7 Ways Congress Helped Create The Problems They Are Now Trying To Solve
Read the full article...Fucking congress.Fox Business wrote:
Ronald Reagan said the nine most frightening words in America are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”
Perhaps we could add a few words to that famous phrase now to: “I’m from the government and I’m here to help … solve the problems I helped create.”
Big government right now believes they are the answer to the economic problem. While Congress itself isn’t the only party to blame, they are not blameless. Using the public anger over bailouts, job losses and house price declines, the President and much of Congress are selling the concept that only bigger government, more regulation and massive spending can make the changes necessary to solve this crisis. The big government plans include de facto nationalization of banks, printing trillions in new currency, regulating derivatives, forcing interest rates down to get already strapped Americans borrowing again and pushing through a budget with a deficit larger than all 43 prior presidents - including Bush II - combined.
The President seems genuinely confused at much of the public skepticism over these plans. As a fan of history, perhaps he should look to the recent past to understand why many in America are having trouble buying into the idea that government knows best.