Books_DCDF wrote:
A lot.
But then I'm a careful sniper and hold a sniper's K/D to be an extremely important aspect of his/her performance; the game isn't won by scoring points but rather by reducing the enemy's tickets to zero before your team's are completely eliminated. In my humble opinion, then, one of the greatest contributions a sniper can make to the team's success is killing a lot of the enemy without being killed in turn. That can mean you don't get a huge # of kills in a battle (I typically average around 18-22), and it means you have to put in a lot of hours to get a lot of kills. I won't get the kills per hour of ChikyuuShojoArujuna or Nyte, but that's because I subscribe to a different philosophy about the way to snipe than they do. Neither my approach nor theirs is the "right" one for a sniper, it's just what works for each of us.
But thanks for the compliment; maintaining those stats takes a lot of discipline.
i had the great pleasure of playing with both Books and SinnFein and was probably the most enlightening sniper days ever. What I found to be most enjoyable was that they each played on a different team - unusual of a pair of talented individuals, who usually wish to play together and own all others. Although I proned next to Books, I was picked off by SinnFein more than once, while I don't recall Books being tagge...
On a more personal note, I agree with Books' mantra of killing and not being killed rather than agressiveness. I have only recently (with the unlock of L96) begun to dedicate myself to being a sniper - and scorn those who play sniper and armor / plane / claymore whore, as they are a stigma to those who wish to call themselves snipers. My K/D is 1.14 ( ish
), but I do realize that time and discipline are key to get the expert badges, K/D, etc.