
Should drop/roll be removed from BF2

Yes, nerf it24%24% - 25
Yes, but don't just nerf it...11%11% - 12
No it part of the game55%55% - 58
No but I agree it does help my K/D ratio :)8%8% - 9
Total: 104
+50|6686|Some where near you
Are you tired of this? Are you tired of not being able to take out a combatant at point blank range when he drops and rolls, even though your weapon fire hits him?   The problem is when you perform this move it has no effect on your aim, accuracy and sight. It should cause you to see your combatant at a 360 degrees circle but it doesn't. You should experience your crosshairs going wild but you don't.  I believe this drop and roll is an exploit that glitches the hit detection as you can empty a clip and not take him out until after he is finish rolling.

If you want to drop and roll one/all of the following must happen
-your view should rotate 360 degrees making it impossible to shot straight if you jump in the air, your FOV changes.  If you go prone, your field of view changes why must rolling be any different?
-your aim should greatly deviate until you are still and prone again
-update the hit detection to allow players to have an effect shooting a combatant who drops and rolls

Here is the typical scenario:
-2 combatants spot each other 2 meters apart
- for 2 split seconds 1 combatant starts firing, hitting the other combatant drops and rolls.
-the combatant who is standing is hitting the combatant who drops and rolls with every round fired.
-the combatant who has dropped and roll finishes off the combatant. Even though the other combatant was already firing, hitting him with every shot.
-the combatant who drops and rolls continues to run and gun...

This exploit works best with assualt, support and special ops.
The New Johnnie Cochran
Just learn to shoot where they WILL be.

At least the hitboxes aren't shit like CS:S
IMO if your guy roles then your vision should roll as well. you know what im saying like your guys doing a roll. you should not have perfect accuracy as well as not see roll vision. hard to explain. but yea it should roll in first person mode..
hmmm...ive never had a problem killing someone who tries to roll and shoot at me....then again i never had a problem with killing people who bunnyhop. so assume ea will just make it where when you do the roll you cant shoot. cause all the ideas listed above would take more time to do and ea/dice just doesnt like putting more time into BF2 when they can make new booster packs and charge $10 for it.
The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6888|Germany / Saxony
Shoot them in the head before they roll...

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Noobs, this is part of the game.  You complainers already got bunny hopping nerfed, now you want to nerf rolling that takes twice as long as before?!?!?  I have a better idea, LEARN TO AIM.

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

I have a better idea, LEARN TO AIM.
Mobile AA Whore
+1|6782|San Diego
The rolling and shooting,  is part of the game,  meaning that anyone who goes prone,  it does the CHARACTER ANIMATION of rolling and shooting.

YI know it sucks,  but you do it when you go prone,  I do it when I go prone,  its just built into the animation of the character when you sometimes go prone.
$623,493,674,868,715.98 in Debt

I like the way F.E.A.R. implements this stuff. Any movement you do changes your FOV, such as rolling and crouching and crap. They go through the whole motion. This makes it much more realistic and harder to shoot while performing a move.
+1,153|6674|Washington, DC

If they made it so that when others see you roll, your view rolls (like in America's Army) I'd be more than content.

GotMex? wrote:

I like the way F.E.A.R. implements this stuff. Any movement you do changes your FOV, such as rolling and crouching and crap. They go through the whole motion. This makes it much more realistic and harder to shoot while performing a move.
yea thats what i meant to say..
soup fly mod

i agree, its bullshit.  someone who is prone and aiming their shot should have an advantage over someone who runs/drops/rolls/fires.  its a valid tactic under the current game, but its shouldn't be...IMO is weakens the gameplay experience by making tactics silly.
+50|6686|Some where near you

superfly_cox wrote:

i agree, its bullshit.  someone who is prone and aiming their shot should have an advantage over someone who runs/drops/rolls/fires.  its a valid tactic under the current game, but its shouldn't be...IMO is weakens the gameplay experience by making tactics silly.
I can agree with that statement.  If you are going to drop and roll your FOV should rotate as your roll.  There is no reason why you shouldn't.  I believe this was merely an oversight as the game was rushed out the door when it was released.   If they can't get the character's FOV to rotate as they roll, widening the crosshairs about  8" apart until they are prone and stationary can also be used. 

Just a few ideas...

Last edited by ECH (2006-04-09 14:48:07)

+45|6837|South Cybertown, Texas
How many forums did you post this to?

http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.ph … d378be954c

Leave the game alone. It was a better game when it was first introduced than it is now after all the patches!

Maybe have a normal "move sideways" but have a "sprint move sideways" that makes you roll (still able to shoot just less accuracy)?
soup fly mod

-=S8M=-Phoenix wrote:

How many forums did you post this to?

http://forum.eagames.co.uk/viewtopic.ph … d378be954c

Leave the game alone. It was a better game when it was first introduced than it is now after all the patches!
i'm not a bf2 whinner.  far from it...i think they did a great job on the game and i've stood up for it repeatedly when other have complained.  but the poster does have a point and drop and roll should be fixed.
Dropped on request

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Noobs, this is part of the game.  You complainers already got bunny hopping nerfed, now you want to nerf rolling that takes twice as long as before?!?!?  I have a better idea, LEARN TO AIM.
He made several valid points. All you did was call him a noob. Looks like you are the noob kid. And a dumbass.
prince of insufficient light
I have to agree with Vengence here. Come on guys, is it really that big of a deal? I hardly ever notice it, and have never thought someone killed me because they proned. As it is it takes forever to go prone, it's not like it hard to hit them. Just accept that if someone kills you, they either have more skill than you do or got lucky, and get on with your life.

Ajax_the_Great1 wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Noobs, this is part of the game.  You complainers already got bunny hopping nerfed, now you want to nerf rolling that takes twice as long as before?!?!?  I have a better idea, LEARN TO AIM.
He made several valid points. All you did was call him a noob. Looks like you are the noob kid. And a dumbass.
How is he the noob? He says aim, and oh my gosh, that's what you are supposed to do!
I have been at the bad end of this drop roll shot shit a great many times.  On some occasions I have been legetimately wasted but on others I have been left puching my keyboard.  My 2 cents worth is.. if 2 spec ops run into eachother the drop and roll should win, but if a support is already in prone and at the ready with his PKM the spec ops should have no chance of killing him by dropping and rolling.  We've all played rock paper scissors, thats how the game should be (if you take out skill level). Each kit has its own ups and downs and they shouldn't be cancelled out by doing a stupid drop and roll.
+50|6738|Southern California
lol i've never had trouble killing someone who "drop rolls"
it's just a lame little graphic for going prone.. i guess you've just never figured out that when someone goes prone they're gonna roll and get confused when it happens, i'm suprised you had the brain power to type about it without forgetting what you were doing halfway through.

ComradeWho wrote:

lol i've never had trouble killing someone who "drop rolls"
it's just a lame little graphic for going prone.. i guess you've just never figured out that when someone goes prone they're gonna roll and get confused when it happens, i'm suprised you had the brain power to type about it without forgetting what you were doing halfway through.
The discussions not on whether I pocess the brain capacity to play the game, the discussions on whether drop, roll and shoot should be removed from the game.  It may be a "lame little graphic", but I think it gives a player the ablility to cancel out an opponents kits capabilities by e.g. letting a medic kill a prone support player with 2 shots.  I have witnessed this on Australian servers and have spoken to a lot of Aus players who have had it done to them and think its a bit of a negitive thing to an on average excellent game.   Maybe you can give the forum you point of view on the topic without stupping to stupid comments.
I was under the impression the "roll" was just the anmation... does not effect your shooting, nor does it effect anyones ability to shoot you. guess I was wrong.
+788|6699|Brisbane, Australia

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Noobs, this is part of the game.  You complainers already got bunny hopping nerfed, now you want to nerf rolling that takes twice as long as before?!?!?  I have a better idea, LEARN TO AIM.
Damn, you got here before me Vengance

Anyway, while we are adding all this "realism" lets add that: diving does damage to yourself (For crying out loud, your character jumps to the ground directly, doesnt hurt himself, INCREASES his aim and is carrying 30 or so kilos on him while doing this) or how about that you cant heal yourself/be healed after taking bullets (If you take a bullet, you will be shaking and be shocked, there is no way you can remove a frigging bullet from your torso straight after being hit) Oh and lets not forget, no revives from headshots, explosives Ect

Also the "Drop Roll" is just an animation, you just suck at aiming, so are you saying that because you cant hit a moving target you shoot only be able to shoot while standing still?

Look EA are not changing balance issues anytime soon, right now they are removing bugs from their rushed patches. And who rushed them? YOU WHINNERS DID, a lot of people will say that EA loves the moneys and that probably is true, who doesn’t but mainly they are pressured by whiners and the community to make more stuff which takes time and MONEY, so how do they get that money? From the sales of the game and booster packs

Be glad for some things in this game other than focusing on the negatives

At least you got reviving and heals + psycho stuntman moves + mad accuracy

Most Fps are all about the shooting and tactics, go play Americas Army if you want realism, its free infact here’s a link


Last edited by Sarrk (2006-04-09 19:06:12)

Dropped on request

Sarrk wrote:

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Also the "Drop Roll" is just an animation, you just suck at aiming, so are you saying that because you cant hit a moving target you shoot only be able to shoot while standing still?
The arguement isn't for removing drop roll animation chief. It's for making your view not the same as regular proning. Now wtf is wrong with that idea huh? If you are gonna be rolling, thus making you harder to hit, you're view should be affected by the fact that you are rolling. I checked the same box as you guys did but after reading his argument the kids got a valid point.

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