+3,936|6651|so randum
I hate them. really utterly truely hate them.

Picture the scene, i'm in bed with my whiskey, watching Have i got news for you when the stupid thing goes off. So i'm thinking drill or something pointless, so trackies and a shirt on, doorkey and fags - no shoes.

10mins later we're still all there, i hadnt even put boxers on so my penis pretty much receded into my pelvis, and my lighters out of fuel. And i didn't have anything to light it on, because lo and behold, there's no fire. Just some broken sensor in the roofspace.


And, why the fuck do they never go off at decent times, times when i might not be in bed with whiskey and good tv. Why not 3pm for example, when i'm in the pub, or 9am when i'm in lectures.

Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
I'm moving to Brazil
hmm screw fire its overrated

Ted eats fire for breakfast lol
Banksey Says: Chew, don't choke :)
I can see this ending in the not to distant future with something along the lines of The Boy Who Cried Wolf
+3,936|6651|so randum

Banksey wrote:

I can see this ending in the not to distant future with something along the lines of The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Or, the boy who burnt down elms village to prove a point as to when fire alarms should go off, and when they shouldnt.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+5,233|6680|Global Command
Next time, wait until you smell smoke.
+3,936|6651|so randum

ATG wrote:

Next time, wait until you smell smoke.
i think we can get fined if we take too long. not sure.

and after the time i found the cap for the whiskey, found my trackies, shirt, filters, paper, ligher, baccy and key id been ages already
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
next time just drag ur whisky, ur bed and ur tv outside... I would.
I am all that is MOD!

FatherTed wrote:

ATG wrote:

Next time, wait until you smell smoke.
i think we can get fined if we take too long. not sure.

and after the time i found the cap for the whiskey, found my trackies, shirt, filters, paper, ligher, baccy and key id been ages already
Ah you roll your own?  Laying in bed, drinking whiskey, smoking cigs and watching tv.  You are like an Irish version of most American grandmas.
U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6640|Gogledd Cymru

Tell me about it, got woke up at 3 am two days ago, 11 am aftert I'd been out this morning etc fucking alrams
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6890|Comber, Northern Ireland
muhahahaha i made it go off
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6816|NT, like Mick Dundee

Mmm. When I was in London last the fire alarms in the hotel went of twice. In the same morning. 3am and 5am. On the day I was due to board the Eurostar.

Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+3,936|6651|so randum


FatherTed wrote:

ATG wrote:

Next time, wait until you smell smoke.
i think we can get fined if we take too long. not sure.

and after the time i found the cap for the whiskey, found my trackies, shirt, filters, paper, ligher, baccy and key id been ages already
Ah you roll your own?  Laying in bed, drinking whiskey, smoking cigs and watching tv.  You are like an Irish version of most American grandmas.
ofc i roll my own. cheaper, not as bad for ya, and a hell of a lot tastier.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Amdi Peter
I had just put on some headphones and starting listening to music.

In case anybody should come to my room then, I would just claim I didn't hear the alarm.
+3,936|6651|so randum

Amdi Peter wrote:

I had just put on some headphones and starting listening to music.

In case anybody should come to my room then, I would just claim I didn't hear the alarm.
ive slept through them before, but im an intensly deep sleeper
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+3,611|6772|London, England
So do you really drink all the time? In bed with your whiskey? If only we were all like you teds
Hup! Dos, Tres, Cuatro
+2,629|5939|Catherine Black
When I was in London on holiday the alarm went off at 5AM on the dot three nights on the trot.

Fucking sucked.
+3,936|6651|so randum

Mekstizzle wrote:

So do you really drink all the time? In bed with your whiskey? If only we were all like you teds
not all the time. though i always keep whiskey in my room, helps me sleep.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+3,611|6772|London, England
I need to start taking up that practice, can't fall asleep to save my life these days
+3,936|6651|so randum

Mekstizzle wrote:

I need to start taking up that practice, can't fall asleep to save my life these days
mm. ive been in hospital before for it when i was little, i had some weird fits or something. not epilepsy, my brain was developing too fast and wouldnt shut off, so it sorta crashed. longest i was out for was 3 days. bit odd. but yeah, ive never been able to sleep well, at uni im averaging about 6 hours a night.
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It
The alarm once went off when I was asleep, just got up and turned it off. True story.
+354|6150|Vortex Ring State
My Worst Fire Alarm Experience:
I'm on the toilet, taking a (big) shit. The alarm goes off.

People need to buy QUALITY sensors, not the cheap $10 shit ones.
+188|6596|EE Chat
Ted you should install Guinness sprinklers in your building. You then can drink while you burn.
The A W S M F O X
I Won't Deny It
Put fire out with alcohol!?!?!?!
+188|6596|EE Chat

The A W S M F O X wrote:

Put fire out with alcohol!?!?!?!
God Damn right it is. Ted can gulp down burning booze.
Re: I had a fire drill go off when I was in the fucking shower once.

No chance. I hummed extra loudly and carried on conditioning my pubes.
libertarian benefit collector - anti-academic super-intellectual. http://mixlr.com/the-little-phrase/

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