Macbeth wrote:
I was in the burger king in Jersey City a few minutes ago attempting to eat a steakhouse burger and some onion rings. I couldn't get the burger down, I lost my appetite and ended up throwing up everything I had in my stomach in the burger king bathroom.
It was the people I was around. I'm not racist but the black people there that where also in the burger king were just disgusting in every sense of the word. They were most likely extremely poor considering the way they were dressed. Also all the women were horribly obese. One woman with her child was overweight to the point that you wonder who in the hell would would have sex with her. She smelled and was wearing flip flops and her feet weren't even in them. She had her beer feet on the floor. Another small group of teenagers were paying rap music and speaking a type of english I can't understand. It was broken down and all the words were mispronounced and in incorrect order to the point where it wouldn't produce a normal sentence that anyone who graduated high school would be able to understand without the use of a translater of some sort who specialized in that sort of dialic. Hell I can understand Polish and if you can manage that language you can can do anything but fuck I was lost at to what in the hell they were talking about.
Then the way they were eating was so nasty to watch. It wasn't eating it was gobbling up food without regard for anyone or anything else even themselves considering they were dripping ketchup and mayo on themselves. It was the most horrible thing I could see but I couldn't look away. It was like watching a train wreck that instead of sparking interest just made you sick and spurred on hatred within your heart.
I ended up getting up and stumbling to the bathroom, very light headed, and ended up throwing everything up. I left the place mumbling and sweating.
Ok, the point, I know I have some serious issues with dealing with other cultures and social classes or whatever the fuck you want to call it, so how do I fix this? This can't be healthy, mentally or physically, and well I want to fix it.
Chill the fuck out beth:
Looking at people isn't enough to throw up. You got some fat smelly cow in there buying a Burger, she looked funny to you. Don't be suprised to find she's currently writing the same thing about you on
You have a group of kids talking in 'street lingo' or whatever, so? They are allowed to if they want, they spilled sauce on them, so?? Not your fucking problem. 'It was so horrible yet I couldn't look away', yeah you could of, you probably found it funny at the time, same with the fat smelly shoeless woman. Not your responsibility to worry about teaching them how to talk correct English or how to eat, so dont worry about it. You shouldnt be listening to other peoples conversations anyway and if they are speaking too loud you should be more annoyed at that rather than the language they use. The only time you should stick your nose in is if they are swearing.
Dont try kidding us that this kind of behaviour added to your guts turning and thus throwing up, it didnt happen, you need to empty the waste out of you but take a seat on the throne as the shit is almost over loaded thats within you.
This kind of behaviour left you light headed, mumbling and sweating. No it didnt, your full of shit.
Stay away from Burger King if this is what you think all its customers are like, I don't think they will mind.
This is the first time I have thought 'pack of lies'. Im not sure if you usually BS, but imo you have here.