CameronPoe wrote:
Like I said
poor people want to go to richer countries to put food on the table and they don't give a shit about politics or principles. I'm talking about the collective opinion of the world here, as survey upon survey reports. I'm not talking solely about the nations that suffer from massive emigration problems due to low standards of living. I've been to Panama a few times as I used to date a Panamanian girl and they did have a pro-US outlook - basically because they didn't give a fuck what the US did militarily or politically speaking as long as it didn't affect them to their detriment. If you really think that, on balance, the US doesn't have an image problem across large parts of the world then we are going to have to agree to disagree. Thousands of people don't march across burning American flags for no reason you know. Things like this don't happen for no reason: … ef.jpg?v=0I mean why would someone have the energy to be bothered participating in something so pointless - they obviously felt very strongly about US actions, along with the millions of others who marched through London in this instance. Why would a journalist feel compelled to throw his bloody shoes at your president?
You have to keep a number of things in mind here.
First, while you are correct that the poor of the world like us because of the opportunity we can provide them if they move here and that much of the more educated and wealthy people of the world pay attention to our politics (and don't like much of what they see), there is something else at work as well....
Every country has propaganda. For example, if you asked the average American about Iran, they couldn't tell you much, but many of them might say that they don't trust them. Why? Because a lot of our media makes Iran look bad.
Now, obviously, Iran does plenty of things to earn its negative image, but clearly, we have people in the media that would like us to not see Iran in a positive light (ahem, Zionists).
Then, you look at Iranian media, and they portray America and Israel negatively. If you asked the average Iranian about America or Israel, they probably couldn't tell you much either, but they'd have a generally negative outlook on them as well.
The same things happen in European countries. Human nature is the same regardless of culture, so the average person of any country isn't going to be that bright. The only difference is that some countries have better education and freer media than others. Still, even in an educated and free society, there is bias and propaganda.
There will be people who hate America no matter what we do, while others will like us unless we do something really bad. Either way, our foreign policy has an effect on our image, but our actions are not solely to blame for our image. Some of the blame can be put on propaganda.
The use of propaganda is generally more prevalent in places like the Middle East, since the average people of many countries there have low access to comprehensive education.
So, what Obama is doing is generally a positive thing for us by being more diplomatic. We definitely agree on that. The tricky part is that there will always be propaganda against us as well.