When you can maintain our economy and our quality of life that doesn't involve giving 50%+ of their hard earned paycheck to people in government who are going to squander it, then we'll talk.
Of course, goverments ALWAYS squander money
And you do know its the Chinese who are maintaining your economy? It sure ain't the Republicans, or the American 'worker'.
Your biggest export is a beer you don't even drink. Cool.
Wrong, its not our biggest export, its not even really an export since its largely brewed abroad.
Still, at least we do export a few things.
There are far too many sniveling liberals on this board who lament on a daily basis that the US isn't exactly like their own country, like we're missing out.
Its your problem, not ours. If you're happy being owned by the Chinese and Saudis and learning Spanish its OK with us.
Just stay within your borders, stop provoking the muslims and we won't gripe too much.
Your cars suck too BTW.
Still doesn't have any impact on your life.
Duhbya has had a major effect on the world, although you may not have noticed.
Obama is picking up the wreckage, which will have an effect too.
There's more to it but you fail to grasp how stupid and meaningless labels are in American politics.
Funny, coming from the guy who lives in a two-party country owned by corporations and thinks its a democracy
But you're right, both sides are owned, and not by the people, so labels ARE meaningless, unless the label says 'Owned by Exxon'.
You don't know dick about American politics so stop posting like you do. I've gotten sick of reading posts by Europeans and Aussies talking shit on a daily basis about the country I live in.
Any country which can elect Reagan twice
Clinton twice
and Duhbya twice
deserves a good bashing TBH.
Edit: Rearranged smileys
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2009-09-15 06:39:06)