FEOS wrote:
Bernadictus wrote:
Or are am I just being a silly European?
Well, It could be the news channel you are watching. Most news agencies are so far left wing they are doing 1 of 2 things. First they are ignoring it. By refusing to report such events, the left is hoping to silence the right by not even declaring the protests legit or valid. Hard to goto a rally if you don't even know it's going on. Secondly (and to address your topic), the left media is finding (OR PLANTING) demonstrators that are the most radical and holding them as the standard protester. By doing this it discredits the event because all attendees are painted insane. However, I've learned that some of these Obama=Nazi sign holders are in fact from a Communist party. To their credit, they hate both R&D's, but the left media will be reporting these tools as belonging to or the core of the bigger protest. Sadly the simpletons will eat it up.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.