Well guys, in one week the game will be coming out. Being an Operation Flashpoint, ArmA, and ArmA II vet I'm saying with some confidence that this game is going to be the kick-ass new gen of military simulators.
Yes folks, I'm talking about the perfect mix of fun and ultra-realism. Now lets look at the history of this game a bit shall we?
So two years ago, Codemasters announced the development of a new game, to be called Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising. Here is the teaser:
Early 2008 teaserSo although quite unknown to many people, this game continued through development, video after video, with tons of feedback and edits by the devs bases on community feedback. They continued with the CGI for a little while though.
This is one of their most promising videos, which is actually in the game. The multistage effect is amazing.
Tank firingHere's on of the first videos with actual in-game footage and dev commentaries. This is the Ego game engine video. CM would never have been able to do what they did without this engine, it's used in Dirt 1 and 2, GRID and OPF-DR. It is an amazing video, and CM has been working very closely with Intel to get the most out of it.
Ego engine videoAround early 2009 they released this video of their open world gameplay. Not much to say about it.
Open WorldThey also released a CGI trailer around the same time. Trying to show what kind of gameplay they're looking for. Which they have achieved.
TrailerUntil mid 2009, not much information about the game had come out yet. The developers were still actively listening to the community and communicating important information, but it wasn't really what the community wanted. The CM community wanted videos. So around May-June 2009, the videos came pouring in, one after the other.
Welcome to Skira IslandE3 previewFear and anticipationGameplay:
Take the beach, part 1Take the beach, part 2Blinding the dragon, part 1Blinding the dragon, part 2Hardcore dev videoVehicles trailerHere is one of OPF-DR's strongest points, it's amazing COOP gameplay, somewhat like COD:WaW's but better:
COOP gameplaySounds of WarHere is a very interesting video explaining the story line of the game:
History of SkiraMultiplayer gameplay videoFog of War"Eagle offensive" missionHere is by far the best video, it was released today. It showcases lots of action and the catastrophic damage the animations can take. Notice the amazing M21 headshot takes off half of the PLA soldier's head. Also the explosion and ripped left side of the PLA soldier's body form an M203 grenade at near point blank explosion range.
Look and feelI just copy and pasted this from my clan forum, I made this, but it's made for guys who don't necessarily know too much about the game.
Last edited by Bradt3hleader (2009-10-01 08:42:46)