Lower your resolution. That's way to high for the card you've got trying to run TF2.

I don't see 1360x768 as "way too high", the other res is only a tiny bit smaller than that. Plus, it runs the upgraded L4D engine better than TF2 on higher settings. I'll try it suppose but it seems moot.Finray wrote:
Lower your resolution. That's way to high for the card you've got trying to run TF2.
You need to face the fact your laptop is FAR from fast. You might even have to go down to 1024 res.Bevo wrote:
I don't see 1360x768 as "way too high", the other res is only a tiny bit smaller than that. Plus, it runs the upgraded L4D engine better than TF2 on higher settings. I'll try it suppose but it seems moot.Finray wrote:
Lower your resolution. That's way to high for the card you've got trying to run TF2.
TF2 is heavy. FACT. If you don't want to believe it, I can't help you.Bevo wrote:
I tried the direct X, nothing...
But I noticed something rather odd.
I jacked up my settings to medium/etc to check to see the difference, there's hardly any. The lower settings run smoother with no activity (40FPS in spawn etc), but in high activity they're both 10 FPS. Maybe the showFPS doesn't go below 10 FPS, I dunno.
Anyway I think I'm giving up. I still don't understand how L4D runs better than TF2. It doesn't help with you guys saying "Your laptop sucks" because well, frankly I don't understand how it runs higher intensity games at better graphics. Maybe it's something to do with the netcode, who knows. I will admit it does seem like my laptop just can't run TF2. I'm fairly disappointed in this graphics card for the price I paid for it.
You're not helping me period. I get that it's not running right. Putting at 640x480 isn't really a solution, either.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
TF2 is heavy. FACT. If you don't want to believe it, I can't help you.
This was helpful.GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:
Well you _CAN NOT_ make hw faster than it is if thats what you are asking. Download a high fps config, it mey help a bit.
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/teamf … pid=437678
and then posts like these just make me scratch my head. What the hell is going on?DeathUnlimited wrote:
Panzer, it is not a GPU problem in this case. That machine should handle TF2 excellent on low.
Last edited by Bevo (2009-06-16 08:38:05)
Nothing noticeable anyway. It seems to be superbitchy when player count is > 8 or so for the server. I can "manage" a 2 on 2, but it still chokes when any weapons are fired.Peter wrote:
So putting it to dx8 didn't raise the fps at all? :S
umm. yeah.Bevo wrote:
Do you play tf2 haffey?[/url]
Well it's monitoring the speed, and it's remaining constant. No apps open, firefox open, TF2 open, tf2 running on a server... The other poster implies that the clock speed should be increasing when TF2 loads a map, so it sounds like something's bugged somewhere.haffeysucks wrote:
umm. yeah.Bevo wrote:
Do you play tf2 haffey?[/url]
as for the gpu clock speed: read the rest of that thread. they talked about rivatuner and that's the best app to use unless you want to use the standard ATi CP.
Last edited by Bevo (2009-06-16 11:40:11)
That's what I thoughtBevo wrote:
For those naysayers: Eat it, fatty.
Problem fixed. It was my battery plan, it held back performance. Switched to high performance, bingo. Never dropped below 60 FPS on all med/high.
Sounds should be local... there's no reason why the client would have to receive them from the server.Finray wrote:
The sound issue sounds like connection lag.
Thanks for the help, jackass. Begone from my thread!Jackabo wrote:
Why would you want to play that shit game in the first place?