Just a thought that went through my mind today, but would it be unreasonable to make people who collect unemployment and welfare to submit to random cavity & strip searches?
Now I don't think he government has a right to tell you what you can or cannot put into your body but when you are collecting a check from the government I think you should at least make an agreement to not to not smuggle things like crack.
Also would it be unreasonable to ask people who are on welfare to undertake contraceptive surgery. Seriously if you cannot support yourself why would you create more of you?
Maybe a bit heartless but it would teach people a lesson about responsibility right?
Now I don't think he government has a right to tell you what you can or cannot put into your body but when you are collecting a check from the government I think you should at least make an agreement to not to not smuggle things like crack.
Also would it be unreasonable to ask people who are on welfare to undertake contraceptive surgery. Seriously if you cannot support yourself why would you create more of you?
Maybe a bit heartless but it would teach people a lesson about responsibility right?