Oh man this brings me back. Hang on, I'll find some of mine. Unforuntately this will mean I'll be re-posting a lot of my really really really bad old cartoons.
Huh, it seems "putfile.com" is dead now and with it goes a lot of my old bad drawings. I'm not actually all that upset.
So I don't seem to have any of the old bad cartoons.
However I still have the sig I used when I was trying to promote a band I like
I used to have them link to a download of the song featured.
I'm pretty sure this was my first sig after the stats sigs had been done away with.
Then came GIR who was a feature in my sigs for a long time. I use to change the GIR picture and the quote about once a month.
After GIR came Ty, my character from my comic 5 Year Plan. I had quite a few of him, thankfully they were all lost with PutFile. This is the only one I have left.
Oh, found another one.
After that came the Silhouette Guy in his first form.
On my 20th Birthday.
Come the ill-fated 2007 Rugby World Cup I changed him a bit by giving him an All Black's jersey and giving him his current glare.
Even made an Australian version for TimmmaaaaH, (for KtotheIMMY's forum I think.)
Of course since both Australia and New Zealand were knocked out in the quarter finals I can't help but thinking I jinxed them.
After the sig size was brought down I adopted my current sig which is of course just the Silhouette Guy's eyes with their final addition - pupils. The ony change I've made since then was when I animated it to make it blink every 10 seconds.
And there. The nearly complete and utter history of Ty's sigs.
Silhouette Guy still has a few other versions. I have "Victorious SG" "Gay SG" "AWSM SG" and a few others. I mostly just use "SG Glare" or for here, "SG Feet-on-Fire".