m3thod wrote:
JohnG@lt wrote:
m3thod wrote:
Not to develop lung cancer or give other people lung cancer via passive smoking.
Live long and prosper. we're nice like that.
Is that not my own choice to make? I've been educated that smoking can possibly give me cancer and yet I've made a rational decision to continue smoking. It's my body and my life, not yours.
okay die happy and in suffering
. I notice you tactically left out a response to passive smoking.
I don't smoke around non-smokers. Hell, I couldn't if I wanted to anyway, smoking is banned in public places here. But I didn't need laws passed to tell me that smoking in bars around non-smokers was a discourteous thing to do. I never did it even when living in the south where there are still smoking sections in some restaurants. I'd rather go outside and not force people to breathe my second hand smoke.
If I'm outside and in mixed company I will stand downwind so they aren't forced to breathe my exhalations. It's just the right thing to do. So, after all is said and done I am only causing harm to myself, not others.