But it is no laughing matter. One in four American mortgages that are "under water", meaning they are worth more than the home itself, are in California. In the Central Valley town of Merced, house prices have crashed by 70%.
We are talking a sea of undocumented workers, a unsustainable budget, failing schools, shuttering businesses and 40 some odd thousand inmates about to be released because of over crowding.
The reality is that the house of cards built since Ronald Reagan was King is now propped up with tooth picks.
The Mother OF ALL BUBBLES is bursting.
We are talking insolvency and bankruptcy of the worlds 8th largest economy.
Huge amounts of jobs are gone. Some say forever. Farmer are being killed by water nazis. Jobless benefits get extended and extended.
What are the positive signs out there again, that things aren't going to shit?
Convince me please.