Well for me I really love the Tough Guy's Toque, and want it on my Heavy. It reminds me of Firefly and I love it. If, to increase my chances of recieving it, I can run a small command prompt while i'm browsing the web or playing other games then so be it.
It's just a simple case of "It's in the game, I want it" that causes 13,000 people to use the idler program. That feeling that you're collecting things. I don't see the hats as any sort of status symbol,. They were awarded randomly to the person wearing them. I just think some of them look pretty cool and others don't. I don't want a hat so
others can see it. It's for me. Yes, I won't be able to see it most of the time, but I can during taunts (a lot in setup), humiliation, and in the backpack/loadout menu. I've used the program to no avail these last few weeks (probably because I only put it on when i put the computer on instead of leaving it on 24/7 like a lot of people do), but I wouldn't exactly say i'm "hellbent and bussed" over getting a hat. It would be nice to get one, and the idler makes it a lot more likely. That's all. You can start it, and forget about it.
It's just the feeling of collecting, like in hundreds of other interests in the world. Surely you can understand that compulsion.
Last edited by Spidery_Yoda (15 years, 5 months ago)