Oh well my point is even more valid.

I did think the number was a bit small when I worked it out.
+1,411|7051|FUCK UBISOFT

Finray wrote:

m3thod wrote:

Not my words.  Written by Jonah Falcon of (i buy games for MP, i don't play SP because if i wanted to play by myself i would have a wank instead)

1. PC sales are going to be dwarfed by console sales. For example, while Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare sold almost 8M on the Xbox 360 and 4.6M on the PlayStation 3, the PC version came in 6th on the most purchased game of the year, barely beating 1M. If you're going to threaten a boycott, you better have the purchasing power to make a dent. MW2 is projected to have 200% more sales on the PS3 version and 140% more sales on the 360 version. Infinity Ward and Activision aren't going to feel the bite of a few thousand bitter fanboys not purchasing a copy.

.2. However, CoD4 was also one of the most pirated games of 2008, with 860K estimated illegal copies. IWNet is Infinity Ward's version of Steam or BattleNet. There's no problem with user-generated content on Steam games like Left 4 Dead or Half-Life 2, either. … tory=25691

* * *

Let's say Activision loses 150K sales from grumpy fanboys. They get back 860K in non-pirated sales. They're already expecting 8M sales from PS3 owners and 12M sales from 360 owners.

Face it, the honor system doesn't work in PC gaming - pirates blew it for the rest of you.


You think guy has a point?
Well first of all, he's saying "150K." At worst, (the petition is at 10800 now) at $60 a game, they lose $648,000. I mean sure, there's people on there who signed multiple times, or weren't going to buy it, etc. But they can put at least 500k down the drain when you count in all the people who didn't sign, but still canceled.

Then you've got people on Consoles who stood up against them, on principle (like my brother) and canceled their preorder too.

Then you've got the fact that if you make a shit multiplayer, like they have done with no dedicated server support, people are not going to pay for the (awesome though it may look) single player, and a shit multiplayer that they'll never play. They're more inclined to pirate it, I know I am.

So their "No dedicated servers party because of Piracy" argument is completely void and invalid.

Activision, like all multi-national companies, have the "We care about the consumer" front. So they're going to have to do something about it to prove they ain't all talk.

If their reasoning was for the alienation of PC gaming, then they've fucked up, yet again. The reason we'd be buying on PCs is due to the fact that we don't like Console gaming, so making a game consolised (with dumbing down or dedicated servers or whathave you) isn't going to make us change platforms, it's going to make us not buy the game.

Their "Less hacks on our servers" is also bullshit, as I've heard nothing positive of VAC over Punkbuster. Well, I've heard of less innocent kicks/bans, but I've heard of people taking weeks, or even months, to get banned.

Moving servers to isn't going to solve hacking, getting a better anti-hack program would.

That aside I regret to say that I think the PC gaming world peaked at games like Quake 3, BF2, CoD2 and suchlike. It's just a shame that my favourite pastime is circling the drain, and I'm afraid this move from IW is the doctor telling me to pull the plug.

Should I take up photography?
your brother's stuff is actually quite good.

I wouldn't say CoD2 was a peak, as CoD1 was better in most ways. I wouldn't say BF2 was a peak, BF42 was better in many ways (but also worse in many ways), BFV was better in many ways (but also worse in many ways). Quake 3 was ok.

As far as single player, PC gaming, and gaming itself peaked in 1998-2001. Fallout, System Shock, Deus Ex, Half Life, Starcraft, etc.

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