Don't laugh I'm kinda scared.
For the love of god yes.Kptk92 wrote:
Please ban Finray from this thread
ebug122: I'd like to see you and ted drunk in the same room together
ebug122: and see what'd happen
ebug122: then make love to you both
top 0 more likeusmarine wrote:
not funny. thats top 100?
top 0 more likeusmarine wrote:
not funny. thats top 100?
Close competition tbhFinray wrote:
Worse than mine.
At golf you twatGooners wrote:
[15:23] <The room title is now "ebug9">
[15:23] <Your current permission level for this room is "Power User">
[15:23] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) (Power User) has entered the room>
[15:23] ebug122 (ebug9): wot
[15:23] Gooners (goonrs): Who won
[15:23] ebug122 (ebug9): my Dad by 3 strokes
[15:24] Gooners (goonrs): LOL
[15:24] Gooners (goonrs): !
Fucking lolled.ebug9 wrote:
At golf you twatGooners wrote:
[15:23] <The room title is now "ebug9">
[15:23] <Your current permission level for this room is "Power User">
[15:23] <CanadianLoser (canadianloser) (Power User) has entered the room>
[15:23] ebug122 (ebug9): wot
[15:23] Gooners (goonrs): Who won
[15:23] ebug122 (ebug9): my Dad by 3 strokes
[15:24] Gooners (goonrs): LOL
[15:24] Gooners (goonrs): !
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: I find a map and draw a straight line
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: over rivers, farms, and state lines
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: the distance from A to where youd be
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: its only finger lengths that I see
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: I touch the place
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: where id find your face
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: my fingers in creases
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: of distant dark places
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: I hang my coat up in the first bar
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: there is no peace that ive found so far
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: the laughter penetrates my silence
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: as drunken men find flaws in silence
22SAS|AndrewHK2: hi this is andrew's mum here would you like me to tell him you're looking for him?
22SAS|AndrewHK2: pwnt
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: HAHAHAHAH
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: MAN
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: I was just posting that on bf2s
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: JUST
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: I still am xD
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: You fucking mong
Irish <3 Oxegen♥: I was like omfg hahahhahahaha
22SAS|AndrewHK2: rofl
Last edited by Oisín<3 (2009-07-15 03:31:00)
IRC hasn't been this good in years.Thoruz> go see a doctor about that
<FFLink> About what?
<Doctor_Strangelove> Yeah
<Doctor_Strangelove> see a doctor about it
<FFLink> Coming too fast..?
<Gooners> i just got back
<Gooners> from
<Thoruz> premature ejaculation
<Thoruz> yeah
<FFLink> Lol
<Gooners> a physiotherapist
<Gooners> tbh
<Doctor_Strangelove> That's my specialty
<FFLink> Why?
<Gooners> pulled my back
<FFLink> Doctor
<FFLink> Doctor
<Gooners> playing
<FFLink> Halps
<Gooners> footy
<Doctor_Strangelove> so how long has this been hapening?
<FFLink> Ever since I was 13 and my uncle touc- Umm, I mean, all my life.
-->| DesertFox- ([email protected]) has joined #bf2s
<Doctor_Strangelove> okay
<jsnipy> raep
<FFLink> You know him?
<Doctor_Strangelove> does you're family have a history of this
<Doctor_Strangelove> never mind that
<FFLink> Uncle Raep
<FFLink> I dunno
<FFLink> I'll go ask
<FFLink> brb
<Thoruz> probably was his uncle as well
<Doctor_Strangelove> you're parents wouldn'rt have had you if it didn't
<DesertFox-> your*
<Doctor_Strangelove> FU
<FFLink> lol
<Thoruz> this is irc fuck that
<Doctor_Strangelove> i no rite
<FFLink> Yeah!
* FFLink coughs: *This
<Doctor_Strangelove> and plus I'm a doctor
<DesertFox-> eitherwayyoushouldspellitcorrectlyoreithernotusespacesbecausethespacebarisoverratedanyway
<FFLink> A doctors of strange loving.
<Doctor_Strangelove> I'm allowed to spell shit wrong so long as the nurses can read it
-->| Mikelol ([email protected]) has joined #bf2s
<FFLink> Wow
<FFLink> That was hard
<FFLink> To read, that is.
<Thoruz> exactly DesertFox-
<DesertFox-> youareonlyallowedtowriteillegiblyifyouareadoctor
<Thoruz> FFLink
<Thoruz> no way
<FFLink> smells
<FFLink> Damn
<jsnipy> irc ... its back baybeee
<FFLink> Lost my touch.
<jsnipy> oh shi= the news
<Doctor_Strangelove> so anyway the only think I can do is send you into surgery
* FFLink raises his staff
<FFLink> W00t!
<FFLink> Surgery?!
<DesertFox-> w00f?
<FFLink> To do what?
<FFLink> Ha ha
<Doctor_Strangelove> which will make your balls not makes as much cum
<Thoruz> attach some balls
<FFLink> W00f!
<FFLink> Where did he go?!
<jsnipy> "Illegal Immigrant Mexicans are sneakign in over the UK border ..."
<FFLink> Who owned him?
<Doctor_Strangelove> so it won't come shooting out as fast
<FFLink> But I like my litres and litres of cum
<Doctor_Strangelove> Now this session cost $1000 dollars
<Thoruz> FFLink i think it was belze but i can't really remember
-->| werny ([email protected]) has joined #bf2s
<FFLink> All over my fa-
<FFLink> Huh?
<Doctor_Strangelove> and your insurance doesn't cover it
<FFLink> I thought it was Sewermaster
<Doctor_Strangelove> so pay up or I'll sue your ass
<Thoruz> i know belze had a bot in here
<FFLink> What insurance?
<FFLink> I'm in the UK
<Thoruz> and that's all i know
<FFLink> Free healthcare
<FFLink> etc.
<Doctor_Strangelove> Still doesn't cover this
<Mikelol> + shitty summers.
<Mikelol> again.
<FFLink> But it says right here:
<Doctor_Strangelove> cuz it's on the internet
<FFLink> "Covers all"
<DesertFox-> Are you some manner of Mexican doctor?
<FFLink> Ha ha
<Doctor_Strangelove> not internet sessions
|<-- werny has left (Quit: Public PJIRC @
<Doctor_Strangelove> I'm a doctor
<FFLink> No, it says Internet sessions too
<Thoruz> FFLink he wants you to bend over
<FFLink> Oh
<Doctor_Strangelove> No
<Thoruz> so do it faggot
* FFLink unzips
* FFLink unrars
<Doctor_Strangelove> Only internet sessions that that place in Europe
<Doctor_Strangelove> I'm in the US faggot
<DesertFox-> warns the FBI of a certain user practicing medicine without a license
<FFLink> So how can you surgerise me if I'm UK?
<FFLink> lol
<Doctor_Strangelove> Hey I got a lisence
<Doctor_Strangelove> can't you see
<Thoruz> robots!
<Doctor_Strangelove> I even have "Doctor" in my name
=-= DesertFox- is now known as DoctorDesertFox-
<FFLink> Lol
<DoctorDesertFox-> Need a consult?
<FFLink> *wink*
<FFLink> Sounds like the start to a porno
<Thoruz> prepare to get buttraped FFLink
<FFLink> Hey baby, need a consult?
<FFLink> O.o
<Doctor_Strangelove> umma-ooha
Just this random guy added me lolRigz: omg
Rigz: kerry
Kerry: what
Rigz: dont tell any 1
Rigz: but i luv u
Kerry: ..
Kerry: um what
Rigz: nvm lol
Rigz: lets go to bed
Rigz: little bit of webcam action?
Kerry: no thx
Rigz: im big below
Kerry: so am i m8
Rigz: arghhh!!!!
Rigz: *sick*
Rigz: so ur a guy?
Kerry: LOL yeah...........
Rigz: omgawd noes!